The Baron’s Bride – Alien Mate Index Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 101280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 506(@200wpm)___ 405(@250wpm)___ 338(@300wpm)

“I would very much like to see it,” the Empress said, nodding.

“Well in that case, Natalie and I need to switch places,” I told her. “Natalie? Baby?” I murmured, looking down at her.

With apparent reluctance she pulled away from my shaft, giving the crown a last, sucking kiss before she looked up at me.

“Yes, Vik’tor?” she said innocently. “What do you want me to do?”

“Just stand up,” I told her. “I’ll do the rest, baby.”

I saw her big brown eyes go wide for a moment and then they were half-lidded with excitement as I helped her to her feet.



It was my turn to go to my knees in front of Natalie and I didn’t waste any time. Finally I was going to get to taste that sweet, hot little pussy of hers and I couldn’t fucking wait. But I thought it might be better to do it this way—with her standing and me kneeling in front of her. If I had her lie down and spread her legs wide, she would probably feel too exposed. At least this way we had a little cover.

Slowly, I knelt before her. Because of our height difference, I was still going to have to stoop a little to get where I needed to go, but before I did that, I wanted to suck her tight nipples again. They were poking out from between the long, silver strands of her dress like ripe berries and I was aching to suck them.

Brushing the strands aside, I cupped one full breast in my hand, loving the contrast of my pale skin against her smooth brown. I brought her nipples to my mouth, sucking softly at first and then harder, drawing a low moan from between her lips.

“I see—your male is stimulating you orally in order to get you ready to receive his shaft—his ‘cock’—correct?” the Empress asked Natalie.

“Yes, Your…Your Majesty.” Natalie’s voice sounded breathless as I palmed her other breast and began tugging gently at the nipple I wasn’t sucking.

“And should I demand that the Dark Emperor do the same for me if we should meet?” the Rainbow Empress asked.

“Absolutely,” Natalie told her but she was looking at me as she spoke. “And…and you ought to ask him to do other things to you too. Things to get you ready for him.”

“What things?” the Empress demanded and I reflected that the first thing I ought to export to their planet was some halfway decent instructional porn. Apparently after being apart for so long, they didn’t know how to do a damn thing anymore when it came to sex!

“You can…you can have him taste your pussy,” Natalie murmured.

She was looking at me a little uncertainly as she spoke, as though she wasn’t sure what I would say to this. I was still busy sucking her ripe nipples, first one then the other and then going back again, but I made a low approving growl in the back of my throat. This had been my intention all along—hell yes, I wanted to taste that sweet pussy of hers!

“Taste your what?” the Empress asked, further betraying her ignorance of anything to do with sex.

“Your pussy—your ‘female equipment,’ I guess you might call it,” Natalie told her breathlessly. “Just take his head and put it between your legs—like this.”

And she grabbed me by the horns and pushed me down her body until my face was right at the level of her thighs.

I went willingly, loving the way she was guiding me. With some females, you can’t be sure if what you’re doing is doing anything for them or if they’re enjoying themselves. So I fucking love it when they take control and show me exactly what they want—exactly what they need.

Natalie seemed ready to do that now. She spread her legs, widening her stance to give me room to work. Then, still holding me by my horns, she pulled my face right to her pussy.

My cock surged hard and I groaned as I felt her heat and wetness brush my lips. She smelled so damn good—a sweet feminine musk that made me want her so badly I couldn’t stand it anymore.

I pushed the silver strips of her dress aside and wrapped my arms around her upper thighs. Pushing my face forward, I slipped my tongue between her outer pussy lips and lapped her clit.

I heard her gasp and then her soft little hands tightened on my horns, urging me onward. I didn’t need to be told twice. I pressed harder, burying my tongue in her sweet little slit, lapping away the honey she was making and begging for more.

“Oh!” I heard Natalie gasp as she swayed on the golden mattress. She might have fallen if I hadn’t had my arms wrapped around her, holding her steady. “Oh, God, Vik’tor!”

I fucking loved it when she moaned my name like that! I pressed deeper, lapping and sucking as she continued running her soft little hands all over my horns and through my hair. My cock was dripping with pre-cum because I wanted her so damn badly but I wanted to make her come on my tongue before I did anything else. Wanted to taste her honey fresh from the source as she gave it up for me completely.


