The Problem with Dating Read Online Brittainy C. Cherry

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 107204 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 536(@200wpm)___ 429(@250wpm)___ 357(@300wpm)

“I’m sorry you went through that, Goldie.”

She smiled shyly, and I realized it wasn’t a real smile. It was one she used to cover up her pain. I wanted to question her on it, but she shifted the conversation too quickly. “We can soft launch our fake dating on our walk today,” she explained. “If people see us together, they will start to talk. Especially Milly and Mary West.”

I grumbled, “The evil twins.”

“Yeah. Milly should be getting ready to hit her daily walk within a few minutes. We’ll cross paths with her, and by noon, the whole town will know about our budding relationship.”

“Your own town’s Gossip Girl.”

Yara’s hand flew to her chest. “You know the show Gossip Girl?”

I snickered. “I’m not proud of that fact. Teresa was obsessed, and I started watching with her.”

“The more you talk about Teresa, the more I like her.”

“You would’ve loved her. She would’ve loved you, too.”

Yara smile started in her eyes before spreading down to her lips. “You think so?”

“I know so. Let’s get going. But don’t mind me if I walk slightly behind you. I have a feeling Feliz might go for my ankles.”

“Okay, but the key to making this work is getting the West sisters on our side. So they can spread good news about us being seen together,” Yara explained.

“How do I do that?”

“It’s easy with those two. You just compliment them, and they will melt into putty for you.”

“How can we be certain that will work? Those women have been giving me a hard time for months now.”

“Trust me,” Yara urged. “It will work. Those women are like moths to a flame when it comes to sugary compliments. They will be easily controlled if you make them swoon.”

The walk started with me keeping a strong distance between Feliz and Yara. The closer we drew to Main Street, the more exhausted Feliz grew, which gave me a bit more confidence to walk closer to Yara. And, like clockwork, right outside of The Pup Around the Corner, Milly came powerwalking down the sidewalk.

Her footsteps halted the moment she locked eyes with Yara and me.

She slid off her headphones and arched an eyebrow. “Well, hello there,” she said with a bewildered stare.

“Hi, Milly. Good morning.” Yara grinned brightly. “Great weather we have today, isn’t it? I can smell autumn in the le—”

“What is this?” she asked, gesturing toward Yara and me. “What’s going on here?”

“Oh.” Yara placed a hand on my chest and smiled at Milly. She was really laying on the charm with the chest touch. That seemed bolder than bold. It also seemed to make a twitch happen within my pants. “Have you met Alex yet? He owns the new restaurant. Alex, this is Milly West.”

I nodded and held a hand out toward Milly. “Nice to meet you.”

She eyed me up and down, then my hand, and held hers close to her side, not shaking mine. She turned back toward Yara. “You’re helping him with his dog?” she asked.

“Yes, and, well…” Yara giggled like a schoolgirl and somehow managed to make herself seem shy as she shrugged. “Alex and I are becoming really good friends.”

“Maybe even more than that if I play my cards right,” I added with a wink.

Milly gasped. “You?” she questioned, pointing at me. “And you?” she asked, eyes popping out of her head. “A thing?”

Yara grinned and shrugged once more. “Maybe. Like he said, he has to play his cards right.” She leaned toward Milly and whispered, “But he has a really good hand if you know what I mean.”

“No, I do not know what you mean, Yara Kingsley!” Milly huffed, stunned. “I am a lady and would never understand what you mean.”

I began to sniff the air around me and then narrowed my eyes at Milly. “Is that you?”

“Is what me?”

“The thing that smells exceptional.” I moved in closer to her and waved my hand from her toward my nose. “My gosh. You smell remarkable. Is it a perfume?”

Milly’s whole posture shifted. She grew a bit flustered and her cheeks reddened. “Oh, no. That’s just my natural scent.”

“It’s the best thing I’ve ever smelled in my life. It pairs well with that breathtaking smile of yours.”

She blinked rapidly, taken aback by the unexpected compliment. Her fingers fidgeted at the neckline of her shirt as her knees almost buckled in.

Really? Was she that easy?

“Oh, Alex.” She blushed, waving me off. “Stop it.” She then looked over toward Yara, completely flustered. “You know, I’ve heard good things about his restaurant.”

“Yes, it’s amazing. I actually ate there a few days ago,” Yara mentioned.

“Oh, honey, I know. When you were stood up by a gentleman. How embarrassing that must’ve been for you,” Milly said.

My chest tightened as I felt as if I were about to fall deep into a protective mode. “Now listen here, you b—” I started, my voice deep and growling. Yara quickly shoved me in the side. I met her stare and sighed. I could almost read her mind. Be nice, Alex. “You beautiful woman…I’d love for you to come into Isla Iberia for a free meal some time. I’ll give you the best table in the house.”


