The Overlord’s Pet – Alien Mate Index Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Dystopia, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 159
Estimated words: 149470 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 747(@200wpm)___ 598(@250wpm)___ 498(@300wpm)

At first, I was worried—I wasn’t sure how long I would have to cut the leash and get away. But I had underestimated my new Master’s love of shopping.

Everyone knows that one person who, when they want to buy anything, sits down and researches that product exhaustively online before they set foot in the store. My fiancé, Don, is like that. He once made a spreadsheet to decide which kind of running shoes to buy. (This was back when he was considering getting into jogging, which never actually happened.) But anyway, it appeared that my new Master was also that type—the brainy, researcher type, I mean.

I didn’t really mind this kind of thorough research before buying, though I’m more of a buy-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of gal myself. But I was glad that Sir was a researcher, because it meant his attention was wholly focused on the pet beds the vampire guy was showing him. Even his tail, which had been very focused on me earlier, seemed to be immersed in the bed-choosing process. It waved its metal-capped tip over each new offering as though scanning it thoroughly and never even turned in my direction.

This meant my Master was completely distracted and I had my chance—the one I’d been waiting for from the moment he first kidnapped me.

Would you believe I almost had second thoughts as I grabbed the leash and casually brought it up to the shiny silver-blue knife blade? (I had wanted to grab the knife and bring it down to the leash, but it turned out to be fixed in place on its display stand.) Would you think less of me if I admitted that I hesitated before making that first cut, wondering if I really wanted to leave Sir?

The problem was, I didn’t hate him enough. I didn’t hate him at all, to be honest. I knew I should—he was an arrogant bastard who was open about the fact that he thought he was better than me and who had abducted me to serve as his pet. He kept me naked, fed me flavorless Jell-O, and let his tail fuck me. I should hate him with all the fires of a thousand Hells, right?

Except…I didn’t.

I think it was the way he made my body react when he touched me. I had never felt anything sexually before Sir had abducted me and started running his big, warm hands all over me. It was like my body had been numb—asleep—and he had woken me up. I couldn’t help wondering if going back to Earth also meant going back to sleep—sexually, anyway.

I still haven’t even had an orgasm, I thought uneasily, as I brought the brown leather leash down on the curving blue knife blade. What if I never do? And what’s so great about my life back on Earth, anyway? I barely get to work at the library—I’m mostly Great Aunt Maizy’s lackey and dog-walker. And it’s not like my relationship with Don is so great. We’re bored with each other—he can’t turn me on and he knows it and worse, he doesn’t care. He’s never made me feel even a fraction of what Sir has, even when he was trying—and he doesn’t even bother to try anymore. But what about Taylor…what about Mom? They must be worried sick by now!

Ultimately, it was the thought of my mom and my big sister, Taylor, that made me cut the leash. Even though they were both always trying to put me on a diet and, (in Taylor’s case) giving me unwanted advice, I still loved them dearly. Also, I worried about my mom’s anxiety.

After my dad died of a sudden heart attack when Taylor was twelve and I was ten, my mom had been terrified of losing someone else she cared for so deeply. I knew it was her greatest fear because she had to check in with both of us every day—it was the reason I got my first cell phone before any of my classmates, even though Mom could barely afford it as a single parent. She needed to be sure we were safe.

The thought of her looking for me and not being able to find me and probably bawling her eyes out day and night was what made me cut the leash at last. I needed to get back to her and let her know I was okay—even if it also meant returning to my humdrum existence and possibly never having that elusive orgasm.

So I sliced the leash—the knife was every bit as sharp as vampire-guy had promised—and started drifting discretely away, losing myself in the crowd. And Sir never even saw me—he was too busy looking at pet beds, trying to find one that would fit in the crate, no doubt, I told myself sourly. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about being stuck in there again! So long, Sir—have a nice life and good luck finding some other girl who actually wants to be an Alien Overlord’s Pet.


