The Interview Read Online Donna Alam

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 161
Estimated words: 154890 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 774(@200wpm)___ 620(@250wpm)___ 516(@300wpm)

“I’d like to see what that looks like sometime.”


“I’ve seen it before, you know. In porn.”

“Then I might show you the real thing. Some other time.”

“If I’m a good girl?”

My gaze flicks over her. “Let’s not make goals unobtainable.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she ask, faux aggrieved.

“I’m not sure being good is your forte. You’re like that rhyme about the girl with the pearl. When she’s good she’s very, very good. But when she’s bad, she’s fucking delightful. Oh, look,” I add, bending and swiping my thumb over the rise of her clit. “You are the girl with the pearl.”

She laughs, flashing that gorgeous gap as she lifts her wrists above her head, stretching out in a supple line of attitude and wanton need. “You don’t think I can be good?”

“Not without incentive.”

Suddenly, she looks like the cat that licked the cream. She draws her foot up the bed and drops her knee provocatively. “I can be good, Whit. In fact, I think I can be really good. Ditch the condom, Daddy. I have the implant.”

I don’t answer, at least, not immediately. I think my heart might’ve stopped working for a second. Skipped a few beats? Fuck her bare; did I just hear that right?

“I mean, not that you have to.” Her knee begins to close, the insecurity in her tone penetrating my lustful stupor. It’s all I can do not to fall on her to fuck her immediately. I manage to do the latter, but the former happens before I even realize. She is a gift. A fucking gift.

“You’re sure?” I press my lips to the juncture of her neck and shoulder to hide what her offer does to me. The way I feel right now, I’d fuck her while wearing a Marigold glove. “Because if you’re not—”

“You would never put me at risk,” she says, pressing her hand to my cheek.

Her breath hitches as I turn my head and my lips graze her hand. “Your trust undoes me.” Taking her hand in mine, I lift it once more above her head, then push up onto my palms.

“I can’t believe we’re really going to do this.” Her voice trembles with emotion, but I can no longer speak, so I press my lips to hers. It’s a small kiss, but one that seems to take on a life all of its own. Passionate lips and teeth and tongue, the slide of her hot breath across my lips making my abs tense with need, endorphins and chemical lust rushing through my veins.

“Does this not feel real to you?” Do I think it or say it as I drop my hips, sliding the crown of my cock to where she’s so open.

Her reply is all gasp as I breach her so slowly, I know it’s hurting us both. Pain in the best kind of way. “It feels unreal.” Her voice is a delicate slide across my cheek as I stare down the channel between our bodies, past the sacred dips and valleys of her to where her body accepts mine. “My God. Oh, Whit.”

I am bathed in her bliss as I push in fully.

She’s so—Jesus! I’m not sure a word has been invented for how her body feels wrapped around me. Hot. Tight. Silky. All those words and more. Buried to my hilt, inside her, she pulses around me. Her hands scramble at my back as I withdraw, her fingers almost piercing as, with a snap of my hips I drive into her again, my grunt countering her cry.

“You’re so big,” she pants beneath me.

“And you’re perfect. Feel how we fit.” As though I need to prove the point, I cradle her jaw in my hand as I thrust slowly inside her. My eyes dare hers to look away as I fuck her slowly, steadily. When I pull back and drive deep inside her, her gaze never wavers, though the movement would be reason enough. Her eyes on mine, she cries out.

So fucking perfect. It’s all so fucking perfect.

“You feel like you were made for me. Her whimpers turn to cries as I deliver a series of deep, punishing thrusts, our mouths meeting messily on my grunting upthrust.

“Oh, darling.” I tighten my grip as I begin to flex and pump, grinding against her as body coaxes me on. “That’s right,” I rasp as she goes silent. Goes rigid. “Come for me.”

She gasps. I feel it on my face. I feel it pulsing around me.

I groan, undulating above her, not daring to move. “Amelia, I can feel you coming around my cock.”

Her body milks mine for all that it’s worth—and she can have me because right now, there is nothing to stop this from happening. Fire rushes through my veins, white hot and intense, as my own climax begins to build. I’m unable to stop, unable to process the waves of pleasure drowning me as I hammer myself home one final time.


