The Lyon’s Cub Caitlin Read online Jordan Silver (Lyon The Next Generation #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Lyon The Next Generation Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 185
Estimated words: 172387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 862(@200wpm)___ 690(@250wpm)___ 575(@300wpm)

I’ll have to say though that her breasts have done the most growing and now is not the right time to be focusing on them Todd unless you want to lose a limb. I warned myself of the danger as she went on, and even answered a few questions here and there but my mind had taken a detour.

The house was quiet around us as the others went to bed one by one. She got up and turned the lights down before coming back to the couch to join me. As much as I didn’t want to leave her, I didn’t think it was a good idea to hang around down there in the dark, just in case, and I told her as much.

“I’m not ready! Let’s just sit here for a while.” That look will probably get me to do a whole lot of shit that can get me into trouble. I didn’t say anything, just pulled her head back down on my shoulder and held her as we sat in silence still holding onto each other.

In the morning I woke to find her in my lap with my arms wrapped securely around her keeping her from falling off. I could hear movement in the house, which meant people were up and about and no doubt someone had seen us here because the lights were completely off and so was the television.

I looked down at her sleeping face and decided that whatever hell I was about to catch was well worth it. My heart did some kind of flip and roll in my chest as a warmth I never knew infused me from head to toe, staying mostly in my gut.

It’s the first time we’d ever spent the whole night together and though nothing happened, the feeling is one of the best I’ve ever had. It was still early enough that the whole house wasn’t awake yet and since no one had interrupted us, and Mr. Lyon wasn’t standing over me with his gun at the ready, I took my life in my hands and lowered my lips to hers.

Just for a taste of her sleep warm lips mind you, nothing too over the top, I wouldn’t dare. Her eyes fluttered open right onto mine and she smiled, one of those dreamy smiles that makes my heart soft and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling herself in closer.

“Morning Todd.” She nuzzled me seconds before her body went stiff. The next thing I knew she was flying up off my lap and heading hard for the doorway.

“Where are you going?” I tried not to laugh at her comical reaction, but I got it when she covered her mouth and answered.

“I must look a fright, is my hair all over the place, or is it matted to my head? I have to go brush my teeth.” She said all this as she made her escape and I got up from the couch and made my way up the stairs to the guestroom that I hadn’t used.

The last thing I remember from the night before is kissing her, just a soft gentle goodnight kiss before I sent her off to bed. A kiss that had threatened to get out of hand if I didn’t call a halt. Our kisses were becoming more and more potent and it was getting harder and harder to stop once we started.

I’d pulled our lips apart in a bid to catch my breath and was holding her hard enough to cut off her circulation but she hadn’t complained, just pressed her body closer to mine with her arms around my neck and her body partially draped over mine. That’s my last memory of the night before.

Somehow she’d ended up in my lap with the throw over us, and my hand on her hip and ass holding her in place on my lap. I didn’t pass anyone on the stairs thank goodness and was grateful that there was a bathroom in the guestroom.

I put my bags by the door once I was through getting cleaned up, sure that Mr. Lyon was going to throw me out of his house as soon as. I felt a little sheepish as I made my way back downstairs but no one jumped out at me and by the time I reached the kitchen where all the noise was coming from I’d lost a little bit of my trepidation.

Caitlin came up behind me in the doorway just as her mom looked up from the stove where she was busy getting breakfast ready with the help of Mrs. Mancini. I haven’t said much to that lady but every time she sees me she breaks into this little half smile like she knows something I don’t.

She’s almost as scary as her husband but in a different way. “Hey kids you’re up, breakfast is almost ready. Caitlin, go see what your brothers and sister are doing.”


