The Bewitching Twin Read online Donna Fletcher (Twin Series #2)

Categories Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Twin Series Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 90574 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 453(@200wpm)___ 362(@250wpm)___ 302(@300wpm)

“Wondered what?”

“If Giann had summoned her?”

Aliss stood perfectly still, not sure who the glaring green eyes belonged to, animal or human. Her urge to flee dissipated and her heartbeat calmed. She instinctively realized she had nothing to fear, though much to say.

“I am glad we finally meet.”

Aliss stared as sunlight spotlighted the woman who emerged from the woods, the cloud having drifted away from the sun. She was stunning, with blond hair and green eyes that claimed the color of the forest. Her garments blended with nature’s own colors so that her tall, graceful body could move within the woods undetected. She carried a gnarled walking stick that was topped with a claw that held a clear stone.

“You are Giann,” Aliss said.

“And you are Aliss, one of the twins.”

She drifted closer to Aliss, and that is exactly how it appeared—as if she drifted, not walked, toward her.

“Whose life you have interfered with much too long.”

“Not I, fate,” Giann said gently, and led her to a thick, flat stone.

Aliss had been anticipating their meeting and she eagerly sat beside the woman. “Are you telling me fate was responsible for my sister’s and my abduction? You had nothing at all to do with it?”

“You both were meant to fulfill a destiny. I was meant to help and guide you along the way.”

“You talk of the prophecy.”

Giann nodded.

“My sister and I suffered because doom was predicted for the clan and in order to avoid it our uncle thought to sacrifice us. Not to mention the untold suffering of my parents and brother, wondering all those years what had happened to us. And you tell me all that was due to fate?”

“Fate must be appeased.”

“At any expense?”

“What expense have you suffered?” Giann asked gently. “Your sister has wed a man she loves. Raynor, your brother, thrives on reuniting with you both. Your parents will greet a new granddaughter soon and watch her grow into a fine young woman—and you?”

Giann looked her over with a loving glance. “You will help fulfill the final part of the prophecy so that peace may finally be achieved.”

“How so?”

“You will discover that in time. Fate has yet to be completely appeased with the current situation.”

“Why isn’t fate appeased?”

“What was once done wrong must be made right.”

“I do not understand.”

“You will when the time comes,” Giann said.

“Fiona and I both wed as the prophecy predicted we must. Does that not settle it?”

“The prophecy was not only about you both marrying.”

“How can you say that?” Aliss asked, perplexed. She then recited, “On a full moon twin babes are born, with their birth sounds the horn, eyes of green, hair of red, destruction comes unless both wed.”

“That is not the prophecy.”

“It isn’t?” Aliss asked incredulously.

Giann smiled, raised her hands to the heavens as if drawing down the light to her, and recited, “On a full moon twin babes are born, with their birth sounds the horn, eyes of green, hair of red, destruction comes if for love the twins do not wed, for true love will open the door for peace to reign forever more.”

“The prophecy was always about love?”

“For many, not merely the few.”

“You talk in riddles,” Aliss accused.

Giann smiled like a patient teacher. “Open your heart and you will understand.”

“So we’re back to love again.”

“Love is what connects us all. Understand that and fate will be appeased.”

“Another prediction?” Aliss asked.

Giann reached out and touched her cheek. “No, my child, a gift.”

Chapter 33

Rogan reached the edge of the woods and stopped abruptly. He knew the time would come for Aliss to meet Giann face-to-face. It was what Aliss wanted, and a meeting that was necessary. He had no right to interfere.

He stepped back, grabbed a large stick off the ground and snapped it in two as he paced impatiently. He would give Aliss time. How much, he wasn’t certain, but for now he would wait.

He snapped the now smaller stick again and continued to pace.

A pile of broken sticks covered the ground before he saw Aliss in the distance making her way around the trees. He snapped the last stick he held and tossed it away then stepped forward, eager to greet her.

She stopped in front of him.

“Are you all right?” he asked, not certain why her green eyes glared so brightly.

“I met with Giann.”

“Did the meeting go well?”

“Do you think it is possible for me to be more confused now than I was before?”

He shrugged, realizing it would be better for him to listen.

“Love. It all comes down to love. For the many not just the few.” She began to pace in front of him. “Love is a gift, she says, but who gives the gift?” She stopped pacing and poked him in the chest. “And what if I don’t want the gift? Can I give it back? And is the gift even for me?” She threw up her hands and continued pacing.


