The Charlie Method (Campus Diaries #3) Read Online Elle Kennedy

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Campus Diaries Series by Elle Kennedy

Total pages in book: 167
Estimated words: 164557 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 823(@200wpm)___ 658(@250wpm)___ 549(@300wpm)

“Ha ha.” Sugar Puff gives a big, fake laugh. “Go away, Ice Boy.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” I wink at her, then keep going toward my booth.



Super Magnums



“Hockey players. They can be very annoying, but they usually make up for it with oodles of charm.”

“I mean, he thinks he’s charming…” I nod in the direction Beckett Dunne went.

“You might be the only person who is immune to it then.” She laughs and brings her straw to her lips, taking a sip of iced tea.

I offered to buy her a beer. Hell, she could have bought it herself, seeing as how they let her in here without even checking her ID. But Blake admitted she’s not much of a drinker. Neither am I, on account of the hot flashes it gives me. Like I’m going through fucking menopause.

Ergo, she’s sipping on iced tea, and I’m sipping on a Coke. Just two wild gals partying it up on Saturday night. I would’ve taken her to the diner, but it’s closed tonight for a private party.

“Are you immune to his charms?” I ask Blake, narrowing my eyes at the freshman.

She offers a shrug. “I think he’s hot.”

I grumble under my breath. Traitor.

“Come on, Charlotte. You know he’s hot.”

“Objectively, yes.”

“Oh, fuck off,” she laughs. “Subjectively too. Beckett Dunne is gorgeous.”

Fine. She’s not wrong. He’s tall, athletic. He’s got all that tousled blond hair. Those striking gray eyes, forever glinting with mischief. The cocky smile and killer jawline.

“Don’t get sucked in by his charm,” I caution. “He seems like the kind of guy who breaks hearts everywhere he goes.”

“Eh, he’s too old for me. My dad would literally murder me if I went out with a senior. One time, he heard me telling my mom that I think Gigi’s brother Wyatt is cute, and he almost had a heart attack.”

“Does Wyatt go here?”

“No, I think he’s in Nashville now. He’s a tortured musician.” She sighs. “Speaking of hot.”

Ugh, that does sound hot.

And why are we such walking clichés? Why do women always go for the brooding bad boys? I suppose it’s because we want to fix them. Tame them. But haven’t we learned our lesson after centuries of anecdotal evidence? These guys can’t be fixed. They’re walking red flags.

“So yeah, no seniors for me. Or hockey players.” She pauses. “Not anymore.” She’s trying to hide a smile as she takes another sip.

“Not anymore?” I prompt.

“I lost my virginity to one,” she confesses. “Last year.”

Ha. Knew it. “Was it good?”

“Shockingly good.”

“Lucky. My first time sucked,” I admit. “I was wound up so tight, terrified that my parents were going to come home early from their anniversary spa weekend. I couldn’t relax, so I was just lying there, every muscle in my body tense, and the gentler he tried to be, the more stressed I became, until finally I blurted out, just get it over with already!”

Blake bursts out laughing. “Stop. You didn’t.”

“I totally did. But I didn’t mean get the sex over with. I just meant, get the penetration out of the way—”

She’s shaking with laughter now.

“—break the hymen, and let’s move on to the part that’s supposed to feel good.”

“Did it? I mean, did it at least feel good after the hymen part?” She’s still giggling.

“No. It was awful all around. The condom broke, and he only brought one.”

“You didn’t buy your own condoms just in case?”

“Oh, I did, but…”


I bite my lip to suppress my humor. “They were too big for him.”

That gets me another howl. “What? How?”

“I bought the wrong kind,” I explain. I can’t stop my own giggle now. “So basically, when I was twelve, my older sister was dating this guy in high school, and I found a box of Super Magnums inside her nightstand drawer when I was snooping around—”

“Super Magnums?”

“Yeah, they’re twice the size of regular Magnums. Ava caught me snooping, and we ended up having a whole birds-and-bees talk, including how a woman should always have agency over her own birth control and keep her own box of condoms on hand. I asked why she bought that brand, and Ava said those were the most comfortable.” I snort. “I thought she meant more comfortable for her. I didn’t realize she meant more comfortable for his ginormous penis. So the day my parents left for their trip, I went to the drugstore and bought a box of Super Magnums. When the condom he brought broke, I gave him one of mine, and I swear to God, this thing was hanging off his penis like a loose plastic bag.”

Blake collapses on the tabletop, shuddering with laughter. “I can’t. I’m gonna pee my pants.”

“Okay, I gotta hear this punch line,” says a male voice.

I freeze in my seat when I realize it’s Isaac Grant.

What is he doing here?


