Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 108926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 545(@200wpm)___ 436(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 108926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 545(@200wpm)___ 436(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)
Luckily, my sweet boy had an amazing father and never needed to worry about having to protect himself against him.
With his usual impeccable timing, Brandon walked through the front door and called,
“Brought you one of those coffees you like, kitten.”
I waited until he made his way into the kitchen to reply. “Thanks, babe.”
It always took me a minute to recover from the morning rush...and plenty of caffeine. Getting all three girls out the door to school had been an adjustment when Molly started kindergarten last month.
Before handing me the to-go cup, Brandon leaned in to brush a quick kiss against my lips.
“No,” Callum mumbled around the apple he was chewing on, stretching out a pudgy fist and bopping him on the cheek.
Our daughters were all daddy’s girls, but our son was all about me. He was also enough like Brandon to show his love by being quite possessive of me. What was sexy on his father was adorable on him. Or at least, I thought so. His daddy…not so much.
“What did I tell you, piccolo?” Brandon grumbled as he pulled our son from my arms and mock-glared into his chubby face. Callum flattened his hand to stroke Brandon’s whiskers, too distracted by the bristly feel against his soft palm to complain about being taken from me. “She might be your mamma, but she’s mine. End of.”
Although I was exhausted—and still recovering from all the orgasms I had last night—a sensual shiver raced up my spine. Brandon’s lips curved into a satisfied smirk as he settled Callum against his chest.
My husband knew what speaking Italian did to me, even when it was just calling our son a little boy—the term of endearment he reserved for when he was mildly irritated with him. But turnabout was fair play, and I’d never been one to back down from a fight. Not even the fun skirmishes I had with the man who’d given me everything I could’ve ever wanted.
“Agus tá tú go mór liom.”
Heat flared in his brown eyes, and his voice was raspy as he replied, “You’re absolutely correct, my wife. I am also very much yours.”
I shot him a grin over the rim of my cup. “Mm-hmm.”
“But you’re gonna pay for that later, kitten.” He jerked his chin toward the growing bulge in his pants.
I quirked a brow. “You’re the one who started the battle of the foreign languages. I just finished it. Don’t be a sore loser.”
“That’s the thing about battles…they’re only part of the war. Which I fully plan to win because I love when you surrender to me.” His smile widened. “Even better when you do it in bed after a spanking.”
Callum pressed his hand over Brandon’s mouth. “No spnkkkk.”
Our son might not have been able to say spanking, but he knew what it was. Not that he’d ever gotten one, but his big sisters had heard their daddy threaten me with one enough times to make it an ongoing joke in our house. So they’d teased him about getting a spanking when he didn’t want to do something they were bossing him into.
“Don’t you worry about your mamma,” Brandon reassured him, his words muffled by our little boy’s hand. “I’ll always take good care of her.”
Callum squinted his dark eyes. “My mamma.”
“My wife,” Brandon retorted.
“Quit arguing with a toddler.” Holding my arms out, I took Callum from him. “And finish making his breakfast so we can get on with our day. So far, he’s only munched on a few pieces of apple.”
“Whatever you want, my bossy kitten.”
He brushed another kiss against my lips, much to Callum’s chagrin, before striding over to the fridge to grab the eggs. While he whipped up a delicious meal for all three of us, I fired off a quick text to Anna to see if she and Nic had any plans for tonight.
With their brownstone only two doors down from us, our children were as close to their cousins as they were each other. They also had tons of playdates and family get-togethers with Tommy’s kids. Their childhood was far from how I’d been raised…and everything I had ever wanted for them.
There were added perks for us, too. Like asking for a last-minute babysitter so I could have some alone time with my husband.
By the time Brandon slid our plates on the table, she had replied. Grinning up at him, I whispered, “Be ready to dole out those spankings later. Nic and Anna are going to take the kids for a few hours tonight.”
“I didn’t think it was possible, but not only do you get more gorgeous each year…you also get smarter.”
Extra Epilogue
“Dad!” Reagan yelled as she flew down the stairs. “Put the gun away!”
Brandon turned his dark glare from the front door to me, and I laughed, shaking my head. There was no way I was getting involved. Besides, he knew that if I did, I'd be on Reagan's side.