The Merger – Brewer Family Read Online Adriana Locke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 83070 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)

Jason: But it’s the same person, right? Carys, I mean.

Tate: He’s a best friend stealer. I knew he had it in him.

Ripley: Sounds to me like she had it in her, if you know what I mean.

“We’re not doing this,” I say, biting my lip.

Me: We’re not doing this.


Tate: This is why I’m the godfather. Ripley is too immature.

Jason: Congrats, Gan!

Bianca: I’m so happy for you, Gannon. We’re starting our own Brewer Army with Arlo, Emery, and Baby Gan. God, I want to move back to Tennessee.

Jason: I’d want to get away from Banks too.

Renn: Let’s celebrate! Everyone want to come over tonight?

Jason: We’re not doing anything.

Bianca: I wanna come.

Ripley: Sure.

Tate: Can I bring Mimi? It’s our date night.

I lean against the wall and watch my siblings banter back-and-forth. Suddenly, I see the beauty in it. I see it from another angle.

We’re the only ones who understand what we’ve gone through. When the world has been against us, we’ve stuck together. And even though we weren’t raised as tight-knit as some families, we’ve managed to grow that bond ourselves.

And now our children will grow up with cousins and aunts and uncles. These people, my brothers and sister, will be the safety net for my kids. Even though they irritate me and we bicker back and forth, they really are the best people I know.

Maybe I should try a little more with them.

Me: Let me check with Carys but I think we should be able to swing it.

Jason: Can’t wait.

Ripley: Awesome.

Renn: See you guys around seven?

Tate: I’ll be there.

Bianca: Someone FaceTime me.

I grin, sliding my phone in my pocket, and go find my fiancé.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Hi, Sweet Pea.

You’re moving so much! I swear you never stop flipping around in my tummy. You only get calm when Daddy reads you a story before bed. He’s convinced you like historical biographies, but I’m positive you get bored. I’m pushing for more entertaining tales at bedtime. I’ll do my best.

We got a new car today so you can be safe. It’s nice with heated seats, a sunroof, and automatic window controls. Quite the upgrade from the Gremlin. I think you’ll love it. Very posh. I’m also going to slide a picture into the back of this book of your dad driving the Gremlin around the yard. It’s proof of how much he loves you. Ha!



We finished your nursery tonight. It’s so stinking cute. We had to lock the door so your Uncle Tate doesn’t try to peek in and get a hint as to whether you’re a boy or girl. Daddy and I love having the secret just for us. For a couple more months, we have you just to ourselves.



We picked your name! And it’s perfect.

It’s almost time to hold you, sweet baby!

Mommy xo

Hey, it’s Daddy. We’re off to the hospital to meet you. You must be a night owl like me.

I promise to be the best dad I can be, kiddo. I thought my life was complete when your mom spilled a matcha latte (iced, of course) all over me in Uncle Tate’s office. But then she told me about you.

You’ve already changed my life and you aren’t even here yet. I want you to know that I’ll always be here for you. No matter what. You have my word.

I love you. More than you’ll ever know.




“How are you doing?”

I look at the anesthesiologist and smile as best as I can. Whatever they’ve given me for the C-section has made my body shiver. I’m not cold, but I can’t stop it.

Gannon holds my hands in his, crouching forward so his face is close to mine.

“You’re doing great,” he whispers in his calm, steady way. “I’m so damn proud of you.”

“I’m scared.”

His eyes fill with tears and I know this is killing him. He’s usually in charge, protecting me from anything uncomfortable or painful.

But he can’t help me now.

After thirty hours of labor, the doctor decided a C-section was the safest route to deliver our baby. I knew it was a possibility before we arrived at the hospital because of the size of the baby, and I’d made peace with it. But with my stretched emotions and exhaustion, the idea of undergoing surgery to have our baby made me sob.

“Don’t be scared,” Gannon says softly as doctors and nurses scurry around the room. “I’m here. I got you.”

“You are many things, Mr. Brewer. But a surgeon you are not.”

He gives me a sweet smile. “I’ve never tried. I might be good at it.”

“Let’s not try today.”

He squeezes my hand.

“Okay, Mrs. Brewer. Are you feeling okay?” Dr. Manning asks.

“Excited. Scared.”

“I understand. We’re about to begin. You won’t feel anything, but some patients say they feel like they’re being unzipped. If you feel that, it’s normal. Understand?”

I nod, blinking through my tears. “I understand.”

“All right. Let’s make this a birth day.”


