The Foxhole Court Read Online Nora Sakavic (All for Game #1)

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: All for the Game Series by Nora Sakavic

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 87395 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 437(@200wpm)___ 350(@250wpm)___ 291(@300wpm)

"Palmetto State is a waste of his talents."

"Not as much as Edgar Allen was," Neil said. Someone in the audience laughed, entertained by Kathy's mouthy guest. "Your team's ranked first? Congratulations and big deal. Maintaining a top position is far easier than starting over from the gutters. Kevin is doing that right now. He's facing entirely new schools and learning to play with his less dominant hand. When he masters it, and he will, he'll be better than you could ever have made him.

"Do you know why?" Neil asked, but he didn't let Riko answer. "It's not just his natural talent. It's because he's with us. There are only ten Foxes this year. That's one sub for every position. Think about it. Last night we played Breckenridge. They have twentyseven people on their roster. They can burn through players as fast as they want because they have a pile of replacements. We don't have that luxury. We have to hold our ground on our own."

"You didn't hold your ground," Riko said over the Foxes' applause. "You lost. Your school is the laughingstock of the NCAA. You're a team with no concept of teamwork."

"Lucky for you," Neil said. "If we were a unified front you wouldn't have a chance against us."

"You cannot last and your unfounded arrogance is offensive to everyone who actually earned a spot in Class I. Everyone knows the only reason Palmetto qualified for this division is because of your coach."

"Funny, I'm pretty sure that's how Edgar Allen qualified."

"We've earned our prestige a thousand times over. You've earned nothing but pity and scorn, neither of which should be tolerated in a sport. Someone as inexperienced as you are has no right to have an opinion on the matter."

"All the same, I'll give you one more," Neil said. "I don't think you're telling Kevin to sit out because of his health. I think you know this season is going to be a disaster for your reputation. You and Kevin have always played in each other's shadows. You've always been a pair. Now you have to face each other on the court as rivals for the first time, and people are finally going to know which one of you is better. They're going to know how premature this was." Neil gestured at his face, meaning Riko and Kevin's tattoos. "I think you're scared."

Riko's smile could have frozen hell. "I am not scared of Kevin. I know him."

"You're going to eat those words," Neil said. "You're going to choke on them."

"That sounds like a challenge," Kathy cut in with a quick look between them. "You've got seven weeks until your match and I, for one, am already counting down the seconds. There's so much to look forward to this year, but one question can't wait: orange or black, Kevin? What color is your future?"

Kevin clenched his hand around Neil's arm, cutting off circulation all the way to Neil's fingertips. "I already said it," Kevin said without looking at Riko. "I would like to stay at Palmetto as long as they're willing to have me."

The Foxes cheered at that. The rest of the audience was quick to join in. The tension between the strikers had seeped into the crowd, and it broke now in an uncontrollable wave. Kathy didn't even try to calm it but pointed at the cameras. Neil barely heard her announce the end of the Exy segment and the cut to commercials. A light at the foot of the stage went dark, indicating they were off the air. Kathy covered the microphone on her shirt collar and looked at her guests.

"You boys made my day," she said with her biggest smile yet. The three got to their feet and Kathy shook their hands. "Keep the clothes. There're refreshments in back and we've got seats up front so you can watch the rest of the show."

"Thank you," Kevin said.

Neil had no intention of hanging out here any longer. He looked out at the crowd. Wymack sliced a hand across his throat and jerked his thumb over his shoulder. Neil hoped he was right in translating it as "Let's get the hell out of here." He reached past Kevin to put his water on Kathy's desk. Kevin didn't look like he was moving anytime soon, so Neil put his body between Riko's and Kevin's and pushed Kevin toward the wings.

Riko followed them off the stage and behaved until they were in the hallway. The aides who'd been waiting in the wings rushed past them to check on Kathy and adjust settings during the commercial break. Neil thought maybe one would linger long enough to distract Riko, but maybe the time crunch was more important than autographs right now.

Neil hated having Riko at his back, but Riko moved just as Neil turned to face him. Riko caught Neil by his shoulders and threw him up against the wall. Neil went rigid as they stared each other down, trapped more by the death in Riko's eyes than the fingers leaving bruises on his shoulders. Riko had the same stare his father did: he looked at Neil and saw only flesh that knew how to bleed.

"I do not approve, Kevin," Riko said. "You should get rid of him as soon as possible."

"You saw our game last night," Kevin said quietly. "He has potential."

"Potential." Riko slammed Neil against the wall again and whirled on Kevin. Kevin stared back at him, white-faced and tense. "You said that goalkeeper had potential and then wrote him off as useless when I offered him to you. You'll get bored of this one just as quickly. Believe me."

Kevin pressed his lips into a hard line and looked away. Riko made a disgusted noise low in his throat. He said something in a language Neil didn't understand. Neil guessed it was Japanese. Whatever it was, it sounded furious. Kevin flinched and offered a weak response. Riko stabbed a finger at him in angry accusation and rattled away, getting louder and more incensed by the second. Neil watched Kevin wilt beneath the weight of his brother's—no, owner's—fury and kissed his survival instincts goodbye. He grabbed Riko's shirt and hauled him back.


