The Mob Princess’s Enemy (Mafia Ties #2) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Mafia Ties Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 52260 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 261(@200wpm)___ 209(@250wpm)___ 174(@300wpm)

“Brandon, we can’t,” she admonished, even as she squirmed closer and moaned.

“We own the fucking place, kitten,” I growled. “We’re just getting a jump start on christening every room.”

Our tongues tangled again, teeth clashing, lips sealed together. I was lost to her, frenzied with need and I couldn’t wait another second.

I unfasted my pants and released my cock before moving on to her zipper. “Fuck,” I grunted when it became obvious that her skinny jeans weren’t going to make this easy. I set her down and worked them over her hips, taking her underwear with it, then removing them altogether. All the while grousing about the lack of easy access and demanding she only wear skirts from then on.

Finally, she was free and I started to stand, but not before placing a kiss on the red curls at the apex of her thighs, then on her stomach where our baby grew. Back on my feet, I stepped out of my pants, whipped my shirt off, and helped her out of her t-shirt and bra.

My wife was fucking gorgeous. I grabbed her hand and strode over to the window seat, sitting. I turned her around and bit one luscious globe of her ass. She squeaked and squirmed, ending with a moan. Spreading her legs on either side of me, I dipped a finger into her pussy. “So fucking wet. You need me, kitten? Do you want my cock buried in your drenched pussy?”

“Yes,” she panted.

I took hold of her hips and guided her down, her heat slowly sheathing my cock until I was fully seated inside her. She didn’t waste any time moving in slow circles, whimpering every time my cock hit just the right spot. I slid my hands around to cup her tits, pinching her nipples, making the walls of her pussy clench.

“Fuck, that’s so good,” I gritted through clenched teeth. Her tight little pussy was squeezing me so tight, it was taking everything I had to keep from coming, my dick already leaking come. “More,” I rumbled. She started to bounce on my cock and my hips bucked up into her.

My fingers twisted and plucked her nipples while I nibbled on the back of her neck, leaving little bites, marking her with evidence so everyone who saw them would know she was taken. “That’s right, kitten. Take my cock deep, baby. Help me fuck you. Good girl,” I praised as she began to lift and drop, slamming down onto me.

Her cries of passion were escalating into screams, her body tightly wound and vibrating with tension. She was right there and I almost breathed a sigh of relief, so ready to let go. My balls and cock were so full and hard, I was in pain.

“You ready, kitten?”

“Yes! Please, Bran. I need to come. Oh! Oh, fuck, yes!”

I used my index and middle finger to manipulate her clit until she exploded, taking me with her. Her name thundered from me as I released jet after jet of come into her. When her tremors ceased, she slumped back, resting limply against me. I was sucking in air, trying to get my heart rate to return to normal. But then, there really was no normal when it came to my wife. If my heart wasn’t racing with need, it was bursting with love. I mentally shook my head at myself, I was starting to sound like a pussy.

Out of nowhere, Carly shrieked and jumped up from my lap, causing me to stand, shoving her behind me and looking around wildly for the threat. But, there was no one there. “What the hell?”

She pushed me aside and rushed over to her clothes, tossing mine over, my shirt landing on my head, and scrambled to get dressed.

Still confused, I tugged my shirt on and asked, “Where’s the fire, kitten?”

“We just gave our brand new neighbors a live sex show!” she yelled. I burst out laughing so hard I was forced to bend over, clutching my stomach. “Brandon! You’re mooning our entire street. Cover your ass up!”

She started mumbling about neighbors and first impressions as she streaked over to a large master bath and started finger combing her hair. I finished donning my clothes and ambled over, smirking, “Kitten, you might as well give up. Nothing is going to take away that freshly fucked look you have going on.”

She glared daggers at me, her hands dropping to her hips. I pried them away and tugged her into me, hugging her fiercely. I had an ace up my sleeve that was sure to make her forget the possibility, however unlikely, of someone seeing us fuck through the window.

“Do you want to see the backyard?”

She reared back, her eyes widening and her brows shooting up. Having a yard in Manhattan is rare, but when I went looking for a house to buy close to Nic and Anna, it was one of my requirements. I would do anything to give Carly everything she dreamed of, and her fantasy included a backyard where our little ones could play.


