The Beloved – Black Dagger Brotherhood Read Online J.R. Ward

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 145
Estimated words: 138274 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 691(@200wpm)___ 553(@250wpm)___ 461(@300wpm)

Out the far end, he came up to V’s glass box, and paused before he knocked. Inside, a tall young male with a shock of black hair and a lanky frame was staring over the brother’s shoulder. The two were talking about something neither of them was happy about, their identical frowns the kind of thing you might see in a movie that spanned an entire lifetime, one the boy, the other the man.

Vishous glanced over and motioned for entrance.

“Another night in paradise,” the brother said as Z came through the door.

“Always.” Z waved at Allhan who, as usual, appeared surprised that there was someone else with them. The kid always looked surprised. “What’s good, Al.”

Vishous’s protégé stammered something, then went back to looking at the four screens that were obstructed by a privacy filter. The flush that hit that lean face was another as-usual. His social anxiety was so crippling, it was a wonder he could acknowledge anyone.

“Whatta we got about the Bathe parking lot shooting? Anything?” Z asked.

V shook his head. “I sent a representative down there as soon as they opened tonight. Management said there was no footage, that the system’s ‘malfunctioning.’ ” The air quotes were mimed with a dry look. “When the human’s brain was investigated, it was a lie—big surprise. But the club hadn’t followed up with the CPD and there’s nothing in the papers or the news. I’m guessing that rear entrance sees a lot of illegal activities and they don’t want any trouble.”

“And no bodies showing up anywhere.”

“Nope. And no mention of a Mercedes full of bullet holes in the CPD impound, or at any of the major tow services. Right, Al?”

The kid stuttered a response that was in the general range of affirmative.

“Okay, good.” Z stepped in behind so he could see what was on the monitors. “Can I watch the tunnel footage from that office building?”

“You got it.” V leaned forward and tapped on one of his keyboards at lightning speed. “Here it is—Al, you can go.”

Allhan nodded like a bobblehead on the dashboard of a car, and disappeared out the glass door.

“Lessers freak him out.” V sat back as the screens changed what they were showing. “So we avoid exposing him when we can.”

“He still living with you?”

Those diamond eyes swung up and around. “Why wouldn’t he be?”

Z put his palms out. “Just making conversation.”

“Luchas House is too noisy. He doesn’t sleep well there.”

“You’re really good to take him in.”

V frowned. “He’s just staying with us. His utility here is invaluable, and without a stable environment, he’s not able to function at a high level.”

“So it’s just about work, riiiiiight.”

Those diamond eyes narrowed. “It’s just about work. Don’t complicate a critical member of the team’s efforts with sentimentality.”

Even though it wasn’t in Z’s nature to submit to anything, he put up his palms, all don’t-shoot-me. ’Cuz the shit was fucking amusing.

“I wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing.”

As the brother went back to the monitors with a determination that bordered on a temper tantrum, Z had to smile a little. But he knew better than to keep ribbing the guy, even though, as Lassiter always said, Vishous could use the exercise.

And then it was time to focus on the screens and the various images of the induction site with all those buckets.

“Infrared… a thing of beauty,” Z murmured.

“You had a great idea. Those micro-cameras are highly effective, and we got really good angles.”

“I want in that tunnel.”

“You’re getting no argument from me on that.” V sat back in his chair and stroked his goatee with his gloved hand. “But you’re gonna have to talk to Tohr about it—and it’s gonna be an uphill climb. You know how much he hates unfamiliar tunnels. Hard to control egress and ingress, no coverage, it gets him antsy—”

“We need a drone.”

V’s brows popped. Then he sported a that’s-not-actually-ridiculous expression. “Except we can’t hide that as well. Something flying around in there? The lessers are just going to use it as batting practice.”

“You’re going to get us through that combination lock somehow. And then we use a nano-drone. Just slip it in and let it go to town.”

“That’s what she said,” V muttered with distraction as he stared at the screens.

“Have our cameras picked up anything?” Z asked.

“One lesser came through, looking twitchy. He checked out the elevator, headed up the stairs. No Lash, though. No inductions. Al set up a screening program for the feeds, but went through all the footage himself anyway.” There was a lift of pride in that deep voice. “He trusts, but verifies, especially when a brother is waiting on something.”

“He’s a good kid.”

V grunted and changed the subject. “The encryption on that vault’s locking system is impressive. Haven’t seen much like it.”

Zsadist glanced out through the glass walls. Al’s desk was set away from the others, in the corner, facing the wall. As always, the kid’s dark head was lowered, his thin fingers flying over his keyboard.


