The Perils of Patricia – Sex and the Season Five Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 83053 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)

As her climax subsided, Portia sagged against Nigel, a lazy smile playing at the corner of her lips. Donovan moved to sit beside them, running a hand through his disheveled locks. Their eyes met and he gave her a slow smile, his gaze holding a warm glint.

“You are every bit as lovely as I imagined,” Donovan said softly, reaching out to tuck a stray hair behind Portia’s ear. His fingertips lingered for a moment, and he caressed the side of her face.

Nigel adjusted his grip around her waist so she was leaning comfortably against him. He brushed his lips over her temple before pressing a gentle kiss there. “Indeed,” he agreed, stroking his free hand down her arm in a soothing manner. “You have us utterly beguiled, my dear.”

The aftermath of their shared pleasure was heavy in the air, a heady mixture of desire and satisfaction. They remained there for some time, basking in the intimacy of their moment until Portia finally stirred, breaking the silence with a soft sigh of contentment.

“Now,” she said. “Which one of you will consent to marry me so I can get my auntie and uncle off my back?”

Episode Thirteen

In Which a Proposal is Made

There was a moment of silence at her words, both men exchanging a look before turning back to Portia. Her half-serious question hung in the air, and for a second she thought she might have overstepped.

But then Donovan let out a bark of laughter and swatted at her bare thigh. “You certainly know how to kill a moment.”

Nigel chuckled too, his laugh a deeper timbre that sent a pleasant shiver down her spine.

“Indeed,” Nigel agreed, although his eyes were thoughtful as he studied Portia’s face. He continued tracing slow circles on her arm, lulling her into a state of contentment. “But if we were to seriously contemplate such an idea…”

Donovan raised an eyebrow.

It was a bold proposal, audacious and wholly out of the norm. But then again, nothing about this night had been ordinary.

Nigel continued, a serious glint in his gaze now. “We both have enough wealth to support you. And we both care for you deeply. What if… What if we were to share everything in our lives with you, Portia?”

A stunned silence followed his words. Portia’s mouth formed a perfect O as she processed what he was suggesting. Donovan looked equally shocked, darting his gaze between Nigel and Portia.

“Are you suggesting…a polyandrous union?” Donovan asked, disbelief apparent in his tone.

Nigel merely hummed in affirmation, his gaze unwavering from Portia’s flustered face. “It’s unconventional,” he admitted. “But it is a solution.”

Portia blinked at him, her heart pounding wildly. A marriage among the three of them? It was so absurd, so unheard of—yet a small voice at the back of her mind asked if it was really so preposterous. She cared for both of them, and she felt wanted —cherished even—in their company. And if their chemistry in bed was any indication…

Donovan was the first to break the silence. He cupped Portia’s cheek, stroking her flushed skin in soothing circles. “We don’t have to decide anything right now,” he said softly, his eyes sincere as they held hers. “This is a big decision.”

Nigel nodded, trailing his fingers lazily down Portia’s arm. “Regardless of what happens, we want you to know that we support you,” he added, his voice taking on a serious note. “Whether you choose one of us or neither, we both shall be here for you.”

Episode Fourteen

In Which Decisions Are Pondered Upon

Portia’s heart fluttered at their words, as if a delicate hummingbird were beating its wings within her chest. The idea was outlandish, tantalizingly exotic and unconventional. But the more she thought about it, the less frightening it seemed. Being with Nigel and Donovan had brought her more satisfaction and happiness than she had ever thought possible.

“Perhaps…” she began slowly, “it is not so ridiculous a proposition after all.”

Donovan’s eyebrow quirked upward while Nigel’s lips curved into a smile. Their reactions were as differing as night and day, yet they both held an undercurrent of hope.

“But there are others to consider,” Portia continued, tracing vague patterns onto the bedsheet with her fingers. “Society would never accept such an arrangement. My family…”

Donovan sighed, reaching out to intertwine his fingers with hers. “We cannot control societal norms, nor can we predict your family’s reaction.” He hesitated for a moment. “But we can control our own actions and attitudes.”

“And if it means happiness and contentment for us,” Nigel chimed in, his voice calm and reassuring, “is it not worth the potential backlash?”

Portia mulled over their words. There would be consequences and scandalous whispers. Would she be able to endure such? Yet the idea of waking up each day flanked by Donovan and Nigel held its own allure.

Portia sighed. She’d never shied away from the unconventional. Indeed, she had been ruined long ago. Still…to actually live her life with two men… It was beyond scandalous. “Let’s see how things unfold before making any grand announcements,” she said.


