The Devils Beauty Read Online Cilla Lee (The Devils Soldiers MC)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Devils Soldiers MC Series by Cilla Lee

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 87859 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“Where the fuck do you come up with this shit?”

“It’s a gift,” he says sculling his drink, I watch all the boys drinking and fucking and I smile. Colt and Stryker come up sitting down handing me another shot and I shoot both of them back

“Lookin’ forward to getting’ married” Colt asks me and I smile

“Yeah man I am”

“You know, if you hurt her, I’ll hurt you” I sit up looking at him

“Colt, I love Zoey and I’m not gonna hurt her”

“You better not,” he says, calling out to Jake for another drink, as he places a bottle on the table, he walks back over to the bar not saying anything

“He ok?” Stryker asks and I shake my head

“Nope, he’s not,” I say and they look at me

“Why’s that?” Blaze asks and I look at him

“He’s having dreams about the crash”

“Damn” we all look around at him

“You think he needs to talk to someone” I nod

“Yeah, I think he should”

“You tell Razor?” Colt asks me and I nod my head

“Yeah the other week

“Hello fuckers where celebrating” Cuff says as he pulls Summer to him “and seeing that where bikers lets fuckin’ party like bikers” he yells pulling Summer’s top off and hiking her skirt up so we can all see her pussy. Drink after drink is handed to me the night, becoming more and more of a blur people’s faces blur from one to the other as I’m passed drink after drink than nothing.


I wake my mouth feeling like it's full of cotton wool and I turn over the sun blasting into my room, searing my irises, I shut them pulling the blanket over my head, but as I move to push the blanket off of me, I feel an arm next to me and I look up my head exploding with any movement and I see Sinner (thank fuck) I push him with my elbow and he groans “Fuck off” he says and I smile, I push him again, feeling him move and I poke my head out from under the pillow

“Why the fuck, are you in my bed?” he looks around laying back down

“I have no fuckin’ idea”

“Damn my head is killing me,” I tell him

“Then shut the fuck up and stop talking,” he says as he pulls Zoey’s pillow over his head and I lay there for a few more minutes my head pounding and I get up tripping over my boots and I go head first into the dresser smashing my face on the corner

“MOTHERFUCKER!” I yell and Sinner jumps up

“What the fuck are you doing?” he asks as I look up at him, my lip bleeding and he moves closer to me, “Jesus Saint” the blood runs down fast and I realize I’ve done more damage than I thought I and head into the bathroom looking at my face

“Fuck” my lip and cheek bleeding

“Dude that was funny shit” Sinner says as I wash the blood away

“Fuck off” I open the cabinet, pulling out the first aid kit “help me fuckhead, instead of staring” Sinner places butterfly strips on my lip and I pack my nose with gauze “Hand me some Tylenol my fuckin’ head is killing me” Sinner hands me two tablets

“Hungry” he asks and I nod

“Starving.” As we head into the kitchen I notice some of the Brothers passed out drunk still and I smile looking at Sinner and he shakes his head as we walk into the kitchen

“Mornin’ Razor says as he drinks his coffee, reading the paper

“Morning” we both say, grabbing our own cups and sitting down

“Have fun last night?” he asks and we nod “good cause, your all cleanin’ my clubhouse before the woman get here and freak the fuck out, with the fuckin’ mess you all made”

“Scared of the women boss” Sinner asks him and Razor looks at him

“I’m scared that if Maggie comes in here and sees that fuckin’ orgy out there I’ll be in the spare room for the next week, so move your asses and go and wake those assholes up and clean”

“Yes boss” Sinner and I get up, but I stop and look at Razor

“Boss” he looks up at me


“You talk to Jake,” he nods

“Yeah, but I’m watchin’ him” I nod

“Good,” I walk out, just as Sinner, kicks Tank

“Get the fuck up asshole, boss man says we gotta clean” Tank grumbles as Sinner, kicks Cuff and Socket



As I open my eyes the sun beams through my room and I pull the blanket over my head, then think twice, my morning breath making me gag and I look up at the ceiling. My head feeling like it’s been sliced open and dissected, I lay there for a while before my head and bladder explode, I get up and head into the bathroom. I almost scream at the sight of me; I lean in closer my eyes are bloodshot my makeup running down my face and my throat feeling raw from screaming and singing all night. My calves and the balls of my feet are killing me and I start the tub needing a good soak, as I lay there the hot water melting into my skin relaxing all of my bones and I think of last night.


