The Lyon’s Cub Caitlin Read online Jordan Silver (Lyon The Next Generation #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Lyon The Next Generation Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 185
Estimated words: 172387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 862(@200wpm)___ 690(@250wpm)___ 575(@300wpm)

“I’ll be right back.” She left the room and no one moved, no one said a word until she came back. She had a voice recorder in her hand, one I know her mother had ordered for her months ago because the asshole school once again said she needed it.

She pressed play while standing just inside the door and her mother’s voice came through loud and clear. It was obvious that the message had been spliced together, but whoever was on the other end wouldn’t have known that unless they were paying close attention.

“Mengele where did you get that?” It was probably obvious to everyone in the room that I was tired as fuck. I might as well lay my ass out now, because she’s never going to give me any peace for the rest of my life. The kid’s eight!

“I had it for a long time daddy. See, this first part is when mommy called to check up on aunty Kelly to see how she was doing. That was a long time ago. And this part is mommy saying how nice it would be if everyone could come for a BBQ. And this…”

She went down the line of how she collected the different messages and spliced them together. Then she explained how she held it up to the phone and played it. She even had little breaks in between for the other person to talk.

The gist of the message was that since they were all coming out this way anyway to go to Law’s that they should just swing by here on the way. Then she made a call to Dana Sue using the same shit and got her to rally her posse to come here.

No doubt the two groups got together and coordinated their trip. I confiscated her shit because I’m sure as fuck she’d have all of us on there. “How did you get Cierra to give you the plane? Explain.”

“I waited until she was asleep. I told her that it was better for the babies to fly than drive all the way here. She just called the pilot, I had to find the number in her phone though.”

My head started to hurt and I just pointed to the door. The room erupted as soon as she was gone. “Oh shit bruh, that’s…what the fuck was that?” Tyler looked at me like I had the answers. Mancini wasn’t saying shit but I could see the wheels turning.

“That’s kinda dangerous Lyon.”

“Who the fuck you telling Logan?”

“No, I mean what level…what are we dealing with here? With the kid I mean.”

“Fuck if I know, Mancini’s always teaching her some shit, ask him.” They all turned to look at him.

“Right, gentlemen, what you’ve just witnessed is a first rate bona fide genius at work. We’ll deal with how she did what she did later, let’s look at what she brought us.” I’d almost forgotten the papers.


“Oh Mylanta you’re all here. How, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

“Huh, what are you talking about?” Danielle looked at me strange before her eyes fell on Cierra who’s been feeling rather lethargic these last few hours.

“Oh wait it’s a surprise? I thought we were having Cierra’s shower at Dana-Sue’s place?”

I had no idea what she was talking about but got sidetracked greeting the others. Had we got our signals crossed somehow? It’s true we’d talked about having Cierra’s shower while she was here but we’d decided to do it at the ranch since everyone was gathering there for Law Jr.

Oh well, the more the merrier. Besides, I could use the reinforcements. I got everyone settled in the den, which had the most comfortable sectionals where everyone could spread out and went to see about some refreshments. The BBQ wouldn’t start for at least another hour and all that was needed was for Colton to bring out the long tables we usually use from the shed.

Everything else was already set up in the backyard since we never put it way. Back there is like party central all year round, which is good with nine kids to corral.

The noise level went way up and only got louder once my mother in law and mother showed up with Char and the rest of the gang. We sent the men off and got down to business.

There were babies in all stages from newborn to the triplets and the room was wall to wall with kid paraphernalia. I loved it. My girls were fascinated with the new little ones and that freed me up to plot and scheme. I’m not sure what providence sent them here but I’m glad of it.

I wasn’t sure if Colt was willing to make the trip out to Law’s again so soon and I was afraid I might’ve missed the girls. It’s still a good ways off from July after all and though we talk regularly on the phone, nothing beats having them here.


