The Devil’s Den (De Kysa Mafia #1) Read Online Penny Dee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: De Kysa Mafia Series by Penny Dee

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 103124 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 516(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 344(@300wpm)

Nico reaches for my face. “Kiss me, hellcat.”

“You need some rest, brother,” Massimo says behind me.

But Nico isn’t interested in rest.

“Stop being a mother hen and let me kiss my bride.” He pulls me down for a kiss and groans as our lips meet. When he breaks it off, he groans again. “Goddamn, I needed that.”

Now that my adrenaline wanes, relief floods every muscle and fiber. I push my fingers through his thick hair, feeling grateful, feeling love.

“Massimo has filled you in?” he asks me, his voice hoarse.

“Yes, he’s been busy.” I give my brother-in-law a grateful smile. “He’s very good at this whole faking-your-death thing. I think we might actually get away with it.”

Nico glances at his brother, and I’m surprised by the affection on his face. Maybe it’s the drugs. Or maybe things are changing faster than I anticipated, and Nico is letting go of his stony facade.

“I appreciate it,” he says to Massimo. “More than I could ever tell you.”

Massimo seems just as surprised but quickly covers it.

“Don’t be getting soft on me, brother,” he replies.

Nico’s eyes lower. “Don’t worry. My heart might still be beating, but it’s still dark and thorny.”

“Just the way we like it,” Massimo says.

I lean down and kiss my husband. “I love you, villain.”

“You’d fucking better,” he growls.

Beside us, Massimo shakes his head wearily. “Now that your girl has agreed to run away with you, can you please get some fucking rest?”



Massimo leans against the railing and stares out at the ocean as the boat carves a white-tipped path through the blue waves. “This is your last chance to back out. Are you sure you want to go through with it?”

“If you ask me that one more time, I will throw you overboard,” Nico growls at his brother.

Massimo ignores his threat, preoccupied by the enormity of what we are doing. Even if we weren’t sure, it’s too late now. Domenico De Kysa is dead.

According to media sources, I am in Italy visiting relatives.

While Nico’s role is done, I still have to play the part of the grieving widow. It’s important they see me struggling to cope with my sudden, tragic loss.

Unfortunately, I can’t move from New York City yet. There would be too many questions, and questions lead to inquiries, and an investigation could blow this entire plan to smithereens. If a journalist starts scratching around and uncovers the truth, it could be deadly for Nico. Because if his enemies discover he is still alive, they’ll come looking to wash the streets with De Kysa blood.

So I will stay in our New York penthouse a little longer until the world sees I have moved on and their interest in me and my tragedy wanes. I’ll even relaunch my exhibition, the one we never made it to the night Nico was shot. I’m even considering opening my own boutique gallery where I can help launch up-and-coming artists.

With a new life stretching ahead of me on the horizon, the possibilities are endless.

It will be hard to be away from Nico, even if it does secure a harmonious future free from organized crime, bloodshed, and violence.

To make it work, I will disappear from public view to visit Nico on the island, only to reappear a couple of weeks later in the city as the grieving widow, visiting certain paparazzi hotspots to ensure they plaster my grief across their headlines and pages.

It’s going to take months, maybe even a year or two before I can leave.

Well, that was the plan.

Until this morning when two little pink lines told me my world was about to be shaken up even more.

Not believing it at first, I had Arianna purchase another three tests from the drug store for me (paparazzi are a bitch), and all three were positive.

With everything happening, I’d forgotten my period was late.

Shocked, I’d made Arianna promise not to say a word to her brothers. But she’s so excited about being an auntie she’s already online shopping and bound to let it slip.

Now we are on our way to the island hideaway via an indistinguishable boat, and I’m trying to find the words to tell Nico that our life is about to flip again.

We never talked about children.

Hell, I don’t even know if he wants children.

My hand slides to my belly.

But I do, baby.

I want you more than what I know what to do with.

I feel the heat of Nico’s gaze along my skin, and when I look up, I see him looking at me.

He moves away from Massimo and takes my hand, leading me off the boat's deck and down the stairs into the cabin.

He takes me in his arms and kisses me.

“What are you up to?” I ask.

“I want some alone time with my wife.”

The look he gives me warms me everywhere.

“You’re about to get that in spades,” I say. “I believe island life is quite lazy, and there isn’t much to do but lie in the sun, drink wine, and fuck.”


