The Charlie Method (Campus Diaries #3) Read Online Elle Kennedy

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Campus Diaries Series by Elle Kennedy

Total pages in book: 167
Estimated words: 164557 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 823(@200wpm)___ 658(@250wpm)___ 549(@300wpm)

It wasn’t love at first sight with Charlotte. I thought she was hot when I met her in Climate Policy, but nothing more. Hell, even now, I don’t know what it is that I’m feeling for her. Not love, obviously. I don’t do that shit anymore.

But it’s…something.

I told her about the letters I wrote to Shannon, for chrissake. That indicates something more than lust.

But it’s definitely not love.

Charlie catches our eyes and beams at us. Her cheeks are flushed red from excitement. Well, that and from the MDMA coursing through her veins. She’s high, but it’s a giddy, euphoric high. Her laughter rings out above the music as she dances her way over to us.

“You guys are just standing there!” She grabs Will and pulls him into the throng of dancers. “Dance with me!”

He chuckles, letting himself be dragged into the crowd, and I follow, unable to resist her infectious energy. I hate dancing, but this doesn’t require a lot of skill. It’s too crowded to move much. All I have to do is stand there and grind against my girl’s hot, tight body, sandwiching her between me and Will. The three of us dance together, moving in sync, laughing like the rest of the world doesn’t exist.

I bend my head toward Charlie’s ear, checking in with her as I’ve done all night. “You okay, sugar puff?”

She gazes up at me. “I’m more than okay,” she says before resting her head against my chest. “I feel alive.”

The music pounds in time with my heartbeat as we dance, lost in the crowd, bodies moving together under the strobe lights. Charlie’s smile is wide, her eyes bright as she sways between us, completely free in a way I’ve never seen before.

It’s beautiful.

We dance for hours, the frenzied atmosphere and loud, thumping bass line casting a spell over the entire club. I’m surprised by how chill everyone is, yet no sooner does the thought enter my head than I notice him—a guy, a little older, trying to cut in, his glassy eyes fixed on Charlie. He’s moving closer, way too close, and she’s too caught up in the moment to realize it.

“Hey, sexy,” the guy shouts, his lips practically touching her ear. “You look like you need some company.”

She blinks up at him, still smiling but confused, not fully processing what’s happening. The ecstasy has programmed her to feel good and to want everyone else around her to feel good too.

I battle a surge of anger, hot and immediate. Before I can react, Will steps in between them, his hand firmly on the guy’s chest, pushing him back.

“She’s not interested,” he growls. “Back off.”

The guy stumbles slightly, surprise flashing across his face. “What the hell, man? She can speak for herself.”

“Yeah, she can,” Will shoots back. His eyes stay locked on the creep’s, daring him to make another move. “And she’s with us. So take the hint.”

I come up beside Will, backing my boy.

The man squares his shoulders, trying to puff himself up like a peacock. “You think you can just—”

“Yeah, I do,” Will snaps at him. “So why don’t you make it easy on yourself and walk away.”

For a moment, it looks like the guy might push back, but then he glances between me and Will. He knows he’s outnumbered and outmatched.

“Whatever, assholes,” he mutters, backing off into the crowd. “This bitch ain’t worth it.”

As soon as he’s gone, I turn back to Charlie. I expect her to be shaken, maybe even upset, but to my amusement, she’s visibly turned on.

“That was so hot.” Her voice is tinged with something that makes my dick twitch. Something sultry and captivating.

“You like it when we turn into cavemen, do you?” Will teases, wrapping an arm around her waist.

“So much.”

Charlie leans in and kisses him, a quick, fierce press of her lips that rips a groan from his throat.

I chuckle. “All right, let’s get back to dancing before you two start something that’ll get us kicked out.”

She giggles and gives herself over to the rhythm of the music again. There’s a different energy between us now, but I can’t succumb to it. We promised her we wouldn’t touch her tonight, and I’m not about to abuse that trust.

We stay until the rave ends, until the lights dim and the music fades into the early morning silence. Charlie is now leaning heavily against us, her energy finally spent. We guide her out of the warehouse. Her feet are dragging, but she’s smiling, a dreamy, satisfied smile that tells me she’s still feeling the effects of the drug.

Will booked us a room nearby, and the city is quiet as we walk the four blocks to the hotel, bundled up against the late December chill. The adrenaline from the night slowly ebbs, leaving a peaceful calm in its wake. Our breath escapes in wispy, white puffs, carried away by the night breeze. It still hasn’t snowed this winter, not in New England anyway. Charlie had complained in our group chat about the lack of a white Christmas, but to be honest, I enjoyed it. I hate the snow.


