The Devil’s Plaything Read online Dani Rene

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 74620 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 373(@200wpm)___ 298(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

I consider his words. They slowly permeate through me, and I turn to Javier. “Clean this mess up. I have places to be. And Sofía has a choice to make.” I move toward the door, leaving my second-in-command and two of my men to deal with Hector.

“What do you want to do with him, boss?” Javier questions, before I reach the door, stopping my exit for a moment, and I turn and glance at him over my shoulder.

“Haz realidad su deseo.” Make his wish come true.

When I get home, I find Camila sitting in my office chair. Frustration grips my chest at her being in my personal space. She knows not to come in here when I’m not here, but she never fucking obeys me.

“What do you want?” I ask, as I saunter by her. She’s dressed in a deep red pants suit, looking ever the mafia queen. But she’s not mine. She never will be, even though I know she wants it more than anything.

“I was wondering when you’re going to get rid of the trash,” she tells me, crossing her leg over the other. She’s poised and elegant, everything that my father had wanted for me in a bride. Someone to sit beside me, but I never wanted her, because she never held my interest.

She comes and goes as she pleases because her father sold her to mine. Now, I’m stuck with a woman I don’t want or need. I have one. The thought comes to me suddenly, and my gaze flickers to the cameras that are currently turned off. Thankfully, I had the sense to flick the switch before I left, or Camila would’ve seen where I’m holding Sofía.

“She’s not leaving. But you’re welcome to,” I tell her, waving my hand toward the door, wishing she’d take the hint and leave. But she doesn’t. She never does.

“I want land,” she says suddenly. “I don’t want to live with you and your whore, or whatever the hell she is. I can’t see it.”

“You want me to give you land?” My tone is filled with incredulity, and I know she’s going to get annoyed with me, but I’m amused that she can walk in here, demand something, and expect it to be so.

“Why not?”

“I don’t want you here, I never have. The only reason I haven’t killed you is because your father was a good friend, a confidante of mine.”

“Then allow me to take the apartment in the city. You don’t use it, and… I have things I’d like to do without your prying eyes.”

“Things? Or men?” I challenge. She flicks her gaze away, and I know I’ve hit the nail on the head. I didn’t think that she would feel as stuck here as I do, but it seems she needs an outlet. And I’ll gladly give her that.

Nodding, I lean back in my chair and regard her for a long time. She’s beautiful, but she’s just not someone I can see myself with long term. Come to think of it, there isn’t a woman on this earth that I would want in my life longer than I need them to get my dick sucked.

“Fine. Take the apartment, but,” I pause my words, causing her to meet my gaze. “If you ever try to walk into my home again and piss all over me like I’m your territory, I won’t think twice about sending you back to your father.”

“You have a high regard for yourself, Victor Cordero.” She smiles as she pushes up from the chair, straightening her jacket, before she turns on her Jimmy Choos and heads for the door. “Consider me gone from your life,” she tells me, before exiting my office and leaving me to spy on my prisoner in her small cell.



When I open my eyes, I find myself alone in the cell that I slept in my first night here. Anger still sizzles in my veins. I can’t believe the asshole locked me up after my outburst. Granted, I did lose it back there, but to drug me and lock in me in a cage is uncalled for.

I’m on my feet, but a dizzy spell hits me the moment I attempt to stand. Shit. I haven’t taken my medication today, and I know I’m going to need it if I’m planning on living to my nineteenth birthday.

I stalk to the front of the small cell, and my fingers curl around the bars, the metal cold in my grip. “Hey! Get me out of here!” My voice is hoarse, my throat burns from the screaming, but I don’t care. I need to see my father and ask him what the hell is going on. There’s no way I’m going to let papá tell me I need to stay with Victor Cordero. He will not rule my life.


