The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

It would be interesting to see which prevailed.

“Dude,” River bellowed. “We bought a house. A freaking house!”

“I know. It’s fucking epic.” Dean beamed. “No more shitty apartments. We can bring hookups to our house.”

“And we have a private playroom.” River slapped Dean a high five.

“We’re going to get so much pussy now.” Dean laughed.

“There’s only one pussy I want between us, man,” River said. “I’m telling you, once you have her…”

“I’ll be hooked. I know. You keep saying that.”

“Trust me. One taste of Jasmine’s sweetness, and you’ll crave hers.”

Beck could relate to that. He was like a junkie when it came to Heavenly.

“TMI, guys,” Raine drawled derisively, clinging to Hammer and Liam as both men massaged the small of her back while she guarded what was left of the donuts.

In all fairness, the princess looked miserable. Her pregnant belly stuck out like a damn beachball—and she still had two months until her due date. The strain the twins were putting on her petite body showed in her eyes, her attitude, and every waddling step she took. Still, the fact that Raine wasn’t on total bed rest yet was one more testament to her strength and perseverance.

Outside, the blare of a horn had Dean’s and River’s grins widening.

“Pike’s here with the truck,” Dean howled like a child on Christmas morning.

“If that cockbag fucked up any of our shit, I’ll break his neck.”

“Lighten up, man. He’s doing us a solid, borrowing the truck from some pal of his, which saves us the cash, and—”

“No. He’s doing you a favor,” River corrected. “He wouldn’t bother to piss on me if I was on fire.”

“Still, don’t be an ungrateful prick. And for fuck’s sake, don’t bring up banging Jasmine—at least not before we get the truck unloaded.”

River groused but shoved his animosity aside, then sent Dean a head bob, gesturing him out the door. The cop raced onto the porch. Beck heard Raine’s brother curse under his breath.

“Hang tight, precious. I’ll grab the first chair off the truck so you can get off your feet.” Hammer pressed a kiss to Raine’s forehead, then eased her into Liam’s arms.

Seth frowned. “I can get you one, too, angel.”

Heavenly waved him away. “I’m not seven months pregnant with twins, and I didn’t come to sit.”

“I didn’t come to sit, either.” Raine patted her round belly. “But these two have other ideas. I can still help, though. As soon as someone brings in the kitchen table, I can unpack the dishes and stuff.”

“Perfect. You’re great in the kitchen, so you can tell me how to organize everything. I’ll put it away.”

“Because lord knows neither of these two bozos will think about anything that practical.” Raine rolled her eyes.

“Ever,” Heavenly agreed.

“How about I find that table?” Beck offered, softly pressing his lips to Heavenly’s.

As he eased back, Seth swooped in and stole a kiss of his own, then lifted with a wink. “And I’ll start bringing in kitchen boxes.”

Beck clapped the PI on the back as they strolled outside together. “So you and Zach had a good conversation?”

“We did. We understand each other now. And I told him he can come to me anytime the grief or the anger is too much. But honestly? He’s doing decent.”

“That’s a relief…but it sounds like what you’re saying is that he’s not doing great.”

“Nope, and he won’t be for a while.” Seth swallowed. “I apologized to him for being an asshole when he first left Messiah City. I think we’re square now. But I need to apologize to you.”

Relief filled Beck, even as Seth’s words choked him up. “Given everything you’ve been through, there’s no need. Feelings are feelings; they’re not right or wrong. They just are. You were dealing with shit I can’t even begin to fathom. When Zach first learned of his loss, I didn’t realize it would trigger yours. I could have been more understanding and less snarly.”

Seth shook his head. “You were worried about Heavenly and her feelings.”

“I was.”

“As you should have been.”

Beck nodded. “But I was worried about you, too.”

Seth pierced him with a surprised stare. “Me? I’m solid. I just…needed a minute.”

Solid? Mostly, Beck supposed. There were still holes in the big guy’s story, but just like the last time he’d thought about asking, now wasn’t the right moment. “Good to hear. So…should we see what these two clowns packed for their slick new bachelor pad?”

“I’m afraid.” Seth snorted. “If they brought blow-up dolls, I’m not touching that shit.”

“Oh, fuck, no.” Beck shuddered.

With a laugh, he and Seth approached the truck. River and Dean stood at the curb as Pike climbed from the cab.

“What took you so long?” River barked.

Pike lifted his chin. “Seriously? I didn’t have to show up today and I certainly didn’t have to borrow this truck to haul your crap across town.”

“You didn’t, but we truly appreciate your help,” Dean placated, scowling at River.


