The Duke and the Bold Lady (The Ravens #1) Read Online Olivia T. Bennet

Categories Genre: Historical Fiction Tags Authors: Series: The Ravens Series by Olivia T. Bennet

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 94964 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 475(@200wpm)___ 380(@250wpm)___ 317(@300wpm)

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Emily tried to soothe her to no avail.

* * *

“No, Emily.” She began to struggle out of bed, “If you won’t help me, I shall have to do it on my own.”

* * *

Emily hastened closer, helping to free her from her beddings, and then to her feet. A wave of dizziness overtook her and she leaned on her sister, her eyes closed.

* * *

“Are you sure-” Emily began to say tentatively.

* * *

“I shall be alright. Give me a moment,” Janice interrupted a bit sharply. For sure the wooziness began to dissipate and she could stand straight. “There, you see? Now I’m not asking for much. Just a trip to the north balcony and back.”

* * *

Emily’s brow furrowed skeptically. “Are you sure you can reach that far?”

* * *

“Please, Emily.” She favored her sister with the most puppy gaze she could manage and Emily sighed, swinging an arm around Janice’s waist, to better support her weight, and steered them both towards the door.

* * *

“Thank you so much, Emily. You won’t regret this. I shall owe you everything after this. Just…thank you.”

* * *

Emily made a grudging sound of acknowledgment but most of her energy was focused on watching Janice’s movements and making sure she was as steady on her feet as she claimed.

* * *

“Careful. Take it slow,” she murmured as they stepped down into the cold stone corridor. Janice was wearing only sandals and she shivered a bit, feeling the contrast from her own carpet-covered chambers, warmed by the flames of the constantly roaring fire, as compared to the cold hallway, where no sunlight seeped in to warm the stone floor.

* * *

They walked slowly but steadily towards the north balcony. It was quite a large rounded space furnished with lounge chairs and facing the front of the manor, so one could see all the way to the road and past it to the properties on the other side. She could look her fill over the verdant undulating land, right up to the village with its church steeple and marketplace.

* * *

She bade Emily to allow her to sit and rest. “For I am tired.”

* * *

Emily arranged a number of pillows comfortably on the wicker chairs and then had Janice lean back upon them, her legs supported by a low stool. “Shall I bring you your breakfast here?”

* * *

Janice grinned. “That should be a lark. But only if you will eat with me.”

* * *

“Of course, I shall. Give me but a moment.”

* * *

Emily disappeared back into the house as Janice looked around, breathing in the fresh air deeply, and feeling in contrast how stale the air in her room had become after so many days’ confinement. She decided it might not be a bad idea to stay on the balcony all day. After all, she was still resting, was she not?

* * *

She expected Emily to make a fuss about it, but she just sighed, and proceeded to butter Janice’s toast. They ate in silence, just taking in the early morning hustle and bustle of the manor below; grooms leading horses to and from the mews, gardeners getting an early start. Uncle Keith and Aunt Leticia passed by below, arm in arm, clearly taking the air and enjoying each other’s company.

* * *

It was very peaceful and Janice refused to let any intrusive thoughts spoil her morning. Emily sat beside her, her nose buried in a book, seeming to enjoy the ambiance as well.

* * *

“Why do we not sit out here more often?” Janice asked.

* * *

Emily looked up and smiled. “I suppose because no one has thought of it before. Perks of being convalescent.”

* * *

Janice nodded thoughtfully. “You’re probably right.” She leaned back with a sigh, letting her gaze slide to take in the tall roofs of Somerton Manor for a moment. She looked away and closed her eyes and before she knew it, she was sleeping.


As soon as he got home, Arthur called for his horse. Dusk was fast approaching but he paid it no mind as he raced down the lane toward the main road. He was determined to outride his demons if it took him all night. He galloped along, only the sure-footedness of his horse saving him from serious injury as he dodged potholes and puddles.

* * *

He had no idea where he was going. All that went through his mind was that he had to get away. As far away from Janice as physically possible. He might have ridden mindlessly all night if it wasn’t for the fact that his horse was tiring visibly. Sweat poured down the horse’s flanks, her breath coming in bellows.

* * *

Luckily, he came upon an inn and was able to stable her for the night while he went in to see if he might find company to drink away the night. He had no money on him but he did have one of his father’s rings, a large ruby emblazoned with the family crest in a gold setting. He gave it to the innkeeper in return for the horse’s care, and as much ale as he could drink.


