The Interview Read Online Donna Alam

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 161
Estimated words: 154890 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 774(@200wpm)___ 620(@250wpm)___ 516(@300wpm)

“Put me in your mouth, darling. Suck me off.”

Her eyes sweep up, her look bold. “You can’t put bad things in my mouth.”

My laughter, fuck, it’s loud. At least until she presses her lips to my crown. “This isn’t bad.” She swirls her tongue. “This is you, and I have wanted you for a very long time.”

“And now you have me. I’m all yours.” In more ways than I’m prepared to admit. In more ways than you’re prepared to hear.

“Not Kerry’s?”

“No more than you are Garrett’s.”

She seems satisfied by my answer, putting her lips to me in a tight kiss, her lips widening as she slides her way down. It’s some show, watching my cock disappear into her mouth.

“Fuck, yeah. That’s it.” My head drops back, the sight of her dark-painted lashes like the sweep of an angel’s wing. Her lips, pink and full. The remains of her messy bun. She looks like and angel, but she sucks cock like a professional as she holds me there, deep in her mouth, hollowing her cheeks for a slow return.

I hiss out a curse at her next return, my hands encouraging her as I cradle her head.

“Fuck, yes.” My compliment is a shallow moan as I ease her closer. “Deeper, darling. Take me all the way in.” My fingers tangled in her hair, I give a couple of tentative thrusts, power seeping deep into my bones as, to my surprise and delight, she presses her fingers to my thighs, offering me her mouth. Ceding control.

Her eyes are penetrating, her lips sensuous, and her mouth like velvet as I slide myself deeper. My thighs tremble and my brain turns to porridge as she begins to moan soft encouragements.

“You’re so beautiful on your knees for me.”

She moans softly as I tell her how beautiful she looks, and tears fall from her eyes as I press against the channel of her throat. She doesn’t fight me as I hold her there. She just stares up at me with such trust.

“I fucking love—” My heart feels like it’s about to burst, and not just because of the blow job of the year. The way she trusts me. The way she bends. This shit she’s doing so we can pretend. It’s her—it’s all her. We’re fighting the inevitable, can’t she see that? When will she realise?

I’m trembling as I withdraw from the wet confines of her mouth, my emotions a heavy layer over this ecstasy. I have to control this. I can’t fall apart. So I give her another experience, one she’s said she’d like to see.


My insides light like fireworks as I use her saliva as lube, my first slipping wetly up and down my length, my other still tangled in her hair. And her expression? I want to kiss it. Fuck it. Come on it. Which is fortunate, because that’s what I’m about to do as I angle my cock down and with an almost plaintive sounding curse, I lash her neck and her chest in hot, wet bursts.



“You all right?”

I blink up from my dirty daydreaming. Whit’s fingers making a bracelet against my wrist, his attention a tender stroke to the underside as he’s lifted me back onto my feet.


“Sorry. Super busy!” I announce with a bright smile, holding out my hands for the shoebox-sized parcel the man in a security uniform is holding in his hands.

“Looked like you’ve gone to sleep with your eyes open,” he says, smirking as he hands it over.

“It was all internal work,” I answer briskly, placing the box to the left of my desk. “Do I need to sign for it?”

“Nah. The courier will have gotten that when it was left at reception. I just said I’d drop it off on my rounds.”

“Well, thanks!”

The security guard can’t have taken more than a few steps before I find my finger caressing my breastbone as though I were still on my knees, Whit’s body bent over me. It was so hot watching him work himself. Seeing him fall apart. Being the object of his desire, then the focus of his tenderness as he’d helped me up from the floor and swiped up the towel.

“You okay?” he’d asked carefully, his thumb on my pulse.

I’d nodded. I didn’t have the words. It was like my mind checked out and my body took over and, just, hell, it was so good.

“That was better than any kind of porn,” I found myself whispering. Laughter had burst from his chest, and he’d taken my face in his hands when I’d added, “That was amazing. When can you do it again?”

“You want me to come on you again?”

“Yes, no. All of it. Whit, you make me want to do things I’ve never even thought of. You turn me on so much. I’m not just aroused with you, but I’m safe. I know I can do or say what I think and feel, and—”


