The Golden Raven (All for Game #5) Read Online Nora Sakavic

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Sports, Tear Jerker, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: All for Game Series by Nora Sakavic

Total pages in book: 177
Estimated words: 163209 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 816(@200wpm)___ 653(@250wpm)___ 544(@300wpm)

“You are an idiot,” Jean accused him. “You were barely fast enough to save him last time. The next time someone takes a swing at him, you and your brisket lungs will have to watch him die. I wouldn’t have given him to you if I’d known you would just throw him away so carelessly.”

“Filing that one under the list of things no one asked you,” Andrew said as he lit up.

Jean scowled at him as he pulled his phone out. He hadn’t bothered to save Neil’s number, but it was the only unregistered one in his call history. Jean stared at it, warring between necessity and his desire to avoid this conversation at all costs. At length he closed his eyes and dialed out. It took three rings before Neil answered with a simple, “Neil.”

“We’re nowhere near the trial,” Jean said in French. “Why were they arrested already?”

Neil said nothing for a moment, then offered only a confused, “What?”

Jean explained Hannah’s ambush, then said, “They are supposed to be what connects me to you, but the Butcher’s investigation is still ongoing. What am I allowed to say if I cannot point the finger at him yet?”

“Can’t claim ignorance now if they’re going to use you as a witness later,” Neil mused. “It’ll cast too much doubt on your credibility. Demand privacy as you come to terms with their arrest and avoid making a proper statement as long as you can, perhaps. I’ll reach out for some answers.”

Not a perfect solution, but it would have to do. Jean hung up as Andrew’s phone beeped. Andrew skimmed his latest message before placing the phone near Jean’s hand. It was Kevin’s update: Hannah promised to stay on track with her questions for the rest of the interview, and she would send Amber down to collect them from the lobby.

Jean would’ve preferred she held her ground so they had an excuse to leave, but there was nothing he could do about it. He pushed away from the car and started for the door. Andrew was slow to follow, buying time to get through his cigarette, but he caught up at the entrance and they went in together. Amber was waiting near the desk with her cheerful smile still locked in place, looking for all the world like Jean hadn’t walked out on them.

The trek back to the studio was too short, and Jeremy caught Jean’s eye as he stepped through the doorway. Jean would have to apologize later for misbehaving after promising to properly represent the Trojans, but for now he went back to his spot on the couch and sat once more at Kevin’s side.

In weary Japanese Kevin said, “Our damage control needs damage control. I will never do an interview again.”

“Don’t lie. You like the sound of your voice too much to give this up.”

Kevin conceded with a light shrug. “Are you ready?”

“Would it matter if I said no?”

Kevin didn’t waste his breath responding but smiled over at Hannah, who was watching them closely. “We’re ready to try again.”

“Good, good. And apologies for dropping that without warning,” she added, as an afterthought. “Kevin and I already filmed a few cutaways for commercials, so let’s take it back a few steps and try a new angle.” She waited for Jean’s nod, then motioned to her producer. He counted them off, and Hannah turned her winning smile on the camera. “Welcome back to Bailey’s Breaking News. When last we left off...”



Twenty-five minutes later they were finally freed from Hannah’s clutches, but getting out of the studio only solved one problem. Everything they’d set aside for the sake of surviving the interview had to be addressed, and Jean didn’t miss how quickly Jeremy’s smile faded as soon as they were out of that wretched building and in the parking lot.

Kevin snagged Jean’s sleeve halfway to the car and said, “Give us a minute, Jeremy.”

Jeremy turned toward him immediately. “Let’s hear it.” When Kevin gestured between himself and Jean, Jeremy lifted his chin and fixed Kevin with a steady look. There was nothing aggressive in his stance or tone, but Jean heard the easy challenge in his: “Sure. Look me in the eye and tell me this is going to cause no problems whatsoever for my team, and I’ll wait in the car while you two talk it out. Can you promise me that?”

Kevin’s hesitation was all the answer Jeremy needed, and Jeremy turned toward Jean next. “Obviously this is not something either of you wants to talk about, and I wish I could respect that. But whatever is happening here will have ramifications for all of us, so let’s find a way to tackle this together.”

Jean fixed his stare across the parking lot. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“You asked me to help you survive whatever comes next, and this is part of it,” Jeremy said. “I’m standing here as your friend and your captain, and I’m asking you to be honest with me. Look at me, Jean,” he said, and waited until Jean dragged his attention back to Jeremy’s face. “Can you trust me, or can’t you? I need to know.”


