The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

“He cares about you. He wants to look after you,” I say quietly, for reasons I don’t know.

She looks at me, that fierce passion burning bright in her eyes. “But I have you to look after me now.”

My breath catches in my throat. Never has anything sounded so good. So right. “You have me now,” I confirm in a hushed whisper, returning my attention to the road.

* * *

I don’t take Cami back to her apartment. I take her to mine. I don’t want Trevor Logan to know where we are, and the only way his goons would find me is if they hacked into the agency database. That isn’t going to happen.

I pull into the factory unit down by the Docklands, smiling on the inside at Cami’s evident concern. “Where are we?” she asks, looking around with a half-concealed, appalled expression on her face.

“My home.” I exit the vehicle and circle to get her out, trying not to laugh at her obvious revulsion. She’s plain horrified.

She takes my hand and lets me help her down. “You live here?”

“That’s right, angel.” I walk on, waiting for the sound of her heels clicking against the concrete to kick in, but when I reach the old industrial elevator and stop, there’s no sound. I punch in my code and turn to find her gazing around the huge open space, up to the steel rafters and corrugated iron roof. The low evening sunlight hits her face, seeping in from one of the broken panels. I smile, expecting nothing less. Not because it’s Cami standing in the derelict space, but because it really is that bad. “You coming, or shall I bring your coffee down here?”

She drops her eyes from the rafters and gives me a disdainful glare. “It’s not what I expected; that’s all.”

“A bit like you didn’t expect me?” I waggle an eyebrow, loving the sight of her trying to stop her button nose from wrinkling.

“Exactly like that,” she admits, making her way to me. “Why have you brought me here?”

“Because I think Daddy might try to have us followed.”

“By Pete and Grant?”

“Yes.” I usher her into the elevator and make a racket as I yank the rusty iron bars across, slamming them into position. “Not exactly inconspicuous, are they?”

“Neither are you.” She laughs, waving a finger up and down my tall frame.

I give her a cheeky wink and wrap my arm around her shoulders as we rise to the factory floor, hauling her in, relishing the feel of her close to me. “The point of my job is to be a presence, Camille. A visible warning.”

“I didn’t get that warning.”

Her phone rings, and she looks down at it, as do I. Her father. She rejects the call and turns it off, doing what I would have done had she not beaten me to it. Then she snuggles happily into my side and hums her contentment as the lift jolts, declaring our arrival to my apartment. She grumbles when I release her to drag the doors open, but the grumble soon transforms into gasps of awe as my living space comes into view.

“More like it?” I ask, hanging back as she takes tentative steps forward, gazing around.

“Wow.” She swings around to face me, eyes full of shock. “Just…wow.”

I smile and take her shoulders, walking her back, all the way across the vast space until she’s in my bedroom. The urge to throw her on my bed and rip her clothes off is nearly too strong to resist, but I have a few things to do. So I force myself to push her on, grinning down at her, finding that telltale lust building in her gorgeous eyes.

The panorama of the city comes into sight, and I know she catches the beautiful view, but she refuses to drop her eyes from mine. It’s a massive compliment. That view is fucking immense.

“Take a shower,” I order, reaching to the back of her head and pulling her hair tie free, leaving her locks tumbling across her shoulders. The urge gets the better of me. My face drops to the masses of blonde at her neck and I inhale, giving myself a hint of what I’ve got to look forward to once I’ve seen to business.

“On my own?” she asks, bringing her hands to my shoulders and digging her nails in. I groan, blood rushing to my cock.

“Be waiting in my bed in ten minutes,” I demand, ripping myself away. “The towels are on the shelf.” I back away and she pouts, her big eyes full of disappointment. “Ten minutes,” I reiterate, turning and walking away from her. It’s a challenge, but I won’t relax and enjoy her until I’ve cleared a few things up.

Striding through to my living space, I yank my tie from my neck and shrug my jacket off, throwing them on the couch as I pass. I drop into my chair and pull my phone from my pocket, dialing Lucinda as I unfasten my top button.


