The Proposal Read Online Adriana Locke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Funny, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 87255 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 436(@200wpm)___ 349(@250wpm)___ 291(@300wpm)

Slowly, I withdraw my hand from what has to be a morning hard-on. Even more carefully, I open both eyes.

Ella stands. Her hair is a mess and she’s in Brock’s T-shirt.

My brother stands in a pair of boxers by the foot of the bed, looking like he’s ready to rip someone apart limb by limb.

So if they’re there, then …

Oh no.

I struggle to sit up. Ella loops an arm under my shoulder and helps me upright. The room ripples like we’re on a boat, but I distinctly remember we’re in Vegas.

With Renn.

My gaze drops to the bed beside me.

What. The. Actual. Hell. Happened. Here?

Renn lies beside me, completely oblivious to the situation unfolding.

“B—” Brock starts.

I hold up one finger. “I need a minute. Please.”

Ella whispers something to my brother. I, on the other hand, try to piece together what happened.

A bandage covers the skin above Renn’s left nipple. My shirt is draped over the lamp on Renn’s side of the bed. Clothes are strewn everywhere.

A trucker hat with Sudoku Champ written on the front sits on top of a giant stuffed llama smoking a cigar in the corner.

The chair by the bathroom door is turned on its side. But what’s most curious, and concerning, is what appears to be the imprint of two palms and two breasts against the window. In chocolate.

My stomach sloshes, the contents burning my insides. I’m going to throw up.

I nudge Renn as the phones begin again. “Hey.” I shove him again—this time, with both hands.

He moves, groaning like he’s in the same pain as I am.

My brain scrambles to put the pieces of last night together. What the hell happened? I glance down at Renn’s body and spot the waistband of his briefs. Did that happen?

At the mere suggestion that Renn and I had sex last night, my body fires off a set of internal explosions. Are they in celebration? Is it some kind of foreshadowing of what my life will be like now? Is it cueing the police lights that might appear once Brock gets his hands on Renn?

“I think you need to get up,” I say, noting a container full of melted ice cream and two spoons between us. Well, that’s one thing explained.

“You might want to put your whole boob back in your bra,” Ella says, pointing at me.

I look down and find half of my chest poking out the side. It’s no more than would be visible in a bikini, but I suspect we aren’t about to have a lighthearted, poolside-worthy conversation.

Renn runs his hands over his face. “What the fuck is happening?”

He sits up, pissed. But the anger quickly melts into confusion, and maybe a little fear, as the situation surrounding him sinks in.

“Dammit,” he says, swiping his phone off the bedside table. “Who keeps calling? My head is killing me.”

He pushes the red button … and then freezes. His jaw hangs open as he squints at the screen.

“Yeah, motherfucker,” Brock says, practically trembling in anger.

Ella grabs his arm and steadies me with a slight nod.

I cover my mouth as the taste of alcohol creeps up my throat again.

“Oh shit,” Renn hisses. “Oh. Shit.”

“What?” I drop my hand, irritation getting the best of me. “What did you do now?”

He looks at me in disbelief. Slowly, his head turns to our friends. “Just … I need you to hang on.”

“Too fucking bad,” Brock says through clenched teeth.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake.” I rip the blankets off me. At the sight of my naked bottom half, I cover right back up. Oof. “Um … Well, that’s a … shocker.”

“Do you think this is funny, Blakely?” Brock asks, making it super clear he’s not amused. “Because if you do, I’ll let you deal with the fallout.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Ella disappears into the bathroom and comes back with my satin pink robe. “Here.” She helps me get out of bed and into the robe without showing everyone my ass.

Renn clears his throat. “Well, this is one hell of a way to wake up.”

I take a deep breath, holding my forehead and squeezing.

Nothing makes sense.

Brock’s anger. The repeated phone calls. The ice cream in bed.

The fact that Renn is in my bed. Practically naked.

How did that happen?

“Look,” I say, tying the robe around my waist. My face flushes. “I don’t know what happened last night, but I feel like absolute shit. I need to go back to sleep.”

“You have to be kidding me,” Brock says.

I throw my hands in the air. “Listen, I’m as surprised as you are that I apparently, maybe …” I glance at a startled Renn over my shoulder. “Had sex with Renn last night.” I can’t believe those words just came out of my mouth. I pivot back toward my brother. “But if I chose to do that, it’s really none of your business, and I’d appreciate you returning to your room so I can go to the bathroom and puke my guts out alone.”


