The Image of You Read Online Melanie Moreland

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Drama, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 113142 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 566(@200wpm)___ 453(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

“Thank you for this.”

“I hope it does well.”

He tilted his head and moved on.

I drained my glass and set it on the table close to me. Then I heard a small gasp I’d know anywhere and turned to face Ally.

Up close, she was more stunning than ever. But her beautiful eyes were wide and confused, her gaze bouncing between me and the picture. Standing beside her, Elena took us in, her steady gaze shrewd. She tilted her head, studying the image, then she smirked and brushed a kiss to Ally’s cheek.

“I’m going to the table. These old legs need to sit down. I’ll see you after dinner, child.” Then she looked at me. “I understand you’re at my table, Mr. Kincaid. You’ll sit beside me.”

It was a command, not a request.

“My pleasure, ma’am,” I murmured, not taking my eyes off Ally.

Elena chuckled and swept away. “We’ll see about that, boy.”

My lips quirked at her tone and the name she’d bestowed on me.

My Nightingale looked at me and then again at the picture. I wanted to pull her into my arms and kiss her until she couldn’t breathe. I needed to touch her, but I knew I couldn’t.

“No one knows it’s you. I promise.”

“Elena knew… I know.”

“Are you angry?”

“I’m overwhelmed.” She gestured toward the image. “When?”

I inched forward, needing to be closer. “After you left for brunch.”

Her fathomless eyes met mine, her exhaustion making them dull in the dim light. “Why, Adam? Why are you here?”-

“I wanted to be here tonight. Be close to you.” Unable to resist, I flicked my fingers out, touching her wrist. “I was afraid if I told you, you’d tell me not to come.”

She moved, seemingly to get closer to the photo. I startled when her fingers slipped into my hand, squeezing tight before withdrawing. “Thank you.”

“You’re so beautiful.”

She offered me a smile, a warm one filled with her light. “You clean up well, Mr. Kincaid.”

“Your dress is lovely. It looks spectacular on you.” I lowered my voice. “It’s going to look even better on the floor beside our bed.”

Her hand flew to her neck, where my nightingale pendant rested. “Adam…” she breathed out.

“I need you alone.”

“You’ll have it later.”

“I’m not sure I’ll last until then.”

“Try, Adam,” she teased. “It’s only a few hours. At least make it through dinner.”

I smirked. “I can do that. No doubt Elena will keep me on my toes.”

She hummed in agreement. “I’d hate to see this work of art not get auctioned off if you misbehaved and got dragged out.”

“Do you hate it?” I asked, indicating the photo.

“No.” She shook her head. “I think it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. I wish I could afford to buy it.”

“I might be able to help with that.”

She hummed. “Somehow, I’m not surprised.”

Bradley appeared suddenly, and she took a step back. He looked between us, and only then did I realize how close we were standing. I moved back as well.

“Alexandra, we need to move to our table.”

She smiled at me. “Thank you again for your explanation. Your photo is mesmerizing.”

“You’re welcome, Ms. Robbins.” I returned her smile. “Enjoy your dinner.”

“I will.”

I watched her walk away, moving in front of Bradley so he didn’t touch her.

Then I dragged in a deep breath of air, making a silent promise to both of us.

It was the last time she’d have to walk without me.



Dinner was a cat-and-mouse game with Elena. Ally was correct when she’d stated Elena would preside over the table. The old woman was a powerhouse—shrewd, sharp, and blunt. She was also catty and snarky when she felt like it—which, it seemed, was a lot this evening. Her jibes were laced with the sweetest of smiles, her sharp words spiked with kindness. She didn’t suffer fools easily, and this table was full of them. I would have gone mad without her presence.

I liked her a lot.

My view of Ally was perfect. More than once, our gazes met, lingering far too long, and I had to tear my glance away. Hundreds of words passed between us without a sound. Lifetimes of promises made with the lift of an eyebrow. The intense closeness I felt to Ally was uncanny—unlike anything I had ever experienced until her. More than once, Elena caught our stares, her all-seeing eyes studying us as if she knew what was occurring.

I tuned out a great deal of the conversation, covertly making sure Bradley didn’t get too handsy and Ally wasn’t picked on by her mother every moment. She was stuck between them again, but tonight, she didn’t seem as drawn in on herself. Her shoulders were back, the light glinting off her pendant. Her face was almost serene, and I knew I’d made the right decision coming here. She needed me as much as I needed her.

Elena cleared her throat, and I realized I’d been staring far too long at Ally. She shifted in her chair, turning to face me. Most of our table had gotten up to look over the auction items one last time, leaving us to talk.


