The Lyon’s Cub Caitlin Read online Jordan Silver (Lyon The Next Generation #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Lyon The Next Generation Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 185
Estimated words: 172387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 862(@200wpm)___ 690(@250wpm)___ 575(@300wpm)

“Uh sure, when were you thinking?”

“We’re almost there.” He hung up the phone. Who the fuck?

Prince of The City

“Listen mob boy, you need to calm down. I told you, we don’t know the whole story yet.”

“Did you or did you not say our kid was mixed up in some shit with pedophiles and fucknuts?”

“Yes, but this Lyon guy isn’t one of them, his kid is…”

“I’m not gonna cap ‘im because he’s one of them what the fuck has he been doing that his kid’s dragging my kid into this shit?” She huffed and held her head in her hand like she wasn’t the one that lit the fire under my ass.

“I told you, Lily said this little girl is her friend they met on the site for the gifted program. We don’t know how they got involved in this mess but we can’t go blaming the parents.”

“Ain’t this a…chick, you were the one who got me up this morning with this shit. I barely talked you out of flying here you were so hot under the collar.”

“I know but that’s because it came as a surprise. I was monitoring them, I thought it was some history project or something, but this morning when I checked there were pictures of people’s houses and some other stuff that I don’t understand and drones and what not. You know she speaks in code.”

I’m about to run this car off the road. Shit, I’m not driving. I should ask Tony to just put one in my head and put me out of my misery. If I thought Mouth was bad, nothing prepared me for her fucking kids.

No one told me that having a daughter would make my attempts to go legit stall like a motherfucker. I know for damn sure somebody’s gonna end up at the end of my glock over this shit. Wait! I looked over at her sharply.

“Mouth, that bag you put in the trunk.”

“What bag?”

Fuck me! Not this shit again. It’s been a while. These days she’s too preoccupied with the kids’ school shit to get her ass in trouble. Though she has threatened a teacher on occasion I was pretty sure she didn’t mean it. These people are so fucked.

“Didn’t you just tell me that I need to give these people a chance to explain?”

“What I said was, that he’s not the pedo. I still need to know how these three little girls got involved in this mess and what’s going on. Your daughter informed me last week that they want to meet. We’re going here to see what kinda people they are that’s all.”

“So why do you need the bag?”

“I keep asking you what bag? This is the only bag I have.” She pointed to the Hermes purse on her lap. I’ma fuck somebody’s shit up.

I’ve spent the last few years calming this nut down. Motherhood has been good for her. Every time one ease off the tit I fuck another one in her. That’s my bit to keep the rest of the population safe from her shit.

We were cruising along nicely, the kids were doing okay, Jr. is ten going on thirty, Ari is six little Sean is four and baby Jason is almost two years old. But it’s my only daughter, Lilliana or Lily as most everyone calls her, eight years old and too fucking smart for her own good.

From the time the kid was about four or five she’s been in accelerated programs or some shit. I blame Poppy and the hospice rejects and their shit. They use to take my kid around the city showing her shit, filling her head with old world style bullshit. Now she thinks she’s a historian.

The idiot teacher said that had nothing to do with it, that she was just born that way but I don’t see how. Mouth and I can barely keep up with this kid and her shit so I know for damn sure she didn’t get it from us.

It sucks when you’re sitting at the dinner table and your kid says some shit that you have no idea what she’s talking about. So we gave in as young as she was and let her go to a higher grade. We enrolled her in every damn thing they said she needed to keep her brain occupied, and this is where it’s lead us, my kid’s online dealing with pedophiles and shit.


“That's no mere businessman and that's no ordinary housewife.” We looked out the window at the two people who’d just stepped out of the chauffeur driven car that just pulled into the driveway.

“How do you know?”

“Body language Kat.”

“You're imagining things Colton.”

“The fuck I am. He's cased one side of the street and she’s taking the other. And he’s strapped he’s carrying.

“How can you tell? She was trying to see over my shoulder and still keep the curtains still.


