The Current Between Us Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 113741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 569(@200wpm)___ 455(@250wpm)___ 379(@300wpm)

“Babe, I’m standing in Gourmet Haven, and I can’t decide what Emmie and Hunter might like to eat. Oh, and what’re you doing? Can I bring dinner over? I miss you already,” Gage said, still looking over all the selections of gourmet dinners while trying to decide.

“I’m cooking dinner now and you don’t have to come over, you have to be exhausted, Gage. I don’t expect to see you every day,” Trent said. Gage could hear all the activity in Trent’s house. The TV blared, the kids were talking and the water or something ran in the background, maybe from the washing machine.

“Okay, well how about if I bring a pie or cake… Kid’s like all cake, right?” Gage said, pivoting on his heels to the bakery down the aisle.

“No sweets before bed. The sugar hypes them up, but you can come over if you want. There’s enough for you. I’m making grilled chicken, some sort of bagged rice deal, and fresh green beans they won’t eat,” Trent said.

“I don’t want to be in the way, Trent, and lord knows I have more than my fair share going on. I just missed my boyfriend and the things you promised me last night, but I don’t want to mess up the flow of your night. I only wanted to spend a couple of hours with you before the crews finish up tonight and I need to be back to lockup,” Gage said, walking through the double automatic opening doors back out into the parking lot, forgoing the plan.

“You know, you keep bringing this up… At some point you’re gonna have to tell me what we talked about while I slept,” Trent said. His voiced lowered until Gage practically had to shove the phone inside his ear to hear Trent speak.

“Are the kids right there,” Gage said, climbing inside his car.

“Yep,” Trent replied quickly.

“Can they hear me?” Gage asked, starting the car and then backing out of the spot.

“No…” Trent said,

“Well, you agreed to let me lick that tight ass of yours next time we’re together,” Gage said, grinning as he pulled out into traffic, heading toward Trent’s house.

“I did not,” Trent said, chuckling.

“You did, that was right after you agreed to be my boyfriend,” Gage said.

“Boyfriend, huh? I think we need to make a new rule. When I’m sleeping, no talking,” Trent said, and called out to the kids to settle down.

“No way! I told you, it’s the only time you say yes. Well, it’s not the only time you say yes; if I remember correctly, you called it out several times while I had you in my mouth… I’ll be there in about ten minutes, babe.” Gage disconnected the call, not waiting for an answer. No one in his circles would believe this side of him. He’d always been considered hard, focused, and stern with his career, and since he lived only for his job—before meeting Trent—that was how he lived his life. Now, he couldn’t keep the smile off his face or the teasing banter from rolling from his lips. Whatever! He’d gotten an invite to dinner and he was spending time with his boyfriend. The night suddenly looked up.


“Trent, make him stay until I get home! I can’t believe I’m going to miss him again. This is so not fair!” Rhonny said, actually stomping her foot with her books in her hands and her backpack slung over her shoulder.

“We’ll see. Last night was a long night; he couldn’t have slept much, and he was already at the gallery when I got there,” Trent said.

“Then I’m not going tonight. I’ll stay here,” Rhonny said, this time with a very distinct whine in her voice.

“You have to go tonight, Rhonny. You’re taking off Thursday night and we need you to do well on the LSAT, it’ll help you stay in the country longer, honey,” Trent said, turning off the grill and lifting the lid. He took each piece off the hot grill, balancing it on the plate in his hand. “You need to get out the door now. You’re already gonna be late and remember the woman from the department store will be here tomorrow after school, so come straight home.”

“I’ll remember, but promise me you’ll see if he can stay,” she said, not budging from the spot.

“I will, now go, you’re late already!” No sooner did he say it than the doorbell rang. He could hear the kids landing on the hardwood floor of his living room as they bounced off the sofa, running toward the front door.

“Daddy, he’s here, he’s here!” they both yelled out to him as if he couldn’t hear the doorbell.

“It looks like you stalled long enough and he made some seriously good time,” Trent said, juggling the patio door with his hands full and Rhonny right on his heels as the kids answered the door.

“Gage!” Em said, launching herself into his arms.

“Well, this is a great greeting. How are you today, Emalynn?” Gage asked, heaving her up in his arms, putting her on his hip. Gage only had eyes for Em as she answered his question, but he reached down and cupped Hunter’s head with his hand. The gesture tore at Trent’s heart strings. Gage seemed to genuinely like his children and it lured him closer to Gage, more so than anything else could have.

“I’m good. Daddy’s in a good mood and said we can watch SpongeBob tonight while we go to sleep,” Em said, her excited face turned, beaming in Trent’s direction.

“You’re lucky,” Gage said, following Em’s gaze to Trent who now stood in the entryway. “Hunter, how’re you tonight?”

“I’m good,” Hunter said, staying beside Gage in the doorway.

“Guys, let him come in,” Trent said, breaking the spell weaving around him at seeing how pretty a picture the gorgeous Gage Synclair made while talking to his children. Trent took the door handle, ushering Hunter back inside. Gage dropped Emalynn back to her feet, and they both ran close to Rhonny. All three of them watched Gage as he came inside the house.


