Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
“Roman Wilde, I’m Sherriff Gomes. You were arrested and brought in last night on a drunk drivin’ charge. The legal limit is 0.08%, and you—”
“Stop the cap.” Roman’s head lulled back, then he chuckled while glaring at the ceiling. It was water-stained, and the bright lights above glowed like UFOs. “You know I’m here under some false pretenses and illegal bullshit.”
“Illegal bullshit? I ’spose you’re a law professor now, Roman? A high falutin’ judge missing from your chambers? Hell, maybe you’re an undercover officer and I just wasn’t told?”
“No, sir. None of that.”
“An attorney? Shit… paralegal?” He chuckled mercilessly. “Well then, since you’re no expert, I suggest you keep quiet about things you don’t understand. Last I checked, you were only a simple investment banker.”
“I see research isn’t your strong suit. I’m an Associate with Goldman Sachs who makes your salary times ten, and I’ve worked with several top fortune 500 companies. I manage over fifty Analysts now. I started fresh out of grad school as an investment banker doing long hours and grub work, but honest work all the same. I’m proud of what I accomplished in such a short period of time, especially since most of the guys in my current position have grandchildren and AARP cards, but the only card that was pulled last night was my license, Sheriff Gonad, after I was unlawfully pulled over. To sweeten the pot, y’all threw in a bit of resisting arrest when I did nothin’ but ask for a couple of badge numbers. Cooperated fully. I know my rights.”
“If I had a dime for every time someone said that to me, I’d be rich!”
“I had one damn beer, and there were at least three witnesses who can vouch for me. I was down there with some old friends. I left the bar alone, and that’s when the shit hit the fan. I’m certain you and your little tambourine band will try to intimidate those witnesses and get them to make false statements against me if push comes to shove, at my grandfather’s command.”
“You sound crazy. You were drunk, Roman. You’re a slickster. Always trying to get out of something, right? Isn’t that what you are?”
“I am a slickster, but right now, I’m telling the truth—we both know it. You seem to think you know what I am, but you don’t realize that you’re a brown nosin’, two-faced, dishonest liar. I didn’t get ’hind the wheel and blow no limit.”
“The breathalyzer says otherwise.”
“It didn’t. More lies, and anyone who knows me is aware that I love myself, my car, and my damn freedom too much for those sorts of monkeyshines. All of y’all are paid by my grandfather.”
“You sound delusional and highly paranoid, Mr. Wilde.” Sheriff Gomes crossed his arms and threw him a look of pity.
“And you sound stupid to believe that I can’t see what’s goin’ on here, and that you should’ve kept your nose out of my feud with that old man. My grandfather just got finished trying to destroy my cousin Lennox, and now, it’s my turn at bat.”
“Well, I can’t tell you who’s on third, boy, but I can say now that you’ve got a new charge. Assault. You almost killed a man in your cell. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.”
“He’s in an ambulance fighting for his life. You’re here with barely a scratch.” The man scanned him, his gaze moving from his head down to his feet. “He’s much bigger than you. Looks like a gentle giant against a raging lunatic, if you ask me.”
“I was takin’ a nap on that dirty ass, shit-stained mattress, and that man clocked me in my fucking face. I merely told him what time it was and made sure his clock got cleaned in the process. He was bankin’ on a minute man, and I gave him a lifetime. I had time today and he realized that, but not a second too soon. Tic Tok body rock. Plain ’nd simple.”
Sheriff Gomes stared at Roman, his hand beneath his chin, looking more curious than anything else.
“…I wonder why all of this is happening?” he said in a low voice, his lips slightly upturned at the corners.
“You should ask those questions first.”
“It’s none of my business, really,” Gomes groaned, stretched his legs, and crossed his ankles. “Just doing my job.”
Roman shrugged. “Your job is to protect and serve. Not be hired to do my grandfather’s dirty work. You shoulda looked into me, sir. That would have helped you a great deal.”
“Who says I didn’t?”
“Well, if you’d done a better job, then you’d know that I’m the black sheep of the Wilde family for a reason.” Their eyes locked. “I’ll give you the CliffsNotes so that we don’t have to invent the wheel all over again. Save you a bit of time. You’re lookin’ at an ex-marine familiar with ground combat and asymmetric warfare. I was unfairly dishonorably discharged due to a, shall we say, violent episode.” The sheriff visibly swallowed. “… And you put me in a cell with a guy you were sure would beat my ass, based on his size and record of ferocity. Follow along. I’ll talk slowly so you don’t miss a beat. Ferocity…Didn’t know I knew big words like that, did ya? The problem was you didn’t expect me to know how to handle myself.”