The Frat Boy (Nashville Neighborhood #4) Read Online Nikki Sloane

Categories Genre: College, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nashville Neighborhood Series by Nikki Sloane

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 114337 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 572(@200wpm)___ 457(@250wpm)___ 381(@300wpm)

He froze, and his lips parted.

Had the sight of me topless short-circuited his brain? He’d seen dozens of girls naked before, I was sure, so it was kind of flattering to draw this response from him. Blood whooshed loudly in my head as his gaze caressed every inch of my exposed skin. And when he lifted that heavy gaze to meet mine, goosebumps rose on my arms.

I hoped he had no idea he was seeing something I’d only shown to a few people before tonight. I wanted to be a sexually confident woman like Nina was.

Had she heard my thoughts?

“Tell him to touch you,” she prompted in my ear.

“Put your fucking hands on my body,” I blurted, and my eyes widened. It had come out so much more aggressive than I’d meant it to, and if the room was a powder keg, my order lit the match.

He charged forward, and I swallowed a breath as one of his hands grasped my waist and the other cupped my breast. An anxious sigh slipped out of me at his touch, and it was so distracting, I only turned my head at the last second to avoid his incoming kiss.

“No kissing on the lips,” I said breathlessly.

Colin stilled but didn’t break contact, which meant my breast was still cupped in his firm hand. He was several inches taller than I was, and as he loomed over me, confusion flooded his face. It was quickly replaced by another emotion—one that looked like irritation.

He wasn’t happy about this rule.

Why was that?

“Not on the lips?” His tone was dark. “Fine by me.”

Although it seemed like a lie. He dropped his head into the crook of my neck, nuzzling his face in so he could suck on the sensitive skin below my ear. And as he did that, his hand moved so he could pinch my nipple between his thumb and the side of his palm.

Electricity zipped through me and threatened to make my legs go boneless, so I had no choice but to steady myself by putting my hands on his broad shoulders. His skin was warm and soft, but the mouth attached to my neck was hot and urgent.

It was crazy, what I was doing, and who I was doing it with, and worst of all, how good it felt.

My eyes grew heavy, wanting to close so I could block him out and focus better on the sensations he caused. But he was sucking so hard, an alarm sounded in my head. If he kept doing that, this asshole was going to leave a mark.

Yeah? Two can play that game.

I coursed my nails down the perfect landscape of his chest, giving him just enough pressure to leave track marks and know I was serious. His mouth finally relented so he could issue a hiss of discomfort, and his warm breath rolled down over my breasts.

My eyebrow arched as I peered up at him. I’d won that battle, hadn’t I?

Except the hand on my waist moved down to grab a handful of my ass and squeezed hard enough it forced me forward into him. My nipples had tightened into hard points, and when they brushed against his bare chest, it sent another bolt of unwanted electricity through me.

He smirked like he knew.

Competing thoughts swam in my head. I hated this guy, right? He was a cocky jerk who I intended to take down a peg or two. But why did I like how he manhandled me? He palmed my breast as if he knew exactly how rough I wanted it, and I despised that he was right.

I needed to regain some of the power, so I wedged my hand between our bodies and stroked my palm over the fly of his jeans. The grunt of satisfaction he gave was begrudging, and I nearly laughed. He was already hard, and again, I found it kind of flattering. We were only doing PG-13 stuff.

“Her pants need to come off first,” Nina said.

I could tell it was just as weird for him as it was for me to have these voices in our ears, because a jarring look flitted through his expression. Then Colin turned us and gave me a soft shove backward. It caused me to take a seat on the bed, and I only got a chance to glare up at him before he was pushing me down onto my back, climbing on the bed beside me.


I sucked in a slow breath as his damp mouth started at my collarbone and dropped a line of kisses down my chest. His lips traipsed over my skin, inching toward one of my nipples. His mouth circled endlessly, but never going where I wanted it most.

A strange thought hit me then. By denying him the chance to kiss me on the lips, he planned to make me pay for it in other ways.


