The Merger – Brewer Family Read Online Adriana Locke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 83070 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)

“Yes, they freaking are.”

He shakes his head. “One of us was watching more than the hero or villain, however you see that character, walking around shirtless and fighting people.”

“You make me want to scream sometimes.”

But not scream like I do with your brother.

My face flushes at the thought, and I tuck my chin hoping Tate doesn’t notice.

“I need to take this call,” Tate says, looking at his phone. “I’ll be right back.”

“Take your time.”

Once he’s gone, I sag against the booth and sigh.

The last couple of weeks have felt like a roller coaster. I didn’t realize how exhausted I was until I woke up this morning. Each curveball thrown my way has had me ducking and shifting to stay on my toes.

Getting hired by Brewer Group. Dinner at Dad’s, which always screws me up for a couple of days, followed by his upcoming birthday celebration that I’m dreading. Getting life insurance. How did I get old enough to need that? Sleeping with Gannon Brewer and now attending a personal event with him.

I feel like I need a vacation just to decompress from it all.

Preferably with a naked Gannon.

My heart flutters wildly at the thought of being with him again. And, while the sex was out of this world, it wasn’t just the sex that I think about when I’m lying in bed at night. Or repotting a fiddle leaf fig tree. Or driving down the road, swerving to miss potholes so the Gremlin doesn’t pop a tire. Those things are expensive.

I think just as often of his shy smile and how it transforms his face into a whole different person. I remember his arms around me in the middle of the night while we lay in bed between rounds of orgasms. The sound of his chuckle while I entertain him with stories crafted to make him smile is something I hear on repeat.

He’s a complicated one, that’s for sure, and I can’t help but wonder how many people have witnessed this side of him. And, more importantly, why I get to.

My phone rattles against the tabletop. I spring to life, plucking it up before anyone sees the name on the screen.

Gannon: I just saw a cactus with flat leaves and yellow flowers. Weird as fuck.

A smile slips across my lips.

Me: Really? Did you get a picture of it?

Gannon: No.

Me: Why not?

Gannon: Who takes pictures of flowers?

Me: Um, me.

Gannon: I didn’t know cacti had flowers.

Me: Finally! Something you didn’t know.


Me: It was probably a prickly pear cactus. And the flat parts aren’t leaves, they’re stems. They’re actually water storage systems and basically solar panels to absorb sunlight. It’s an effective design.

Gannon: Fascinating.

I’m not sure if he means that or is being sarcastic.

“I’m back,” Tate says, sliding back in the booth.

I ignore him, staring at my text exchange with Gannon. I only get him for a few minutes a day, so Tate will have to wait.

Me: Fascinating cacti facts aside, I can’t wait to see you on Saturday.

Gannon: I dread this event.

Me: Why?

“Who are you texting?” Tate asks. “Don’t ignore me. I’m needy.”

“Give me a second.”

“If that’s Courtney, tell her to stop sending me nude selfies.”

I glance up at him. “Courtney’s not sending you nude selfies.”

He winks. “Just seeing if you were even listening to me.”


Gannon: I just don’t like giving speeches.

Me: Then why did you say yes?

Gannon: Good question. I’ve been wondering that myself.


Gannon: Have a good day, Carys.

Me: You, too. Xo

“You okay?” Tate asks, stealing a fry from my plate.

A lump settles in my throat as I prepare to lie to my best friend. Tate and I share everything and have for so many years. But I can’t share this with him. He doesn’t need to know I’m sleeping with his brother and, if he found out, he’d ruin it for us. Not intentionally—Tate isn’t a cockblocker. He’d just put so much pressure on the situation that it would blow up before Gannon and I are ready for it to end.

“I’m fine,” I say. “Just dealing with something … prickly.”

My screen dims and I know I won’t hear from Gannon again today.

And that sucks.



“There’s been a slight change of plans for tomorrow,” Kylie says through the speakerphone. “Your departure time has moved back two hours.”

I growl, pouring myself another drink. “What the fuck, Kylie?”

She laughs. “I knew this wasn’t going to go over well.”

You have no clue. “One would think since my brother owns an airline that I might be able to get home on time.”

“One would think. I suggest taking that up with said brother, who has the power in these situations instead of your loyal, hardworking, efficient executive assistant.”

I grin, rolling my eyes.

“For the record, I did try getting you a flight out tonight,” she says. “With the storms popping up all over the country, everything’s messy.”

“Thanks for trying.”


