The Boyfriend Comeback (The Boyfriend Zone #1) Read Online Lauren Blakely

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Boyfriend Zone Series by Lauren Blakely

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 117872 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 589(@200wpm)___ 471(@250wpm)___ 393(@300wpm)

My brain relocates to my dick. Hell, my heart too, beating in my cock. Everything aches intensely between my thighs. My entire world is there, right there, and Jason McKay is lighting up my body.

He sucks me deep, thrusts another finger into me, then crooks it just so.

“Ohfuckfuckfuck,” I shout.

My vision turns neon, billboards flashing brightly in my mind. I can barely withstand the pleasure whipping through me. But I manage this much: “Now. Fuck me now,” I demand.

My dick falls from his mouth. His lips are obscenely wet. He reaches for a condom on the nightstand, swiping his hand across the towel he left there.

On his knees, he opens the wrapper carefully, then rolls the protection down his shaft. I want to be a part of every moment, so I push up on my elbows. “Let me lube you up.”

“Do it,” he says, handing me the bottle.

I coat my palm, then slick up his dick. He spears my fist for a few long strokes, then bats my hand away so he can dip his face to mine and plant the most devastating kiss on my mouth.

“How do you want me?” Jason asks when he breaks the kiss.

“Don’t make love to me. Fuck me,” I tell him, then spread my legs, and lift my knees.

With one hand, he pushes the back of my right thigh up toward my chest. I’m so vulnerable right now, and I don’t care about anything but how I feel.


He locks his gaze on mine. “You trust me, Cafferty?”

How can he even ask? “You know I do, McKay,” I say plainly, baring my soul.

“Then I’m gonna fuck you hard like you want.” He growls, and I’m so damn relieved that he’s not treating me like I’m precious. I don’t want him to go gentle with me.

He notches the head of his cock against me and pushes in.

I grit my teeth. And wow. Holy fuck. This hurts.

“Tell me to stop and I will,” he rasps.

“Not a chance in hell,” I mutter, then grab my left thigh and open myself more.

His entire body shudders above me. It’s beautiful and sexy. “Beck,” he moans, then sinks into me.

All. The. Way.

The pressure is intense. The stretch is uncomfortable. But the sensation is almost good. The man I’ve fantasized about for two years sinks deep into my body, and I’m this close to pleasure. I’m even closer when he kisses me, a bruising kiss that overwhelms me. Then, with his lips barely on mine, he starts to move.

I haul in a breath, shivering. He swivels his hips, eases out, pausing, and then plunging back in.

There is no pain. Only pleasure.

“You,” he moans.

He can’t finish the sentence. I don’t think I can speak either. I can only grunt and groan as he fucks me in long, slow strokes. My skin buzzes with excitement. My bones rattle with lust as we find a rough and dirty rhythm. He doesn’t treat me like I’m a virgin. He pounds me like a man who wants to bury his cock in his lover.

“Harder,” I urge.


“I can take it. I want it.” I’m a fucking pro athlete. I can handle whatever he can bring. I reach around, grab his ass, and jerk him deep.

My body lights up with each jolt. It hurts in the best of ways. I’m being fucked within an inch of my life, and it’s everything I imagined.

With each punishing thrust, Jason gives me the sex I’ve been craving. Deep, hard, passionate sex with him.

Desperate to come, I slide a hand between us, gripping my length.

“Let me do it,” he says, then rises to his knees and takes over for my hand, jerking and fucking me and setting my nerve endings on fire.

I can’t take it. The wicked heat twists inside me and then bursts. I cry out, shooting all over my stomach and his hand. It feels like I’ll never stop coming. With one long guttural groan, he drives deep, stills, and shudders.

Then he collapses onto me, his slick chest against mine, his face buried in my neck, his lips tenderly kissing my skin. “That was sooo . . .”

“Incredible,” I say.

“You are just . . .”

“So are you,” I whisper.

My body feels used in the best of ways. I am spent, and I am happy. Especially since I’m not going to wake up at five in the morning.

Fifteen minutes later, I’ve taken my third shower of the day because sex is both awesome and messy. At least this one isn’t solo. Jason and I get out, dry off, and slide under fresh sheets.

In the dark, he reaches for me. “How was it?”

I know he wants an honest answer, but I love to have fun with him. “Not too bad,” I say drily.

He bites my shoulder.

“We can do it again if you want to try to improve your technique,” I add.


