The Forever Girl Read Online Free Book by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 24356 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 122(@200wpm)___ 97(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)

I called the guys to let them know I was going to be late and when Craig pressed me with this nosy ass I told him what was going on. Of course he knew something was up because she was screaming in the background.

My next call was to a locksmith. I offered him extra if he’d come out right away and he agreed. I went to my room and slammed the door as I looked for the court papers just in case. I knew her style, knew she wasn’t going to leave without a fight and I might have to call the law anyway before this shit was done.

Shit, what did this mean for Casey and me? I’d planned to introduce her to the kids tonight, but with their mother gone they may not be ready for that shit. If I put it off again after promising her she’d fucking freak. What a fucking mess.

I wasn’t surprised when I saw the boys pull up. I was standing on the porch watching my ex lose her shit. Whatever neighbors were home were enjoying the show, I give a fuck. She was yelling threats, which were all going over my head. She didn’t have a leg to stand on.

The guys barely spared her a glance before climbing up on the porch. “What are y’all doing here? We have to finish that job before the holidays.”

“The job can wait, you okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” They all looked at her and back at me.

“What set her off this time?”

I gave them the condensed version just as the sheriff’ deputy was pulling up.

“Who the fuck called them?” Russell had no love for the law and wasn’t shy about letting it be known.

“Probably one of the neighbors.” The deputy got out and went over to her and she cried and pointed back at me but I couldn’t hear what was being said. When he finally made his way to me I was ready for him.

I pulled the papers from my back pocket and held them out to him. “Go down to about the tenth line.” He read and then looked back at me. “You have proof of this?”

“Yeah, my seven year old son saw the whole thing. I suggest you get her the hell off my property before I do something you’ll have to arrest me for.”

“Damn.” He shook his head and looked back at her before stepping down off the porch and going back to her with the papers in his hand.

True to his word the locksmith showed up and I showed him what I wanted done. I left the guys out there keeping an eye and breathed a sigh of relief when I heard her car peel out of my driveway.

I called the school and let them know that no one but me was supposed to pick my kids up, made sure all the locks were indeed changed and went to work.

All morning I thought about the coming night and how I was going to handle it. One thing was for certain I can’t keep disappointing Casey. I’ll just roll the dice and see where they land. I had faith in my kids, and if they didn’t know how much I loved them by now, well then I’d failed miserably as a dad and there was no hope for it.

Once I got past the worry of how they’d take it, I felt a sense of relief and just a little touch of excitement. This was a giant leap forward for us. The next chapter in our lives. It was something to celebrate and I’d be damned if I let my fuck up of an ex spoil it.

I didn’t give my ex much thought for the rest of the morning. Tomorrow I’ll call the lawyer and see what if anything I needed to do to keep her the fuck out of my house and my life permanently.

I forgot to check to see if she’d left anything behind, but I can always do that later. “You doing okay bro?” Russell came up behind me as I was fitting a cabinet door. “I’m all good brother.” I knew they’ve been worried about me, about the situation I’d found myself in.

One or the other of them had slept on my couch in the beginning when the judge first gave her permission to stay. They were afraid I’d end her in the night or some fuck, but I knew I wouldn’t, no matter how tempted I was.

“So you taking Casey to meet the kids tonight?”


“It’s about damn time.” He clapped me on the shoulder and grinned.

“You think?”

“Sure, Casey’s good people. The boys and I have been watching you know, she’s not what she seems at all is she? I mean someone who looks like that, comes from what she came from. I’d expect her to put on airs or be all stuck up and shit, but she’s not. Do you know last week I told her little Andrea was sick with the flu and Leanne was having a time of it with three kids and a sick baby, do you know she went over with a carload of shit?”


