The Black Sheep – Part 2 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #4) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

“Everybody is fighting demons, Roman, but the blessing is that we get to rise up and enter a brand-new day, a chance to fight them a little bit more.” Nodding in agreement, he scooted so close behind her, he couldn’t resist ushering her long braids off to the side and resting his face against the back of her neck. “Maybe even be more successful than we were yesterday.”

“You ever lost anyone you loved besides your grandfather?”

“Yeah.” She began picking at a piece of lint on her sweater. “I’ve lost friends to gun violence, car accidents, and disease. But I’ve seen new life, too.” He could see her cheeks plump up from behind. A smile was born, too. “I saw my best friend give birth to my goddaughter, Sharmaine. I’ll never forget it for as long as I live. Life and death are different, but in some ways they’re the same, and as long as I still can take another breath, I refuse to ever lose myself to something or someone that isn’t worthy of being lost to—and ain’t nothin’ in this world worth that, Roman.” She turned to him. “It could be a blunder we’ve made that now troubles us. Grow from it. Be open to admitting mistakes. More importantly, be open to makin’ wrongs right when possible, and forgiving yourself for any missteps along the way.”

Genesis stopped talking. Her story, bits of information about her, were woven together specifically for him. There was a message in it that came from somewhere above her. He knew it. He felt it. Perhaps it was because he’d confessed his sins to her while on the airplane. I must’ve. I don’t remember doing it, but I just must’ve! Just a handful of people flying high on that red eye. Maybe he’d treated her like his little notebook that Grandpa had stolen. Used her as a blank page to get it all out? Or maybe, she wasn’t aware of any of his transgressions whatsoever, at least not on the surface, but she felt compelled to say these things to him nevertheless.

Whatever the reason, he took it and deliberated over it now. Choices had to be made. A revelation came to him as they sat there in that lobby. One that let him know that the time to act was NOW…


Writing Some Chicken Scratch

The machines made a disjointed, strange harmony. Roman took a few steps into the room, clutching his jacket to his chest. Genesis was right behind him, like a loving shadow. He glanced at his father being tended to by a nurse, then looked over his shoulder. His eyes set upon two bright ones, despite her being sleep deprived.

“Baby, do you mind if I have a minute alone wit’ him first?”

She hesitated for a moment. “Oh, I’m sorry. Of course not… I should’ve—”

“No, it’s okay.” He kissed her forehead. “You’re just tryna help. As usual.” She cast her eyes downward. He handed her his phone.

“What’s this for?”

“I imagine my mama is making folks aware of the situation. If anybody calls about Reeves while I’m in this hospital room, you can let ’em know he’s in the hospital for me, and for now, he’s stable but not out of the woods. If you see a message from my grandfather though, don’t respond. His contact number’ll pop up in my phone as ‘GEEZER.’” She didn’t seem surprised by that statement. In fact, she simply nodded in understanding. “My password for my phone is 412172. Just bypass the facial ID and type that in incase someone texts or calls about my father.”

“4…1…2…1…7…2. Got it.” She took his phone. “I’ll be right out here if you need me.” She pointed to the door. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

She blew him a kiss then turned and walked away.

He stood several feet away from his father. Pop’s eyes were closed, a bandage over part of his neck, and a tube flowing out of his throat. He approached him, and watched as the nurse entered some information into a computer.

“Can he… can he hear me, you think?”

“It’s possible. He’s asleep. He’s on some pretty heavy pain management medications right now, too, but you can try.” She sighed and offered a tight smile. “I’ll be back in an hour.” He nodded and sat down as she left the room.

Roman folded his jacket over his lap and just looked at his father. He studied his skin… the paleness that had set in. Dad had always been fairly tan, like him. Now he was ghostly, and an unnatural rosiness tinted his cheeks and forehead. They’d shaved his thick black beard away, perhaps in desperation to get access to his trachea and keep the wound clean. He hadn’t seen his father without a beard since he was a small child. He was almost unrecognizable. Worn and crude bluish black tattoos lined his limbs: warring battleships, soldiers holding guns, a skull with a gold tooth, bags of money, and scantily clad women. His father’s veined and scarred hands were folded against his chest. As if he were dead.


