The Love Series Box Set Volume 1 Read online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 65
Estimated words: 59954 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 300(@200wpm)___ 240(@250wpm)___ 200(@300wpm)

Heck yeah, I had. Teasing him was one of my favorite pastimes, mostly because it usually resulted in a memorable night for me. “Is this the part where I’m supposed to say I’m sorry?”

“Not quite yet, my beautiful Imogene.” He reached out and pulled the duffel bag closer, his hand dipping inside to pull something out of it. I craned my neck to catch a glimpse of what it was, my eyes widening when I saw the vibrator. “But I’m willing to bet that soon enough you’ll be ready to beg for my forgiveness.”

“And we both know you’ll give it to me,” I whispered sassily as I widened my legs.

“Of course I will,” he agreed, his head dipping low so he could twirl his tongue around one of my puckered nipples. As his mouth moved to the other side, he rasped, “If you need or want something, I’ll always be the one to give it to you.”

“But what if I’m in the mood to be the giver?”

Thatcher lifted his head and stretched out to cover my whole body with his muscular frame. I loved when he did that because it made me feel so safe and secure. His shortly trimmed beard scraped against the sensitive skin of my neck as he whispered, “Never doubt, not even for a minute, that you give me everything I need.”

“Just like you do for me.” I raised my knees to cradle his hips against mine, lifting my hips up to nudge against his hard length since I couldn’t reach for it with my hands. “But I had something a little more specific in mind for tonight.”

Thatcher pressed his palms against the mattress on either side of my shoulders and pushed up until he hovered over my body. “Oh, really?”

I licked my lips and murmured, “Yes, I wanted to torture you a little more, but with your cock in my mouth this time.”

“Lucky for you, seeing your pretty lips wrapped around me sounds fantastic.” He crawled up my body, his knees replacing his hands on either side of my shoulders and his hard length nudging against my lips. “And lucky for me, I’m in control of how much you get to torture me since you can only move when I let you.”

Flicking my tongue out, I licked the drop of pre-come that had leaked from his cock, making him groan. Then I sucked him into my mouth. I tried to take as much of his length into my mouth as I could, keeping my eyes on Thatcher as I moved my head up and down. I loved seeing him lose control, knowing that I was the only woman in the world who had that kind of power over him.

“Fuck, yeah. Your mouth feels so good,” he groaned, his hips pumping forward.

When his length pulled out of me on the next thrust, I twirled my tongue around the tip and flicked it along the slit. Then I sucked hard as he drove back in, hollowing out my cheeks. I felt him jerk in my mouth right before Thatcher wrapped his hand around my chin to control my movements. “Slow down, sugar. Your mouth isn’t where I want to come, but I’m not ready to stop yet.”

His command only spurred me on more, until a buzzing sound distracted me. With my mouth full of his dick and my hands handcuffed to the headboard, I couldn’t see what he was doing. But I didn’t have to guess for long because a short moment later, he rubbed the vibrator against my clit. I was already turned on to the point that I was drenched, and it didn’t take much for the vibration to send me over the edge. I cried out around his length, and he pulled out of me to move down my body.

He kept the vibrator humming against my clit as he nudged my entrance with his hard length. I moaned loudly as I lay helpless beneath him, already craving another release. “Please, Thatcher. Come inside of me. I need you.”

“I’m yours, sugar. Always,” he promised as he rocked his hips forward, bottoming out when his cock bumped against my cervix.

“I’m so close,” I panted.

Dropping the vibrator onto the mattress, he gripped my hips in his strong hands and lifted me up to meet his next thrust. My walls clenched around him as he pounded into me, over and over again until I finally flew apart. He surged into me twice more before planting himself deep and filling my pussy with his come.

After we caught our breath again, Thatcher rolled onto his side and undid the cuffs. “As much as I hate the thought of hurting you”—he trailed his fingers over the barely visible red marks on my wrists—“I love the idea of leaving more proof that you belong to me on your body.”


