The Life – Rebirth (The Life #4) Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: The Life Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 115272 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 576(@200wpm)___ 461(@250wpm)___ 384(@300wpm)


“You think they’re up yet?”

“Of course they are; the lights are on in the guesthouse, I saw from the upstairs window.” My wife and I were standing at the window in my office trying to see through trellises and arbors heavy with ivy and winter vines. I was all but jumping out of my skin with excitement, so I could just imagine how she was feeling.

Three grandbabies. Three wonderful surprises that I didn’t expect. It was like a windfall. My wife grumbled a little that we’d lost so much time, but I didn’t care; that’s in the past, they’re here now, and I know my son is going to do the right thing and make sure that here is where they stay.

I’ve always loved babies. Ever since I watched my son come into the world, in fact, but we’ve only had the three. My brother wasn’t having any, so the only thing I had to look forward to was my grandkids, which I did expect to have to wait years for. I’m still a bit young sure, but that just means I’ll have more energy to run around with them.

Now, part of the reason I’m standing in my window like a voyeur is because as soon as I see life coming from over there, I’m heading over. Why? Because I’ve been eavesdropping on the conversations going on around my house and some one-sided ones when someone in my home has been speaking to a relative on the outside, like my brother and his wife and my parents, and it seems to me these people are planning to rob me of my grandkids.

There’s been talk of shopping trips to New York, girls only, overnights at great grandma’s house; she’s the head baby hog as near as I can tell. I’ve kept my mouth shut, I haven’t said anything, but these women seem to think they have a monopoly on my grandbabies; like because I have a dick, I shouldn’t want quality time as well.

Hah, I’ve got a plan that would put a wrench in all their shit, the nerve. “I’m going over.”

“Yes, let’s. Oh wait, maybe I shouldn’t go.”

“Why is that?” She’d been acting kind of weird since the party last night. She was her same hot self in bed, but I always know when something’s on her mind, only this time she wasn’t sharing. I’d chalked it up to the shock of all that has happened lately, but now it seems like she was ready to share.

“I think Gabe is upset with me. He said some things last night that made me feel awful though he was right.” I didn’t ask her what was said as I’m sure coming from my son that it would be on point. She doesn’t realize it yet, but she’s going to have to work this one out herself.

She may have felt the right at the time to share her story with our son, I’m not going to judge her for that, but she should realize by now that she was wrong and that there were consequences for that one selfish act. I say selfish because it’s a burden he should never have had to carry.

Now she’s faced with telling our other children what happened and why Natalia and Jr. are their brothers’ siblings. It’s horrible to say, but I don’t even recall if we’d ever told them that Gabe was adopted by me. I’ll be honest and say I never liked anyone knowing. It wasn’t because of any misogyny on my part, but more the fact that I never wanted my son to feel like he was somehow set apart from the rest of us. There were times I even regretted telling him though I knew it was the right thing to do.

And then there’s the thing that happened last night that has me more excited than ever. I woke up this morning with a hankering to see my boy to get started on this next phase of our relationship. “You know our son loves you; nothing you say or do will ever change that. He’s dealing with some things right now, so give him some room. But babe, when the time comes, and he wants to talk, listen, accept your part in all this, and find a way to move on.”

“I know, but the thought of him hating me hurts me so much.”

“Hate you? I think the boy loves you beyond measure. He’s got a lot on his plate right now, is all.”

“Do you really think so?”

“I know so.” I hugged her with a slight pain in my heart. I hate seeing her like this, unsure of herself and not knowing where she stands.

In many ways, she’s still the scared young girl I fell in love with and married, but the truth is she’s never had to stand on her own, not since the day we met. I’ve made it a point to always stand in front of her, to shield and protect. Especially in the beginning when my own parents refused to accept her and our child.


