The Overlord’s Pet – Alien Mate Index Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Dystopia, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 159
Estimated words: 149470 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 747(@200wpm)___ 598(@250wpm)___ 498(@300wpm)

After that, Sir’s stay in the Healing House went much smoother. The guards started telling the story of what had happened in the throne room—I think they had been afraid to talk about it earlier—and the food tech passed around the cookies. And all in all, I began to get a bit more respect and fewer pats on the head like I was just a pet.

My chocolate chip cookies and other desserts became legendary and the food tech parked one of the nutritional carts in Sir’s room so that I could make them multiple times a day for the staff. Sir himself began recovering rapidly, though the head Healer in charge of his case decreed that he was not allowed to use his Sex Pet—aka me—until he was completely well again. So at night we just snuggled together and talked until Sir’s medication made him too sleepy and he passed out.

“I have never had a woman stay by my side this way when I was ill,” he told me, one night near the time when he would be discharged. “You’ve been there for me in ways no other female ever has, little one.”

“I’m just returning the favor,” I told him. “Think of the way you took care of me after O’nagga Nine! Besides, you’re my Master—of course I’m going to stay with you.”

“I’m just so glad I chose you from the Alien Mate Index,” he murmured, drawing me close to his side. “I cannot imagine my life without you now, my darling.”

“I feel the same way,” I said, snuggling up to him with a sigh. “Sir, let’s never be apart again.”

“I agree with that completely,” he said, giving me that one-sided smile of him. “And as soon as the head Healer allows it, we’re going to seal our bond.”

The thought of finally making love with him completely, of having his thick shaft all the way inside me, gave me a shiver of pure lust. I missed touching him and having his big, warm hands all over my body. I wanted nothing more than to seal our Master/pet bond and be together forever until the end of time.

But it was not to be.



“What do you think the Sovereign wants with us, now that you’re healed?” I asked Sir anxiously as his golden chariot ascended the side of the golden pyramid once again.

He had just been released from the Healing House and I think he would have liked to take me straight home with him. But we had standing orders to report to the Sovereign the moment he was better, so the enormous golden pyramid was our first stop.

Sir shook his head.

“I don’t know, little one. But one does not ignore the orders of the Sovereign.”

Soon enough, we reached the top of the pyramid, (with me bouncing up the last hundred steps, thanks to my gravity belt,) and were facing the golden throne. I noticed, with some trepidation, that we were not alone. Sir Gra’multh was already there, leaning heavily upon a golden cane. He still had ligature marks on his neck and when he saw me, his face twisted into the most hateful expression imaginable.

I felt my stomach do a slow, uneasy flip as I gave him a blank face in return. Geeze, if looks could kill…

“What is he doing here?” I murmured to Sir, who shook his head.

“I don’t know, little one. I suppose we’ll find out.”

Then the guards on either side of the throne both stepped forward and one of them spoke.

“Sir Gra’multh, Sir Barinthian and Lady little one, please approach the Golden Throne.”

Lady little one? I wasn’t sure what to think about that, but it wasn’t like I could ask about it. So I just bowed my head as we all approached the huge, golden throne.

The Sovereign was looking even more regal today, in another jewel-encrusted gown and she had a determined look on her face, I thought.

“You may be wondering why I have called you all here today,” she began, looking at the three of us. “Especially when the two Overlords are just now recovering from life-threatening injuries.”

“Injuries inflicted by that little bitch, you mean,” Gra’multh snarled, shooting me an ugly look.

“Silence!” the Sovereign snapped, glaring at him. “You will not speak to the Lady so.” She looked at me. “I have been calling you ‘little one’ but that is only your pet name. Please, tell me your real name.”

“Oh, uh, my name is Eliza Angelica Thompson,” I said. “But all my friends just call me Elli.”

“Elli.” The Sovereign smiled at me. “I like that and, as I would like to count you among my friends, I would be pleased to call you by this name.”

“Oh, of course!” I said quickly. “I would be honored, Your Majesty.”

“You may call me Splendara,” she said regally. “As we are friends.”


