The Lyon’s Cub Caitlin Read online Jordan Silver (Lyon The Next Generation #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Lyon The Next Generation Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 185
Estimated words: 172387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 862(@200wpm)___ 690(@250wpm)___ 575(@300wpm)

I pressed her back into the wall with my already growing dick and my hands were on their way to paradise when I saw the shadow. “Mengele, nobody called you.”

“I heard mommy scream.” Kat pinched my side to get me to move away but fuck if I am, this is my house.

“Go do what you were doing and stop sticking your nose in my shi…business.” She gave me one of her looks before slithering back into the room with her siblings leaving me alone with sexy mama. “Now where were we?”

I nibbled her neck and ran my hands up her sides. She was wearing some kind of terry cloth shorts that I’m sure I’d seen on a sitcom when I was a kid. The kind that hugs her ass and curves around her hips and thighs. And since she was still a little plump from giving birth to my babies she was busting outta the shits.

I haven’t even started on her tits, which were very nicely cupped in the tight tee she had on. The noise from the kitchen broke through my lust haze, fucking kids. “As soon as your brood takes their nosy asses off to sleep I’ma fuck you into the ether.”

I swiped my hand through her thighs and fed her my tongue to hold us both for the time being because she was already breathing like a thoroughbred coming into the stretch. “One more!” I nibbled on her lips before sinking in and barely restrained myself from dragging her ass off upstairs.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and grinned up at me. “It’s a date.” She nipped my chin and pulled out of my arms to walk away. I watched her magnificent ass and adjusted my dick in my jeans as she walked away. Crap, I forgot to get it out of her, whatever the hell it is that she’s up to now. I guess I can fuck it out of her later.

For now I headed up to my office for some much-needed peace and quiet. Law had given me some shit to look into and now was as good a time as any to get started. This is what my life has become, when hunting down assholes is considered a peaceful escape from the little people living in my house.

I kept one eye on the computer screen and the other on the clock with my ears pricked, tracking the little monsters’ movements downstairs. I got lost in what I was doing until I heard the horde trampling up the damn stairs to the bathrooms to take their nightly showers.

I listened to the noise level rise before Caitiebear reminded them of what I’d do to their asses if they woke my daughters who are a pain in the ass to get back down if they’re woken up in the night. No doubt Mengele was behind whatever the fuck that was out there.

Kat had already put Cody to bed not long after his dinner earlier so Hitler’s youth had no one to boss around. Her older brothers and sister weren’t about to put up with her shit, so my little terror finds ways and means to aggravate the hell outta them. It never fails, same shit, different night.

Less than an hour later they all made a beeline for the master bedroom to say goodnight to their mother before coming to find me in my home office. Eight thirty on the dot. Until school ends in a coupla weeks this will be their nightly routine.

Once summer gets here my life will once again be turned upside down with their shit. Kat lets them run wild throughout the school holidays and their asses act like they’d just broken out of Leavenworth.

I hugged and kissed my daughters and pounded fists with my sons all the while wishing they’d get their shit over with so I could go pounce on my wife. There’s always that last minute pitch for more time, especially Mengele who was dragging ass.

“Something you wanted?” She stood outside the damn doorway peeping back at me.


“Yes Catalina!” I guess she was waiting to see which name I was gonna call her because that prompted her to slither her miserable ass back into my office.

“How long have you and mommy been married?”

“A long time why?”

“Do you ever-ever spend time apart?”

“No! Why are you asking me this?”

“I think Bunny’s lonely….”

“Go to bed Mengele, I’m not getting you another dog.” We had a stare down which I’m not sure who won before she made her way to her room. I stayed at my desk until I saw the light on the phone go off which meant my wife’s nightly gabfest was at an end.

I made the rounds, making sure my kids were all where they were supposed to be, hit the lights, checked the alarms and headed up to her. I came up short in the bedroom when I didn’t see her and not because of the low light setting she’d left on, she wasn’t there.


