The Prince’s Bride – Part 2 (The Prince’s Bride #2) Read Online J.J. McAvoy

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Prince's Bride Series by J.J. McAvoy

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116570 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 583(@200wpm)___ 466(@250wpm)___ 389(@300wpm)

He checked his watch, and Gale squeezed my hand and leaned in, whispering, “Just in case you are worried that the dresses will not fit, do not worry, they will. He was the one who created the profile on you.”

It was him?

“His Majesty is not having the best of days,” the nurse said to me as she came out of the room.

“Even if the sovereign were on his deathbed, so long as they are the sovereign, a new member of the family must meet them. It is tradition,” Ambrose said, and there were days I wondered if he cared about us or if he cared about tradition more.

The nurse looked at me, and I nodded for her to open the door. When she did, I felt my heart ache. There was my father, pacing back and forth in his robe, his hair a mess, and his eyes almost crazed.

“Father?” I called out to him. This time, he heard me, and his head whipped to me as he came over directly.

“Gale! There you are. Where is your brother? I keep asking for him, and this woman”—he pointed to the nurse—”tells me I cannot see him now. Go get Arthur. We have work to do.”

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I let go of Odette’s hand and moved to him. “Arthur is busy, Father.”

“Busier than me? I am the king, and I am searching for him. Bring him now!” he hollered. But he paused and looked behind me. “And who is this? How can she just enter my room? Guards!”

“Father—Father, she is my fiancée.”

He looked at me as if I were mad and as if he had not all but threatened to banish me had I not agreed to marry her months ago. “Fiancée? Are you insane? Your brother is not yet even married, and you have a fiancée?”

“Father, Arthur is married. His wife is Sophia De Loutherbergh. You gave her the title of Duchess of Elmburgh on their wedding day, remember?” Please, today of all days, remember.

He stared at me, and for a split second, I thought—I hoped it was coming back to him. However, he brushed my hands away.

“I did no such thing. I forbid you from marrying this woman or anyone else. Honestly, Galahad, what is the matter with you? Is she even Ersovian?”


“Do not raise your voice at me, boy!” he hollered. “Take your companion out of here, or I will have her thrown out! Then get your brother so we can discuss what to do about your foolish behavior and complete disregard for common sense! Does she—”

“Father, we shall be going.” I bowed with my hand over my chest, quickly taking her arm and pulling her out of the room. I could not even bear to look at Odette when the door closed behind us. What was I supposed to say to her?

“Are you all right?” she whispered beside me.

“Am I?” I gasped, meeting her gaze. “Are you? Odette, I am so sorry!”

“You do not have to apologize,” she said though I could tell from her eyes that she was hurt.

“Yes, I do.” That was worse than it could have possibly been. Months ago, he was the one asking me—no, ordering that I marry or risk banishment. He did not say a word regarding whether she was Ersovian or not then! How could he—

“Hey.” She squeezed my hand to get my attention.

Intent upon looking at her, I felt the tightness in my chest loosen a bit.

“Yeah. It hurt hearing. And if it were someone else, someone not sick, I would be more upset, and I would have said words back. But he looked so confused and scared. And he was calling out to a son he could not reach. He is ill, so I think he deserves compassion.”

“He is reaching out for his favorite son.” I frowned, too embarrassed by all of this. “I know he loved me, but Arthur was his favorite.”

“Loves,” she corrected me. “He loves you. He’s not dead, just not well.”

“But Arthur is dead,” I whispered. “And when we told him that, my father got so much worse. He broke down, and since then, he has not had one clear day. I have told everyone never to bring it up again to him. But now he just keeps looking for him, and I do not know what to do.”

“I do not know what to tell you, either,” she whispered. “So hopefully, standing here with you is enough for now.”

“It is. It is more than enough.”

It was everything, giving me hope for the future.

Chapter 7

It was 1:53 p.m.

Since I arrived, I had been taken from one ornate room or garden or hallway to another room or garden or hallway, smiling for the camera as I went. Everything was going exactly as Mr. Ambrose had scheduled for me. It was like I was in some sort of machine, everyone and everything automatically adjusting then readjusting as I either entered or left. I wasn’t sure what it was like to take engagement photos, but I doubt other people had three maids—one for accessories, one for the dress, and the other to fix their hair. I don’t think the woman knew what to do with mine, so she just fluffed it a bit. All I had to do was point to what I wanted to wear. There was no one to ask their opinions, and no one offered any. If I had asked them to cover me in all the jewels there, they would have done it without a word. However, we were now finished without any issues. It was time for lunch with the queen, and I felt like that might be more of a battle.


