The Golden Raven (All for Game #5) Read Online Nora Sakavic

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Sports, Tear Jerker, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: All for Game Series by Nora Sakavic

Total pages in book: 177
Estimated words: 163209 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 816(@200wpm)___ 653(@250wpm)___ 544(@300wpm)

“I’m aware this is your first public appearance,” she said. “Try to forget about the cameras and think of it as just a conversation between the three of us. We’ll keep it as straightforward as we can, and we’ll send you a copy of the final edit when it’s set to go on air. Sound like a plan?” Jean stared at her in silence until Kevin cleared his throat, but Hannah beat Jean to speaking. “Forgive me for how this comes across, but we’ve heard mixed reports on how fluent you are. We can provide an interpreter if it would make you more comfortable.”

A rumor started by the Ravens last fall whilst they were destroying his previously nonexistent reputation, and which had worked to his benefit at least once since moving to California. Jean saw no reason to upend it now if he could keep hiding behind a language barrier. He glanced at Kevin, but Kevin motioned meaningfully to Hannah. He wasn’t going to help this time, so Jean fought back a scowl and said, “Kevin will help me.”

“As you like,” Hannah said. “We’ve just got one or two things to set up and we’ll get started. I’ll begin by introducing the segment, and you’ll know when the camera has panned out to include you when I do this.” She turned a warm smile toward the camera and gestured to indicate her guests. She glanced their way afterward to ensure they understood their cue and dropped her hand to her lap. “Would you like some water?”

“That would be great,” Kevin said.

Hannah motioned to her team, but the faint frown that tugged at her mouth had Jean following her gaze. Amber was huddled with the camera crew around a laptop, both hands over her bulky headphones as she stared in slack-jawed fascination at whatever was happening on the screen. Hannah cleared her throat, offered a quick, “Excuse me,” and went to corral her team. She made it halfway to them before one of the men rushed to meet her and pull her aside. Jean heard the murmur of voices but couldn’t make out any words, but Hannah hurried to Amber’s side only moments later.

“That bodes well,” Jean said in an undertone.

“Unlikely to have anything to do with us,” Kevin said.

Despite that easy dismissal, he glanced across the room toward Andrew and Jeremy. The pair were also watching the fuss, but Andrew only needed a moment to feel Kevin’s gaze on him. He waved it off, looking unconcerned. Jeremy caught the gesture as well. When he saw the question in Kevin’s stare he checked his phone. His helpless shrug a few moments later ought to be reassuring: if the floozies weren’t blowing up his phone with rumors and gossip, then Kevin was right about it not being their problem. Another headline for Hannah to chase as soon as she got them out of here, perhaps.

Amber lowered her hands and nudged her pair of headphones ajar to free an ear. She gestured wildly at the screen as she explained what she was looking at, and Hannah clasped her shoulder in either thanks or encouragement as she stepped away. Her “Keep an eye on it and keep me posted,” carried well enough as she started back toward her chair. She was almost back before she remembered why she’d left, and she called, “We’ll take water, and then we’ll get started.”

She turned an apologetic smile on her guests as she got comfortable, but the new light in her eyes made Jean deeply uncomfortable. Whatever new story was unfolding put a hunger in her that was likely to make her tactless and greedy as she rushed through this for the next big thing.

“I’m sorry about that,” she said. “Shall we begin?”

Since Amber was busy, one of the men had to bring glasses of water over, and he arranged them on the table within reach. Then he hurried back to his spot between the cameras. As soon as his crew motioned their readiness, he waved an okay to Hannah and counted them off.

“Good afternoon, Los Angeles, and welcome to a special segment of Bailey’s Breaking News,” Hannah said, brandishing her perfect smile for the cameras. “I’m Hannah Bailey. As of this morning, we are two weeks out from the start of the NCAA Exy season. Join us this evening at eight-thirty for our weekly check-in around the nation. With some last-minute coaching changes in the Midwest, we’re bound to see some shakeups heading into the year. Minnesota and Iowa will both be dialing in with the latest updates, and you won’t want to miss it.

“Today we’ve got something special in store,” Hannah said, pointing her gaze toward the other camera. “I have with me today two of the biggest names from Class I Exy, Kevin Day of Palmetto State University and Jean Moreau of the University of Southern California.” She motioned broadly to them. Jean kept his stare on her, aware that Kevin had glanced obediently toward the camera with a smile and an acknowledging tilt of his head. “These former Ravens are here to help us pay an overdue homage to a legend and to prepare us for what’s to come this season. Kevin, Jean, thank you for joining us today.”


