The Love in Sunsets – Seaport Read Online Heidi McLaughlin

Categories Genre: Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 74467 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 372(@200wpm)___ 298(@250wpm)___ 248(@300wpm)

“Is that what you want to do?”

Eloise shrugged. “I like the idea of having a steady job, you know in case my creativity dries up.”

“Well, I’m your muse and I don’t plan to go anywhere.” He winked.

Eloise threw a fry at him. “Anyway, she wants me to help with the gallery. I’d still paint and could do the shows in the city, London, Paris—wherever I can book them.”

“I think that’s great and sort of goes in line with what I think I’d like to do.” Kiel clasped his hands and rested his elbows on the table.

“What’s that?”

“I’m going to pursue an MBA in accounting.”

“Oh yeah? What made you decide the math route?”

“Well, I figured if you’re bringing in the big bucks, you’re going to need a really good accountant.” He winked again and Eloise laughed.

“You’re probably right. When Margaux handed me my check, she said I need to put some away from taxes. I think my eyes bugged out and my head spun. I’ve never really messed with them because most people pay me in cash.”

“Well, I’ll be able to help. I can even help now if you want me too.”

Eloise nodded. “I need to open a new bank account. The one I have, my dad has access to and I don’t need him seeing the money.”

Kiel hadn’t met her father, and he hadn’t planned on it. If they ever crossed paths, he had some not so fitting words for him. Her father called after the showcase—he had read about it in the paper—and instead of congratulating her, he said that now the event was out of her system she needed to look for some work. Never mind the fact that she had two more showings already booked. Every day, Kiel reminded Eloise of how talented she was, and how toxic her father was.

“Yeah, we can do that tomorrow.”

“Okay.” They each took a couple of bites before picking their conversation back up. “Now that you’ve figured out your career, have you decided which school?”

He nodded toward the wall. “The one just off the island.”

“Really? Do they have a decent program?”

“It’s standard,” he told her. “They offered me a full ride and the commute is twenty minutes which means we don’t have to be apart.”

“The commute would be nice. Seeing you every day is better though.”

Seeing her was important to him. Their relationship was new, and she still worried how he’d be when she shut the world off to paint. It didn’t matter how many times he reassured her that he’d be fine with it, Kiel could see it in her eyes.

“The new house is close to the bridge I’d use. I figured I’d go to school, come home, and do some homework, and then come see you.” He reached for her hand.

“For a sleepover?” she waggled her eyebrows at him.

“I mean, I wouldn’t say no.” He laughed.

Eloise tossed another fry at him. “What about New York?”

“Easy, I’ll make sure my professors know my kick ass talented girlfriend has a massive art show in the city and I must be there. Mostly because I’m her inspiration and people will want to meet me.”

Another fry came his way.

“What if you end up not being my muse for that event?”

“Then I’m your arm candy dressed in a tuxedo. Either way, I’ll be by your side. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. And neither will the twins. They already said they want to come with us.”

“I saw Skyla and Ciara this morning when I went to get coffee. They were on their way to school.”

“I’m surprised by how much they love it here. I know being here makes my parents happy, but my mom would’ve stayed in Albany with them until they finished their senior yet.”

Eloise scoffed. “I heard from Tidal, who heard it from Crew, that all the guys are gaga over them. They’re the new shiny toys of the senior class.”

Kiel cracked his knuckles. “Who do I need to beat?”

“Oh, probably a couple of the kids from the docks, and then you’ll have the preppy ones, and then the jocks. Sounds like you’re going to need to beat the asses of the entire student body.”

Kiel flexed his arms and tried to kiss his biceps. He couldn’t, and he was thankful Eloise enjoyed his humor otherwise he would’ve been embarrassed.

“I can do it.”

Eloise rolled her eyes. “You’re a dork. Hurry up and finish,” she told him.

“Why do you need your muse to show off his body?”

With another eye roll, she got up and carried her plate to the sink. “I want to go down to the beach. With everyone gone, it’s the perfect time to enjoy our beautiful coast.”

“You know, you’ve already been to the beach with me.”

“Yeah, but you were a tourist then. Now you’re a local. You have to act like one. Locals go now. It’s called local summer.”


