The Fall of Us – Love in Isolation Read Online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 70444 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 352(@200wpm)___ 282(@250wpm)___ 235(@300wpm)

Finally, she pulls back and smiles in satisfaction. “That should do it. Will be nice and dark by the time we get there.”

She’s proud of herself as she wiggles off my lap and readjusts her dress. “Ready?”

I've never been more uncomfortable in my entire life.

Aspen hasn't stopped talking since the moment we sat down. Oakley's trying her best to be polite and engage in conversation, but I'd rather drive a fork through my skull.

“The moment Austin and I met, we immediately bonded over having city names,” Aspen says, barely taking a breath to eat. “Basically love at first sight.”

“Aspen and Austin, that does have a ring to it,” Oakley pretends to gush right along with Aspen like they’re friends.

Every detail Aspen shares about meeting and falling madly in love with Austin makes me want to vomit. I couldn’t give two shits about how they met or really anything that happened after we broke up. The more she talks about herself, the more I notice how self-absorbed and unlikeable she is. I can’t believe I put up with someone I had nothing in common with for so long. As I sit here, I can’t think of one likable quality that made me want a future with her.

I'm fidgety as hell as I try to keep my composure. It isn't until Oakley leans over and squeezes my knee that I realize my leg is shaking.

Remembering I'm supposed to act like her boyfriend, I wrap an arm around her and pull her close. “We know a thing or two about love at first sight, don't we?” I blurt out, my gaze lingering on her lips.

“How'd you two meet?” Austin asks as Aspen narrows her eyes on my neck. Confirmation that the hickey is bright and noticeable.

Before I can come up with something, Oakley's already sharing our story as if it's one-hundred-percent true.

“About a month ago, I visited the farm for an in-person interview. Finn was my ride from the airport, introduced me to his family, and gave me a tour of the orchard. We really connected, and it was almost like we'd known each other our entire lives. When it was time for me to leave, we exchanged numbers and talked every day. We took the time to get to know each other over text and FaceTime, and decided when I returned for the celebration, we'd figure out if doing long distance was worth it.”

“Safe to say it was an easy decision,” I quickly add, unable to look away from her.

She smiles back at me. “Couldn't agree more.”

Though sprinkles of truth line her fabricated story, it sounds legit.

Without thinking, I lean in and press my mouth to hers. She stiffens briefly before opening wider and letting my tongue slide across her lips. When we pull apart, I meet her heated gaze, then we continue eating and chatting. But after that, I hardly pay attention to what anyone's saying. My body's aching to touch or kiss her again, but it's a bad fucking idea.

Thankfully, the rest of the date seems to pass in a blink.

“See, that wasn't so bad?” Oakley gloats as we hop in the truck. “I think she bought it too. You even did a good job pretending to like me. I'd say you're almost at pro level because I almost believed it myself.”

I'm tempted as hell to admit I don’t have to pretend anymore. I do like her, and that's the fucking problem.

But what's the point when she lives across the country, is much younger, and is too talented to be stuck here with a guy like me?



As soon as we walk into Finn's house, I'm ready to collapse. But since we took dessert to go, I decide to eat it before passing out.

Although the initial introductions to Aspen’s fiancé were awkward, the rest of the dinner wasn't so bad. Once Finn settled his nerves and he remembered our mission, things went smoothly. Aspen may annoy the hell out of me with her passive-aggressive politeness, but I don't think she means any harm.

Or maybe she's just really good at acting like she doesn't.

Either way, we survived her drilling us with questions, and I'm glad to be back at Finn's.

“I'm gonna change, then crash. Gotta be up at the ass crack of dawn again,” he says.

“Okay, I'm gonna try some of that Boston cream pie.”

“It's to die for,” he tells me.

“I bet it is. If you hear me having a foodgasm down here, just mind your business.”

He makes a choking sound as he climbs the stairs, and I snicker at how easy it is to get a reaction out of him.

“Good night, fake boyfriend,” I singsong.

“Night, Miss Pain in my Ass.”

I smirk, knowing how much he actually adores my ass. I've caught him checking it out several times this past week. So while he pretends I'm a nuisance in his life, I know damn well he'll miss me when I'm gone. If he really thought of me like his annoying little sister, I wouldn't wake up with his erection poking my back every morning.


