The Phantom – Rise of the Warlords Read Online Gena Showalter

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 110080 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

Roux’s study of her intensified. “Why are you able to function after the death of your consort, when other harpies cannot?” The fact that he used the softest, gentlest tone—a tone she should never, ever hear from someone like him—made the impact of his words a thousand times worse.

Then. That moment. The easy exchange was utterly obliterated. She bolted to her feet, her chair skidding behind her. The cookie splattered on the floor.

“What are you implying?” she demanded, wings buzzing.

“Oh, yes. I’m curious, too.” A feminine voice filled the room, startling and unwelcome.

Blythe found the culprit with her gaze and scowled. Penelope splayed on the bed, her head propped onto an upraised palm. She’d selected the same redheaded bombshell guise as before, with a much sexier outfit. No firstone dagger in sight.

“Well, this is awkward,” the wraith said. “Not the jubilant reception I expected. But please, do continue. I’m enjoying myself immensely.”



And the threats keep coming.

“Take a seat and be quiet, girl,” the intruder commanded. “Your superiors need to have a grown-up conversation.”

Shock held Roux immobile for two heartbeats as Blythe paled and obeyed, stumbling back and plopping into her chair, no longer as graceful as a ballerina. Black flooded her eyes, and croaked sounds left her. Attempting to hurl curses at the invader? Though she fought her position, she remained seated.

He catalogued several thoughts at once. The sight of the harphantom’s weakness did something to him. Roused a hidden protective instinct he’d never known he possessed. A wraith had entered his private bedroom without his knowledge. She wielded some kind of control over his harphantom, making her the one who’d applied the ruby. A certain enemy who’d accomplished the impossible by sneaking up on him without alerting his defenses. How?

He’d sensed no hint of aggression from her. Or perhaps he had sensed something but his desire for Blythe masked it. So much desire. White-hot. Blistering. How did she continue to touch him without inciting pain or irritation?

He’d been seconds away from yanking her into his lap and pressing his lips to hers.

He would have kissed her. Tasted her.

He still wanted to.

The wraith might have saved him from making an unforgivable mistake, but he planned to kill her regardless.

“Nothing to say, Astra?” she inquired.

He didn’t jump up or accuse or reveal a single beat of concern. Didn’t display any indication of his thoughts. He knew better. As soon as an opponent realized their effect on you, they owned you.

“I have plenty to say,” he offered pleasantly. “But I don’t think you’ll like any of it.” At last he deigned to stand, putting himself between Blythe and the visitor.

The wraith looked him over. “My, my, aren’t you a delicious treat? More so than I expected. I’m thrilled to say rumors are true for once.”

He studied the buxom redhead who reclined on the bed, perfectly at ease in the midst of a brutal warrior and his chained prisoner. She must know what many did not. Though the Astra Planeta could create worlds, they couldn’t handle spirit beings at will. One of the reasons Erebus had utilized his armies of phantoms to such a degree throughout the eons of their war.

But, even if Roux could handle this wraith, he couldn’t kill her yet. The ruby linked her to Blythe, and that link was currently open. If the wraith died right now, Blythe died as well. She might not revive.

Frustration pricked his nape. “If you came for the harphantom—”

“Let me stop you there. I came for you, darling. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Introductions must first be made. I’m Penelope the Available. Very available. And you are...?”

“Already tired of this conversation. Why are you here?”

She smiled, unbothered by his harshness. “I’ll call you Sir Hugsalot. Hugsie for short. Since I’m a businesswoman by nature, I’ll cut to the heart of the matter. For starters, I’m here to welcome you to our humble world. For enders, I’m owed one hundred meals in heels.” Her pitch hardened. So did the glint in her golden eyes. “I’ve taken the liberty of creating a list of names. You will fetch each female, or I will reclaim my sweet Blythe. You did notice my mark on her, yes?”

“Try to take her from me. I dare you.” He offered no more. While he couldn’t handle a wraith, he could hurt her. There were ways.

Behind him, Blythe grunted, no doubt fighting her weakness with every fiber of her being and spewing silent curses his way.

Penelope eased into an upright position, her smile growing wider. “I see you haven’t yet realized your predicament. Let me explain it in a way you’ll understand. I can aid your mission...or ruin it.”

He raised his chin a notch. “I promise you, wraith. My predicament is far better than yours.”

“I do hope you won’t make me teach you otherwise.” All teasing seduction, she glided to her feet, revealing a short pink dress with a deep vee up top and a ruffled skirt that did little to hide her panties. Tracing a sharp red nail between her breasts then plucking a piece of folded parchment from beneath the gown’s fabric, she said, “Last chance to agree to fetch my meals.”


