The Broker (Nashville Neighborhood #6) Read Online Nikki Sloane

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Nashville Neighborhood Series by Nikki Sloane

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116232 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 387(@300wpm)

That’s the plan.

She’d said it like a warning. Maybe she was enjoying herself and didn’t want to come so soon, but I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold out. I wanted her. I wanted her almost as badly as I wanted to push her over the edge into ecstasy, and my body and mind were at war with each other.

Wait, no. This war was stupid. I knew what needed to happen.

I kept up my driving tempo, even as I pushed a second finger inside her, and swirled the tip of my tongue against her velvety soft skin. The pitch of her moans changed, as did her hurried breaths, swelling toward the big finish.

And when it happened, she left no doubt about it.

“Oh, my God, I’m gonna . . .” Her back bowed and every muscle in her seemed to tense, and she cried the word like I’d ripped it from her lungs. “Fuck.”

She writhed as the orgasm rolled through her, and I watched with both satisfaction and lust. Her pussy’s rhythmic clenching on my fingers was echoed with the throb of my cock. And the sound of her moans filled the room and clouded my head, pushing all thoughts away but the girl quivering beneath me, splayed across my bed.

I’d always enjoyed making my partner come, but I didn’t remember it being this . . . pleasurable.

When her gasps and gulps of air began to quiet, I could hear my pulse thundering in my ears. It turned out that making her climax had a powerful effect on both of us.

I crawled up the length of her body and collapsed onto my side next to her, planting a kiss on her bare shoulder. It was tame, but I figured she’d probably like a few more moments to recover. Her orgasm had sounded consuming.

Plus, I still had my pants on and needed to get to work rectifying that.

My hands damn near shook as I undid the button and jerked down my zipper. I moved with speed, but was clumsy with desire, and I only had my jeans and underwear pushed down around my knees when Charlotte’s hand locked on my shoulder. She shoved me, forcing me to roll onto my back, and climbed on top of me.

I grinned up at her in pleasant surprise. There was that assertiveness I liked so much. But she was straddling me, and when she ground her body against mine, all thought evaporated.

Her sexy panties were the only barrier between us, and the fabric was whisper thin. It meant I could feel every move she made as she rocked her body over me. Every slide of her hot pussy along the length of my cock. Each rotation of her hips, which pressed the damp fabric against my sensitized skin.

Fuck, it made me wild. I was drunk with lust and filled my hands with the weight of her small, perfect tits. I didn’t deserve a night like this. Didn’t think it was even possible to still pull a girl this hot, and yet, here we were. Only a heartbeat away from sex—

Oh, shit.

Where the fuck had I packed my condoms?

Before the move, I’d emptied my nightstand drawers. They had to be in one of the boxes in the bathroom. But which one?

I’ve been so distracted with that thought, I hadn’t realized Charlotte was slowly working her way down my body. As she mouthed kisses down my bare chest, her hand closed around my dick.

One firm tug from her wrung a groan of pleasure from me, and my vision hazed. The second pump of her fist felt even better, and I had to lock my teeth to prevent another moan from escaping.

The ends of her long hair trailed over my skin as she continued to move down, making her way toward my waist. Was she going to—?

“Yes,” I sighed.

Her mouth was like lava when it closed around me, and the power of it forced my eyes shut. She kept going, too, nearly to the base. It was instinctual, the way my hips thrust, trying to get her all the way down, but she seemed prepared for it and retreated.

Her tongue swirled and her cheeks hollowed out as she sucked. The heat of it moved through my legs like an electric current. My heart fell out of rhythm and sputtered along. And it was almost impossible to catch my breath.

Once again, my body and my mind went to war with each other. This blowjob felt so fucking amazing I didn’t want it to end, but at the same time . . . I wanted to be buried deep inside her pussy, not just her mouth. It was more fun if we were both getting off.

I watched the mesmerizing bob of her head, and my fists clenched at the sensation. She was, like, way too good at this. If she wasn’t careful, I was going to finish in her mouth.


