The Overlord’s Pet – Alien Mate Index Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Dystopia, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 159
Estimated words: 149470 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 747(@200wpm)___ 598(@250wpm)___ 498(@300wpm)

We practiced walking on a leash, stopping at the right time, and kneeling in abeyance all morning until I was satisfied she had everything down pat. She followed all my commands obediently and perfectly, so I thought the next step would be no problem. However, when I told her what the next lesson was, she seemed upset…



“What do you mean I have to learn to be ‘petted’?” I asked, frowning up at Sir suspiciously.

All morning long we had been practicing “proper pet behavior” which made me feel like a prize pony at a show.

First, I had to get used to the damn collar around my neck—which was made of some kind of supple gold that felt hard and cold at first but warmed up and felt more flexible once it had been against my skin for a little while.

I didn’t like the collar—not because it choked me, (it was actually pretty comfortable)—but because of what it represented. But there was no getting it off—Sir informed me that it was locked to his voice commands—so I was stuck wearing it. My new Master also told me that I would be wearing it at all times from now on.

I thought about trying to argue or reason my way out of it, the way I had with the human chow, but then I thought better of it. First, I didn’t want to piss Sir off. Second, the collar would be worth a hell of a lot once I get back to Earth, where I was sure I could find someone who could remove it. It had a huge ruby, as big as my thumb, as the ID tag that dangled in the hollow of my throat. Oh yeah, once I got it back home, it would totally pay off all my student loans and also my rent for at least a year, I told myself. So I decided to just get used to it and keep it on without complaint.

Next, Sir synthesized me a leash and I had to practice the proper way of walking with my new Master. I was supposed to be at his left side and a little behind him, according to Korrigon protocol and whenever he stopped for any length of time, I was to “kneel in abeyance” by his side. If it looked like he was going to take a while in the same spot, I was allowed to “lean gracefully” against his leg as I waited patiently for him to conclude his business.

Now I’m sure if I was a natural submissive, all this would have been like catnip for me. I would have adored being by my Master’s side and leaning against him lovingly while I waited for him to be ready to go on walking. But, as I said before, I’m not into BDSM.

I’m not kink-shaming either, though—if people want to live the Lifestyle, I say more power to them. But I was not into it and I just felt irritated at being treated like I was Princess Prissy at the dog show.

Still, I did my best to swallow my irritation and perform like the perfect little pet. I told myself I had to go along with everything Sir wanted so he would have no doubt at all about letting me come out with him to the spaceport. From there, I would make my escape and surely be on my way home soon. Why, I might even be back at my own apartment by tonight! That was the thought I held onto through the entire training routine.

But though I was trying to play the obedient pet, I wasn’t too sure about this next thing he wanted me to practice.

“Why do I have to practice getting ‘petted?’” I asked, frowning up at him, since he hadn’t answered me the first time. “What does that even mean?”

“It’s exactly what it sounds like, little one—you have to get used to me petting you. Come here.”

He went and sat on the big chair covered in shiny bronze fabric and motioned for me to come stand in front of him.

Warily, I did so. My feet sank down almost to the ankles in the moss-like green carpet so I felt extra short as I stood there, waiting for whatever came next.

“All right, now…” Sir reached for me and tugged me forward gently by the shoulders. Then he lifted me up and laid me face-down across his knees.

“Hey! What are you doing?” I struggled to turn over and sit up but a big, warm hand between my shoulder blades pressed me gently but firmly back down.

“Just relax, little one,” Sir rumbled. “This is supposed to be a calming activity that draws and Master and pet closer together.”

A calming activity? I felt like a kid about to get a spanking! So I was anything but calm when he started stroking me.


