The Lyon’s Cub Caitlin Read online Jordan Silver (Lyon The Next Generation #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Lyon The Next Generation Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 185
Estimated words: 172387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 862(@200wpm)___ 690(@250wpm)___ 575(@300wpm)

I knocked on her sister’s door and waited for the invite to come in. Just like her mother. She was lying across the bed still in the clothes she’d worn to school with a look on her face that I’d seen only too often. She’s going to give that kid hell. Serves his ass right!

I pulled the chair away from her bed and sat, directing the other one to take a seat next to her on the bed. My two little girls: fruit of my loins beautiful and smart. Pains in the ass! “Caitlin, why didn’t you tell me that you knew this stuff was going on?” Her eyes widened, she didn’t expect me to go with defense.

She fidgeted and looked at her sister who just looked back at her before they both turned back to me. “I… I don’t know daddy, I just… I figured you didn’t want me to know about it that’s all.”

“If someone is giving you information that I don’t want you to have what are you supposed to do with it?” She didn’t answer and she didn’t look at her sister this time. Like I didn’t already know where she got the shit.

“Did you think because it came from your sister that that changes things? And speaking of which, how old is your little sister?” I saw the lights come on and wondered where I’d gone wrong that it had taken her this long.

“I told you in the garage not to worry about this stuff didn’t I? So why are we here again?”

“I know you told me daddy but…”

“Let me ask you this. You’re thinking about getting married right?” Her eyes went wide and her mouth opened and she had this look as if she expected me to tell her that shit was now dead. “When you have kids, how close would you want them to something like this? Would you drag them into the middle of it, or would you shield them as best you could?”

“I’m the parent for a reason. It’s my job to protect you, guide you, love you; cherish you. I don’t care what anyone else says, what some overpaid head fu… I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I’m your dad. Your mother and I were blessed with giving you life, it’s our job to take care of you and protect you.”

“But daddy, you don’t tell mommy either and mommy’s not a baby.” Fucking Mengele. “Because she’s my wife, I have to protect her too. I choose not to involve my wife in things that would make her unhappy or sad. And for the record, she’s my baby.” Her nosy ass was trying to figure that one out, but her sister was getting it.

“Now I’m gonna go let Bunny out in the street by himself to play.” I stood to my feet.

“Daddy you can’t do that. Bunny’s big but he’s just a baby, he’s never played outside by himself, what if he gets hurt?”

“You care about your dog huh, you wanna protect your dog from danger, from getting hurt.”

I was thinking that maybe that was too harsh of an analogy, that she wouldn’t get it even, but when she started looking at me with her mother’s eyes I knew she got it. “Sorry daddy!” The two of them chorused that shit together.

“Mengele, I’m not telling you not to do what you do, and Caitlin I’m not saying that you don’t have the right to be curious about something that pertains to you. What I am saying is next time, come to me. What is it that you kids say? Stay in your lane.” I got up and started to leave, hoping that I’d gotten through to them.

“Daddy, what about the girl?”

“We’re handling it Caitiebear, do you think daddy would just leave her without trying to help?”

“Of course not.”

“Good then I have your word that you’re not going to do something stupid like try to get involved.”

That little one is going to be a problem. Her damn over stimulated brain isn’t going to stop I can see it in her eyes; and that fucking Cady is shaping up to be another one. I can already see the signs. The fuck!


“Can I go see her?” I didn’t even let him get behind his desk good before I asked.

“Yeah, and try to keep her little ass quiet.”

“I’ll do my best but she was raised to be a strong willed individual; not sure how well I’m gonna do.” I grinned as I headed for the door.

“Touché kid, touché!”

I lost the smile halfway to her bedroom and found it again as soon as I reached the door. “Hey, you feeling better?”

“She looked up at me from the bed where she was sitting. “Wanna go for a drive with me later?” She nodded her head just as her mother called for her to come downstairs.


