The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

“Damn right.” Dean nodded as they clinked beers.

“I’m telling you, the more I think about her, the more I think”—River’s face turned solemn, and his voice followed suit—“she’s the one we’ve been looking for, brother.”

It was obvious River believed he’d found his one, but he knew Jasmine didn’t want to see him, right? So why did he imagine she would welcome Dean, too? Even if she was game to take on both of them, what assurance did River have that Dean would actually fall as fast and hard for her?

“Damn,” the cop cursed. “We’ve got to find her.”

“Well, you won’t succeed today,” Seth informed them.

“Why not?” River glowered.

“Apparently, she’s out of town.”

Raine’s brother nearly came out of his seat. “How do you know that?”

Well, Heavenly had told him first, but he was leaving his girl out of this. “Pike.”

“That motherfucker. Did he say where she went?”

“Sorry. I didn’t ask.”

“Go talk to him again, man. Find out everything you can.”

“He isn’t going to tell me shit.”

“I’ll bet my sister knows. She’s got Jasmine’s phone number and won’t give it to me, so why wouldn’t she keep this shit from me, too?” River grumbled. “She’s convinced this is a good ‘growth experience’ for me. It’s bullshit.”

Seth tried not to laugh. He’d always known Raine was clever, if a little underhanded—usually for a good cause. But she wasn’t wrong in thinking that everything came too easily for her brother. River going after something he craved badly enough to work for would be good for him. But Seth didn’t say that aloud, merely smiled.

A long minute later, Jack, Connor, and Zach sprinted in their direction, skidding to a halt at the table.

“What are you hellions up to?” Seth asked, trying to find the balls to meet Zach’s gaze.

Beck’s brother seemed more focused on the gathering around him.

“Not much,” Connor replied. “Sorry we didn’t get to visit much with you and Heavenly.”

“No worries. The party is for you three to get to know the people we care about and trust.”

“And they’re all damn amazing.” Jack grinned.

“Totally. Everyone is…nice,” Zach piped in.

They were. Seth figured he’d done a pretty good job reuniting with old friends and finding new ones on the West Coast.

“Hey, we’re about to head out and hit some clubs. You two want to come?” Connor asked.

He was asking River and Dean. Seth wasn’t the least bit miffed that they hadn’t invited him. But he wasn’t going to let the chance to fuck with his brother pass him by.

“Aww, thanks for the invite, but I think Heavenly and I are going to head over to her place and watch some movies.”

“Oh. Cool. Um…” Connor turned toward River and Dean. “How about you two? You feel like going to find some—”

His brother abruptly shut up. The gaping panic on his face said he was struggling to recover.

“Pussy?” Seth supplied helpfully, his smile acidic.

“I-I was going to say dates, but…”

Seth stood, brow raised. “You meant pussy.”

“Hell, yes!” Dean bolted from his chair.

River looked far less enthusiastic. “I don’t know. I’m not sure your shoulder has healed up enough for us to—”

“I don’t need my shoulder to fuck. My dick works just fine,” Dean assured.

“But I’m still not sure we should—”

“Come on,” Dean cajoled. “You’ve been out of the saddle for weeks now. It’s time you stop letting Jasmine mess with your head. She doesn’t own you. So let’s get back on the horse. We could both use a long, hot ride.”

Had River actually gone celibate since taking Jasmine’s virginity? That was a first. Did the poor bastard have any idea yet that he was fucked?

“Come on, man,” Dean pressed. “You can’t give up your sex life for some chick who’s avoiding you.”

River sighed. “Fine. Let’s go.”

“Yeah!” Jack cheered. “Time to party!”

“Have fun.” Seth chuckled. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t enjoy.”

“We’re kinky, but we’re not that kinky,” River muttered just loudly enough for Seth.

“I’m calling bullshit,” he returned as River fell in with the rest of the manwhore parade.

Shaking his head, Seth sauntered back to Heavenly, still sitting at their table, and stared at the inviting bowl of peach cobbler and ice cream she’d dished for him. “You’re trying to make me fat, angel.”

She shook her head. “I’m making sure you have enough energy.”

“For what?”

“Anything you want,” she said in a breathy whisper that threatened to undo him.

“Anything?” Seth filled his spoon with whipped cream. “Then I say we take this with us so Beck and I can do a little repeat of last night, spread this all over your body, then spend hours licking it off…”

Her breath caught. “I wouldn’t protest.”

Seth leaned in and skimmed his lips up her neck, to her ear. “You’re a naughty little angel, aren’t you?”


“Maybe what?” Beck asked, suddenly sliding onto the chair beside her and wrapping his arm around her.

“You made it!” She bounced into his embrace, so obviously happy. Then she jerked back, scanning the partygoers.


