The Gift of Strength Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 72494 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 362(@200wpm)___ 290(@250wpm)___ 242(@300wpm)

He was nearly giggling as he pulled me back down onto his lap, my legs straddling his as I faced him. “And I didn’t walk you into any furniture either.”

He was so ridiculous. “That’s because we cleared most of the space for puppy time.”

Master didn’t even have a coffee table anymore because I ran into it…a few times.

His shrug made me laugh. “That’s not the point.”

I was pretty sure it was a big point, but I let him have his win. “You’re right. You take very good care of me, Master.”

He hummed, a slightly bitter sound and not his usual happy one. “Sometimes.”

Shaking my head, I tucked myself even tighter against him as I kissed his cheek. “Nope. All the time. You didn’t make me hide away in the bedroom when I wanted to come to the door too. You stood up to your father for me. You made sure he knew you didn’t think I was a wuss or a hussy.”

That got a snicker from Master and had my stress levels going down again.

“You take very good care of me.” Petting his chest, I kissed his neck and thought of all the wonderful things he did for me. “You made sure I could get into the building whenever I want to come see you and you’d scare Ralph into behaving. You’re a great Master.”

He huffed, a clear denial, but he didn’t push it. “I have the best boy, so I have to take care of you.”

As his hands stroked my back, his voice softened and I could hear a lighter note in his voice. “You let me hover. You didn’t think it was ridiculous when I made you lunch. You came over when you were stressed and told me everything that was bothering you. That’s great communication, pet.”


“You’re trying to distract me with praise.” He was sneaky sometimes. “That’s not fair. I was praising you and taking care of you.”

His chest jerked in silent laughter but he managed to keep it in check as he sighed dramatically. “I don’t know what you mean. I was just telling my boy all the wonderful things he did for me.”

Scoffing, I pinched his nipple and loved the way he sucked in a breath. He was going to pretend to be shocked but I could feel the desire coursing through him. “Naughty boy. I think someone has forgotten how to behave.”


So I pinched him again to make sure I’d been naughty enough. “I lost it, Master. I don’t know where it went. My good behavior escaped.”

Since I’d found where my pair had wandered off to, it seemed my common sense had left the building…but I had Master, so I probably didn’t need to go searching too far to find it.

He would take care of me.

But for now he coughed, badly covering a laugh, before shaking his head. “We’re going to have to fix this then. I can’t have you misbehaving.”


But just to make sure we were both on the same page, I rocked back and forth against him, double-checking if he was hard.

He was.

And now he seemed to be even harder.

Even bigger yay.

“I’m a hussy, Master. I just can’t behave.” I wasn’t sure if it would be too soon but laughter burst out of him.

As he hugged me tight, he rolled us over so I was pinned to the couch and he was stretched out over me. “No. Just no. You cannot bring up my father when I’m planning how I’m going to spank you.”

Giggling, I tried to look innocent but I knew it didn’t work. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Master. I’m just a very naughty hussy. I seduce unsuspecting straight men and bring them over to the dark side.”

He was barely holding in his laughter as he rested his forehead against mine, his smile ear to ear. “Is this a Star Wars scene or a spanking? You don’t get both.”

“That’s a thing?” Even I could feel how wide my eyes had gone but I couldn’t stop myself.

People did that?

Master grinned wickedly and nodded. “We’re really going to have to spend more time browsing the internet together. I could be a frustrated Luke who’s decided to put a naughty Yoda in his place?”

Oh God.

“No.” Shaking my head as he almost giggled in wicked glee, I just couldn’t get the image out of my head. “You’re evil. That’s just…no.”

I was never going to be able to watch those movies again.

“Come on. I bet you could do a good impression. Tell me you’re a naughty Jedi Master.” The more I groaned the more he laughed until he was breathless and sliding off the couch. Of course, because of his tight hold and the way his arms were tucked under me, I came with him, rolling over and landing on his chest as the air rushed out of his lungs.


