The Last Ones Standing – Work Husband Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 123153 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 616(@200wpm)___ 493(@250wpm)___ 411(@300wpm)

“If I can’t sit at the table, I’ll make my own and take all their shit while I’m at it. Do this with me, Ny. I’m building the world you want,” I say and take her lips one more time.

“I need to think,” she says as we break the kiss.

“You have until I get back home.”


I lie in this strange bed and melt into the comforting scent of the man it belongs to. I don’t know what made me come here. It was something about where Gio’s words were going and the things he did get to say.

My mind won’t turn off so I can sleep. The sound of Dante’s voice haunts me. However, I know Gio did the right thing.

That woman intended to ruin their family and make Dante miserable while at it. He deserves better than that. You can see how much he loves his daughter and she him.

Do I agree with Gio as far as Lizzy is concerned? The jury is still out on that. What I do know is, I would have done the same for my sister.

I reach for my phone and look at the time. It’s after four in the morning. I wonder if they’ve reached Dante by now.

I’m not expecting them back anytime soon. Gio looked so tired, but I know he wouldn’t have settled if he didn’t set eyes on his little brother tonight.

I’m scrolling through my phone when it rings in my hands. Seeing it’s Holly, I answer it with a smile on my face.

“Hey, you. What’s up? Is everything okay?”

“Hello, Nyla,” a male voice greets my ears with a thick Italian accent.

“Oh my God, give me my phone back,” Holly growls in the background.

“…ch,” he tsks. “You tell me you can’t spend the day with me because your boss won’t allow it. I want to hear her tell me this for myself, cara.”

“That’s my property. You can’t just go through my phone and call people,” Holly fusses. “What’s wrong with you?”

“As I was saying. Ciao, Nyla. This is Gianni. You remember me, no?”

I smile and sit up. “Yes, I remember you, Gianni. How’s the new house coming?”

“Bene bene. I have Holly here for breakfast. I wanted to show her the work that’s been done. She looks lovely in my new home. As if she belongs here. This is why I want to spend the day with her.

“I’m a nice guy and I think my looks are good, no?”

“As I remember, you are a handsome guy. However, I do remember Ms. Di Rienzo ushering you away from me.”

“Ah, yes, that was more for my safety. I hadn’t known who you belonged to. Can you blame me? You and Holly are very attractive women.”

I try not to laugh. I knew he was after Holly. However, when his words sink in, my thoughts start to race.

Our meeting was brief, but I did get the impression that Gianni and Ava were familiar. I had written it off as her being friendly with this new neighbor. He’s charming.

I didn’t see him as a threat. If anything, I could see him wanting to buy the farm for more land. That would be a problem, but other than that, he seems harmless.

“What would you have me do? She’s a grown woman.”

“Why does she try to push me away? Is this an American thing? Does she not understand I mean to give her the world?”

“Oh, Gianni.” I chuckle. “Holly isn’t like other women. You have your work cut out for you.”

“One day. All I need is one day. I can leave two of my best men behind in her place.”

“I’ll tell you what. Talk to Ms. Di Rienzo. If she approves it, she can take the day.”

I saw the way his fine ass looked at her the first time we ran into him. Like he was going to eat her. His laugh rumbles through the phone and I swear it reminds me of Gio.

“See, bella, it’s settled, you are mine for the day. Thank you, Nyla. I owe you when I see you again.”

“Mmm, take care of my friend, or I’ll put your head in a box and ship it to your family before I visit them to deliver the same fate.”

“Non devi preoccuparti per me. Se faccio a modo mio, saremo una famiglia,” he says and hangs up.

I sit staring at my phone as I let his words sink in. I’m not worried about him, but what does he mean by… if he has his way, we will be family? Sure, I think of Holly like a sister, but I can’t see her sharing that with him.

I shrug it off as my lids get heavy. Holly can handle herself. Besides, I like the guy. I got good vibes from him, and Holly needs someone who can put a smile on her face. Love isn’t done with her.


