The Fierce Highlander (Blood & Honor Trilogy #2) Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors: Series: Blood & Honor Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 98745 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 494(@200wpm)___ 395(@250wpm)___ 329(@300wpm)

Leora’s fear vanished, her immediate thought on a more urgent matter. If the nuns at the abbey provided healing, when necessary, then could any of them have been summoned to Clan Ravinsher since her sister’s arrival and might have met her? She was eager to find out.

She did not share her thoughts with her husband since he would probably warn her against asking questions, and she had no intention of letting anyone stop her.

She did, however, speak the truth to him. “I look forward to a bed rather than the hard ground or a leaky cottage.”

Though her body continued to ache her, and her wound continued to pain her, she had slept well in her husband’s arms last night and did feel refreshed this morning. She had, however, grown tired of the five-day journey, or had it been longer? She was losing track of time since leaving home. She was relieved their destination was finally close at hand.

“Their beds are meant for a single person, but we will make do,” Noble said.

Leora was not ready to share a bed with him, especially after last night. She did not mind being tucked against him as she had been last night and the other nights by the campfire on their travels here. The heat of his body had kept her warm and his presence had kept her nightmares at bay. But something had changed between them last night when she unexpectedly woke and found her lips so close to his and… she almost shook her head but caught herself. She did not want her husband to feel it and question her. While truth was best in starting their marriage, she would not be able to bring herself to tell him that she had an overwhelming urge to kiss him.

She hurried to say, “You can have your own bed and I will have mine,” she said.

“That is not the way it will be. We are wed, and all will know we share a bed.”

The strength of his voice sounded as if he issued a command.

Leora spoke honestly to him. “I am not ready for that.”

He was but Noble chose not to say that. “I have no intentions of consummating our marriage at the abbey, though it will not wait long. I will take no chance that our marriage can be voided, no chance that someone can take you away from me.”

“No chance that you fail at your task for Lord Slayer,” Leora added and saw annoyance spark in his eyes.

“I accepted this task willingly. Lord Slayer did not have to convince me or command me. He left the decision to me. If I did not accept it, it would have been offered to another warrior. I chose to wed you, to have children with you, to live the rest of my days with you.” A smile twitched at the corners of his mouth. “Be grateful it was me who wed you. I heard your sister Elsie was not Cavell’s father’s first choice for a wife. He wanted you for his son.”

“God forbid!” she said and shuddered at the mere thought. “We would have never gotten along. Cavell suits my sister well and I am thrilled that they have fallen in love. Elsie deserves a good man and a good life.”

“And she will have it with Cavell, though it would have never come to be if Elsie had not given him a chance.”

“More like it would have never come to be if Cavell hadn’t given Elsie a chance,” Leora corrected, knowing her sister well and how difficult it must have been for her to deal with the mighty and scarred Gallowglass warrior. But circumstances had forced it upon her and she had flourished because of it.

“It would seem they both gave each other a chance,” Noble said, a slight raise of his brow letting her know he made his point.

She smiled generously, understanding what he was saying without him actually saying it. “Aye, that they did, but they didn’t try to tame each other. They accepted each other for who they are, faults and all.”

“A truce then,” Noble suggested, and wondered if she believed she had any faults at all or thought only of his, which had him returning her smile. “No trying to tame each other. We remain true to ourselves, be who we truly are, and see what comes of it.”

“That seems a reasonable approach that I can agree with,” she said, pleased and relieved with the truce.

“We may find we agree more than we disagree,” he said.

She laughed. “Miracles do happen.”

Noble chuckled as well. “I thought you would say there is always a first time.”

Leora laughed again. “There is that, though I think this one is more in need of a miracle.”

Leora had to admit that Whitehall Abbey greeted with open arms, no stone wall encircling it. Buds had already sprouted, some generously, in the plethora of fields surrounding the stone abbey and several storage sheds dotted the area. Wood fences corralled sheep and cows. Nuns were busy hanging freshly washed bedding on ropes strung between trees. And more nuns were busy tending to other tasks.


