The Broker (Nashville Neighborhood #6) Read Online Nikki Sloane

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Nashville Neighborhood Series by Nikki Sloane

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116232 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 387(@300wpm)

The moment the words were out, it charged the air between us. Heat smoldered in his eyes. “Yes.”

“But you don’t have anyone to swap.” I’d blurted it without thought, and it came out sounding like I was sad about that. As if I was about to volunteer myself.

He gave a faint smile. “I don’t have to have a partner. Anyone who enjoys casual sex, with multiple people, can call themselves a swinger. And any of those people can be inside or outside of a relationship.”

I straightened away from the sink, taking a step closer to him. “You mean, like an open marriage?”

“It could be, but more likely it’s ENM.” When I made a face, he added, “Ethical non-monogamy. It means everyone is consenting to the sex, even if they’re not participating in it.”

He studied me, gauging my reaction, and must have seen I still didn’t get it.

“Patrick dropped Shannon off at my place,” he said, “fully aware of what was going to happen. Hell, he wanted it to happen. Don’t you think that means he consents to it?”

Like he’d done to me, I asked it earnestly. “Sure, but why?”

“Why’d he give his consent?”

I shook my head. I wasn’t trying to judge; I was just too damn curious. “Why’d he want you to fuck his wife?”

He considered my question for a long moment. “I don’t want to speak for him, but I’m guessing because it turns him on.” Did Noah feel the urge to defend the guy? His expression was serious. “It’s not because he’s weak, or can’t give his wife what she needs, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“I wasn’t—”

“Believe me, he’s not weak. If anything, this arrangement shows just how strong and confident he is. How rock-solid their marriage is. He doesn’t need to flex ownership of his partner or their relationship. In fact, he’s secure enough he doesn’t even need to be involved.”

I blinked and processed what he’d said. Maybe he couldn’t interpret what I was thinking, or I’d looked skeptical to him, because Noah frowned.

“You don’t agree?”

“No, no, I do.” I took another step toward him, and I hoped I sounded as genuine as I felt. “I never would have thought about it like that, but you make a good point.”

His frown evaporated and he shifted on his feet, subtly leaning closer to me. Like my answer had pleased him.

I gazed up at him through new eyes. I only had sex when I had enough trust or was in love with my partner, and he was the opposite. Our preferences weren’t any less valid than the other’s, so I didn’t have any room to judge.

Plus, I’d be lying to myself if I said his lifestyle wasn’t fascinating as fuck.

“How did you meet them? I mean, if it’s okay to ask.” I swallowed a breath. “You don’t have to answer.”

He didn’t look offended. “There’s a club here in Nashville.”

Even though we were alone in his kitchen, I whispered it like it was a secret. “A club? Like, a sex club?”

He nodded. “I met them at the bar my first night there, and we got to talking about what they were looking for.” He reached up to massage the back of his neck. “Actually, the night you and I met, that was my first date with them.”

Surprise coursed through me. “You’re dating both of them?”

“No. Well, not in the way you think of dating.” He must have felt the urge to clarify. “I’m straight and he is too, so we don’t play physically with each other. But I treat them as a unit. A partnership. I wouldn’t do anything with Shannon that he hasn’t fully signed off on, and I don’t talk to her without him.”

“But . . . you’ll fuck her without him.” I jolted. “God, I hope that didn’t sound judgmental, because I didn’t mean it to. I’m just . . .” I trailed off, unsure of what to say.

“Trying to wrap your head around it?”

Relief swelled inside me. “Yeah, exactly.”

“I’m sure it goes without saying, but if we could keep this between us . . .”

“For sure.” I nodded enthusiastically, trying to convey how much I understood this wasn’t my secret to share.

His shoulders relaxed, and that same pleased look he’d given before crossed his expression. Fuck, it did things to me.

Except I didn’t want it to. I was already so uncomfortably turned on.

“Gotta tell you, Charlotte.” His warm gaze was inescapable. “You’re full of surprises.”

Was he kidding? In comparison to him, I felt as plain and vanilla as they came. “Me?”

“Yeah, you.” He had no idea how seductive his soft tone was—or maybe he did. “You’re not acting like you think what I just told you or what happened back there in my room was wrong.”

“I don’t think it was wrong.” The air in the room went thin, and I said it in a hush. “I thought it was hot.”


